GT5 at DigiExpo

  • Thread starter Zimmerd
Interesting, it still doesn't tell us much. I'm wondering if there's a loss in translation and he's talking about custom(sound) tracks being unlocked ala GT PSP. Or if he is talking about creating tracks as in race tracks then is it going to be a basic editor lining tracks out of cones for example or will it be a full blown track editor.
Interesting, it still doesn't tell us much. I'm wondering if there's a loss in translation and he's talking about custom(sound) tracks being unlocked ala GT PSP. Or if he is talking about creating tracks as in race tracks then is it going to be a basic editor lining tracks out of cones for example or will it be a full blown track editor.

Hmmmm, quite.
Very interesting indeed, especially with Amar's 3rd wind:

Third tale says that for the first time ever skypaths will not be just solid and already known but that new skypaths will be built by birdtamers from the parts of existing skypaths.
-He said the game is going to be released next spring.
-He said this is the newest code from a Japanese Game Show. (Tokyo?)
-He confirmed the Track Editor at 2:25 by saying "You can make your own tracks."
-"Online is going to be huge in this game too."
-He said the game is going to be released next spring.
-He said this is the newest code from a Japanese Game Show. (Tokyo?)
-He confirmed the Track Editor at 2:25 by saying "You can make your own tracks."
-"Online is going to be huge in this game too."

Is the Finnish word he used for tracks the same word that would be used in sound/music tracks? (sorry I have no idea how these things translate)
I still don't think there will be such thing...
It's just the Finnish dude doesn't know anything about it...
Like GT5 folders that say the release date is still 4th quarter 2009...
Bet we know more than he does.
There have been track editors in many games so there is no real reason why GT could not have one. Track editor would be the one thing that would make GT "step out of the box".
The game Rallycross back in PSone days has track editor, really fun to use. I wonder where is at now. Hope I didn't accidently threw it away :(.
Would be even more amazing if you can play those tracks online.

Perhaps a option to join lobbies with custom made tracks.

If the editor would be implemented, like Amar said, the tracks might be playable online. They just take parts of existing "skypaths" and combine them in a new way. Every player allready has all the tracks and combining them in a different way is something that wouldnt cause too much traffic, because there is just little information needed to tell the other Playstation consoles which parts have to be used and in wich order.

My English is bad, but i hope you understand what i mean.
If there's a track editor (which I REALLY doubt) GT5 will be the greatest drifting playground ever! hehe :D
Thats gonna be so good... I had a tingle up my spine when I read "Gran Turismo 5 track editor confirmed at DigiExpo". :)
A proper track editor would be like a dream come true.
amar said they demoed a feature and Yamauchi denied it will be in the game, the only feature he ever denied was a track editor...
wow, this is great news if it is true. If there is a track editor, we will most likely see all the tracks in the world in GT5 and it will be cool if we can share the tracks online and allow ppl to download the tracks..
Very, very interesting... Could you put his words in context, Timppaq?

Sorry I missed your post, Jordan. What he says:

"Sä rakennat tässä uraa ja ajat kilpaa, ostat uusia autoja, varusteita jne.. Kehityt paremmaks, pystyt tekemään ratoja, kilpailet sitten muita vastaan tuolla verkossa. Verkkomoodi tulee olemaan ihan järkyttävän iso ja suosittu juttu. Virtuaalikilpa-autoilijat pystyy sitten keväällä kilpaileen toisiaan vastaan tässä realistisessa ympäristössä."


"As you build your career and go further in it, buy new cars, accessories, etc.. You become better, you can make tracks, then racing against others online. The online side of the game will be quite massive and popular feature. In spring, the virtual racers can race against each others in this realistic environment."

But as I said, I won't be holding my breath, he might have meant something else even when those ARE the exact words he used. You just never know from these guys... And also it was quite hard to translate into english. He doesn't have the best mannerism in his speak :P (sorry Suman).