GT5/GT PSP Interaction

  • Thread starter GT5_Racer


It’s not unreasonably pessimistic to say that just because a car is in Gran Turismo PSP, it may not be in Gran Turismo 5. It’s been debated in our forums at length, and we won’t have a definitive answer until we can directly compare the car list from each game. However, things look a bit brighter when you consider this recent interview with Kazunori Yamauchi by French gaming site JVN. When asked about the “interactivity” between GT PSP and GT5, he responds:
“If [the user] unlocks a car in GranTurismo PSP, it will also be available in Granturismo 5.
Sony are smart, connecting both games will boost sales of both of them. Great job guys:tup:
Yes.. they might also have cars only accessible through the PSP for you to be able to transfer them to gt5 (What I mean is you cant unlock them till you unlock their GTPSP counterparts).
Yes.. they might also have cars only accessible through the PSP for you to be able to transfer them to gt5 (What I mean is you cant unlock them till you unlock their GTPSP counterparts).
only? Never gonna happen, they would be criticized all over the world and gt5 would be a flop. What if a gt player doesnt own the psp/psp go + gt mobile? It's pretty expensive hardware you know that? I'd have to buy it in order to get a ferrari fxx(example) in gt5? No sir, for exclusive cars there's DLC content (and maybe a premium version of the game) ...CHEAPER than buying a psp
only? Never gonna happen, they would be criticized all over the world and gt5 would be a flop. What if a gt player doesnt own the psp/psp go + gt mobile? It's pretty expensive hardware you know that? I'd have to buy it in order to get a ferrari fxx(example) in gt5? No sir, for exclusive cars there's DLC content (and maybe a premium version of the game) ...CHEAPER than buying a psp

yes but you don't understand, they have to give people some sort of incentive to buy GTPSP as well as GT5, I'm not gonna go and buy GTPSP if GT5 is out a couple of months later when its about 100 times better. It's marketing strategy. (not saying its gonna happen but if it was to happen)

and i doubt the whole of GT5 will be a flop cause there are a few exclusive cars, you've got about 700 more to choose from?

It's not up to me or you to decide what'll happen, up to the chaps in SONY and PD. their games their rules. and as we have no solid information on how GT5 will be let's not count anything out of possibility.
yes but you don't understand, they have to give people some sort of incentive to buy GTPSP as well as GT5, I'm not gonna go and buy GTPSP if GT5 is out a couple of months later when its about 100 times better. It's marketing strategy. (not saying its gonna happen but if it was to happen)
I don't understand? Putting cars in gt5 unlockable ONLY if I own a psp ($$$) AND gt mobile ($$) is not marketing, it's madness. Cars from gtmob. will already be un gt5 unlocked or not.... or will certainly be available via DLC at a reasonable price...
Plus gt mobile and gt5 are not the same thing. Interaction doesn't necessairly means I have to buy a hundreds of dollars equipment in order to virtually drive a car on another hardware. Get real. No company does that... not even MS. A premium version of FM3 will be available with some exclusive cars, plus a usb pendrive plus some extra stuff.... but of course that version of the game won't cost as much as a psp+gtmobile... lol
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Didn't they already do something very similar with Resistance Fall of Man?

it was with resistance 2 and the psp game retribution. a r2 game save would unlock extra content on the psp.

so unlocks and bonuses may go both ways.
I think that with this whole interaction thing that maybe a gt5 release isn't so far away. If the cars are unlocked in gtpsp, they're unlocked in the gt5 version also, so does anyone think that they will release gt5 next year knowing that everyone will unlock all the cars in gtpsp by time it comes out?

It makes me think that maybe the information that jordan receive was correct and that a 2009 release is possible
yes.. They might also have cars only accessible through the psp for you to be able to transfer them to gt5 (what i mean is you cant unlock them till you unlock their gtpsp counterparts).

lol could gran turismo turn into the pokemon series and you have to buy red,blue,green, and yellow just to capture all 150, oh and mewtwo and mew lol haha
I don't understand? Putting cars in gt5 unlockable ONLY if I own a psp ($$$) AND gt mobile ($$) is not marketing, it's madness. Cars from gtmob. will already be un gt5 unlocked or not.... or will certainly be available via DLC at a reasonable price...
Plus gt mobile and gt5 are not the same thing. Interaction doesn't necessairly means I have to buy a hundreds of dollars equipment in order to virtually drive a car on another hardware. Get real. No company does that... not even MS. A premium version of FM3 will be available with some exclusive cars, plus a usb pendrive plus some extra stuff.... but of course that version of the game won't cost as much as a psp+gtmobile... lol

Well they are doing that with assasins creed 2 on PS3 and assasins creed on PSP. There are exclusive weapons on the PSP version that can only be unlocked if you connect both systems together.
If someones done it allready then it isnt that mad for PD to do it aswell.
Im allright because im getting both:sly:
Well they are doing that with assasins creed 2 on PS3 and assasins creed on PSP. There are exclusive weapons on the PSP version that can only be unlocked if you connect both systems together.
If someones done it allready then it isnt that mad for PD to do it aswell.
Im allright because im getting both:sly:
a weapon in assassins creed is not as important as a car in gt5(months of hard work for PD and months/years of gaming for us)
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They might have certain cars that can only be obtained with pspGT, but it wont be a car that everyone is drooling to drive. Perhaps you can unlock a different color, or trim package.

So, if you dont have a psp you will have to buy one of these psp only cars from someone online... hopefully!
a weapon in assassins creed is not as important as a car in gt5.

I'm sure it's just as important if not more important, there are limited amount of weapons in assassins creed while there are (rumoured to be) around 600-800 cars in gt5, so whats the big deal if you miss out on one or two? It'd take a very long time to test and play with all those cars, im sure 1 missing wouldn't make the whole game pointless and a "flop".
I'm sure it's just as important if not more important, there are limited amount of weapons in assassins creed while there are (rumoured to be) around 600-800 cars in gt5, so whats the big deal if you miss out on one or two? It'd take a very long time to test and play with all those cars, im sure 1 missing wouldn't make the whole game pointless and a "flop".

I AGREE. There are only about 20 weapons which compared to 800+ is pretty insignificant. So 1 weapon counts for about 40 cars.