The Vanishing Boy
- 9,000
- Quezon City, Philippines & Las Vegas, NV
- GTP_VanishingBoy
- Vanishing Boy
I don't really understand how having the clutch pedal close to the brake pedal affects heel-and-toe downshifts. If your left foot is getting caught on the back of the brake pedal while trying to engage the clutch, that would be happening whenever you shifted gear, up or down, whether you were double-clutching or not, or braking or not. Heel and toe tests the relationship between accelerator and brake, not clutch and brake, and to heel and toe, your right foot would tend to be towards the right side of the brake pedal, far away from the clutch pedal, so that it can reach the throttle with a comfortable twist of the ankle. I've certainly had no problems heel-and-toeing with the G25, but then I do have small feet...
^ The problem is I have a big feet, size 13 (US) as a matter of fact. Somehow, my right foot nudges my left whenever I want to do a left-foot brake. And, my heel-toe style is quite different than the normal/traditional one, I have to do is to anchor my heel on to the floor and I use a toe-toe effect. The problem is (for a tall guy like me) is that, doing the heel-toe on a "narrow" pedals is more of a chore. I tried the G25 at Fry's electronics playing TD:U on PC, I was applying my "toe-toe" application and it was very hard to do it, same goe to left-foot braking. But double-clutching is okey.