GT5 Demo Engine Sound

Does the engine sound for the 370z in the GT5 demo sound like the real car? Because from what I heard it kinda sounds like my vacuum.... But I don't know what the real 370z sounds like soooo.
Does the engine sound for the 370z in the GT5 demo sound like the real car? Because from what I heard it kinda sounds like my vacuum.... But I don't know what the real 370z sounds like soooo.

lol i meant it like ya, it sounds like a supercharged turbo vacuum, as in no it dosnt sound like a vacuum it sounds like a 370z from the inside.
This is US version of the 370z.. might have different exhaust because of different laws and regulations..
Sounds about right.

Japanese Version..

right at the beginning, sounds like a vacuum

Joke of the day.
-Do you know what sucks?
-A Vacuum
The exhaust is just too quiet in GT compared to other sound effects. I think the tone of the 370z sounds pretty good, just too quiet.
The sound is rubbish it also sounds the same when inside behind or in hood cam. Pretty feeble.
The sound is rubbish it also sounds the same when inside behind or in hood cam. Pretty feeble.

Sorry man cant agree with you on that i have a 5.1 optical connection and the sounds are pretty good better than GT5P and i know GT5 will be better!!! When i look right the sounds switches from the other speakers to the right side sounds very good also the sounds does switch up with different views.
The sound is rubbish it also sounds the same when inside behind or in hood cam. Pretty feeble.

Sorry, I too dissagree with you on that one and I only run my sound through a 40watt shelf stereo and the sound is a definate improvement over GT5P. I think that in GT5 they will be even better!
Sounds quite genuine to me, not exaggerated like other games.

BTW I use headphones, you pick up much of the finer sound details with them, especially over TV speakers.
I'm sure it sounds fairly similar to how it sounds IRL. To be fair I have only used the cabin view. Stock cars don't generally make a lot of noise.

My G8 - which has a large V8, mind you - had almost no discernible cabin noise with the stock pipes, even less than the demo's 370Z.
I didn't know anyone actually bought G8's! I thought they were destined to fail in the US. (Please tell me you know where that car was built and by whom)

Btw I think the 370 sounds fairly lifelike. Still vacumm-ish but good.
Sounds better then GT5P especially on an HDMI receiver :) The low revs have a nice sense of bass and rumble. The sound as slight more layers to it giving the impression of other sounds like tranny sounds and slight tone differences in the exhaust note. When getting off the throttle you can hear the throttle body open and closing with the tune ver. Z. It could be the intake sound...but in any case it as improved from GT5P.

I think if PD could add sound affects like little rocks hitting the wheel well, brake noise with upgraded brakes, backfire from exhaust, and exhaust noise echoing off the walls would definitely make the sound more natural.
the sounds of standard every day cars (eg toyota camry etc) at full throttle usually sound like a vac....have to get into the real sporty cars to actually hear something special (eg AMG and the like) though even the older GTR,s had vac cleaner overtones in the way they sounded! (when was the last time you heard a GTR that didnt have aftermarket exhaust go by??) Still i wouldnt mind if they overdid the sound of the cars a they do in Forza!
I think if PD could add sound affects like backfire from exhaust
man the tuned version z has backfire effects just turn up the high notes of your speakers and you should hear it when you are changing gears,if you have equalizer:tup:and have a happy new year
When you're inside a car with the windows rolled up, you pretty much just hear the engine, road noise and wind, maybe just a hint of exhaust, but thats it. Things tend to sound muffled unless you are in a race car. Sometimes people forget this. I remember seeing plenty of stock cars like an M5 for example racing around Lime Rock, and you could barley hear it as it went by. The car cutting through the air and tire squeal was pretty much all you heard.
The sound is rubbish it also sounds the same when inside behind or in hood cam. Pretty feeble.

So you probably did not play prologue, or the GT5 demo i guess. The sounds from exterior and interior are different.

The sounds in the demo are far better than in GT5 Prologue and they rank among the best and most realistic car sounds in any video game. But the exhausts are a bit to quiet and the noise of the wind is too loud aswell.