GT5 Demo: Help Driving Without ABS

  • Thread starter MowTin
I'm struggling to drive without ABS. What's the techinque I should use?

I thought you break gently until you hear the sound of wheel lock. Then you ease off.

Problem soon as I press on the brake ever so locks up.

Can you turn and brake? (Trail braking)
Is the goal to make no sounds or as little as possible when braking?

Edit: I'm using DFP
Yes ABS is on in the demo but it is much more mild that in GT5P (even when set on 1), but nothing to allow lock ups and anything above 10km/h even will full braking power.
I know the ABS is suppose to be on in the demo but it sure feels like it's off as you can't brake in the middle of a turn just like when ABS is off by GT standards.

To OP, you have to learn to brake before the corner, this will also lower your time as you can accelerate out the exit giving a higher top speed at the end of the next corner, cutting down your times since you were at a higher speed for a longer period of time.
In another thread they came to the conclusion, brake like DHolland (MarkWebber in posts).

It seems very difficult to equal, that is why he mostly relises times everyone else thinks are impossible. But it seems simple, looking at it.
However, his secret exercise, exercise, exercise, works more slowly for some people, like me, then for others.

He does use a wheel, might be more difficult to do with a Sintaxis.
Anyway, pick up some tips, but you are unique, so this is also valid for your driving style.