Kazunori Yamauchi on Gran Turismo 7’s Future, the GT World Tour, and More

  • Thread starter Famine
Still wants a game to be a greedy cashgrab, judging my simple lack of events that take literally zero efforts to add, including the fact that they have all these 25 years of creating such. Good job, Kaz.
You'd seriously rather lose your entire garage after working for it than PD being able to fix things on the fly? You do you.
Gran Turismo 2 is still one of the most solid games out there regardless of that rare glitch.
And is still praised today as one of the best games of all time.

So yes, I'd rather have an almost 100% solid game on release than a game released at 50% with the next 40% being fixed over the next 7 years of the games lifecycle.

No doubt are there real benifits to updates, but it lets developers ride scummy practices of releasing half-baked games which mostly never get fixed to completion even with all the updates.

Gran Turismo 4 is the absolute epitome of perfected & solid on release.
Even if GT4 was released in the era of updates, it wouldn't need any, it's just that solid, reliable, and durable, with so much replayability.
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from what i seen it is not standalone , as for Spec 2 - it can be a paid expansion just for PS5 users
Standalone as in it does not change the base game. It's just a new region and gear and whatnot. A Spec 2 expansion on the other hand would (you'd hope) encompass major changes to the game itself.

Then you come to the matter of future updates. Would PD be producing additional content for Spec 2 on top of the base game? Or will support for "free" players be cutoff entirely? And given the updates we've received so far, is PD even capable of producing more content under this live service model?
You'd seriously rather lose your entire garage after working for it than PD being able to fix things on the fly? You do you.
There is a difference between updates needed to fix game breaking glitches and updates needed to finish developing a game that was sold for full price.

Other early access games at least give you the courtesy of a discount and loyalty perks (and are upfront about the fact that you're buying an unfinished game).
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A lot of negative remarks have been made about GT7 and Mr Yamauchi - rightfully so.

But I have to admit, the car selling feature is just nicely done, to me. The cars do feel valuable and the dynamic prices are a cool feature. It doesnt improve the core issues of the game. But this one added feature has been done nicely.

A sentence I read two or three times was:

"GT7 is just a year out, we have much time.. " or sth like that.

Theres two sides to this:

A - In the 2022 game industry a year is a lot of time. A whole lot. You cant just act like the game just came out and nothing could ever be expected at this point in time. A year!!

B - The 2022 game industry sucks for the most part. I've been online gaming since 99 and whilst on the technological side of things a lot has been improved, I am very confused by games like Valorant or Fortnite. Back in the day these games wouldve been considered childish crap, not requiring any skill at all. So if Mr Yamauchi is still in his old school way to look at things, that might be good.
I consider also as a generally good thing that Kaz ain’t following the trend of todays online game culture, but when you eff’d things up, then you should put your own agenda (or whatever you wanna call it) aside for a moment and speak in a clear way to your community. The statement he gave after the update-debacle in march was good, but in my view there hasn’t come a lot of action after it. I don’t have the feeling that what came with the updates wouldn’t have come anyways. Maybe the car-selling feature, but that’s nothing I’m very thankful of because it was advertised before launch and is even written on the game’s box.
We just had 1 new set of missions, right after launch, no new music rally’s, and most importantly a lack of single-player events. I really had more fun with GT Sports Events, they felt also more focused on specific cars or groups of cars.
Post launch support for games are usually front loaded before ramping down to life support mode as the clock ticks down.

Most games are like this. Like, for instance, GT Sport.

So, given that, this past year's post launch support for GT7 was most likely as good as we're going to get, no matter if PD keeps the lights on for another 2-3 years. It'll just be 2-3 years of more of the same, or rather less.

And honestly at this point, if PD is indeed working on GT8, I want them to put GT7 down sooner rather than later. I have no confidence PD would be able to concurrrently work on a PS5 exclusive GT7 Spec 2 and GT8 at the same time without undercooking both.
not all games, especially the ones which underdelivered at launch had some increase over time in support like Fallout 76 or No Man‘s Sky.
But it’s always hard to guess what PD is going to do..
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I'd rather have a unlikely glitch like that to happen while the rest of the game is solid, than every developer out there shovelling unfinished almost untested full-price nonsense in our faces the last 10 years.

To be fair, developers used to release broken and unfinished games in the past too. They were mostly just called bad games and people didn't play them.

The difference in the modern era is that now when a bad game releases it's unclear whether it might be better in the future or if it's always going to be a turd. Particularly given that there's some high profile examples of games with catastrophic releases turning things around in a big way, but I'd venture to say that they're the exception rather than the rule and most games that are bad at launch are still going to be bad a year or two later.
You'd seriously rather lose your entire garage after working for it than PD being able to fix things on the fly? You do you.
I've had corrupted saves and the like. I'd rather have that occasionally than not enjoy practically any new game. Even God of War Ragnarok came out missing photo mode.

Playing 8 new complete games per year with 1 corrupted save > Never really playing a finished game and keeping my saves.
It is a great pity that Kaz is unable or unwilling to give a clear picture of how the game will develop over the next year or so and how he will address some of the criticism and key requests from his customers. Poor PR imo.
How much control does he really have anyway?
You seem emotionally invested, but not in a positive way. These past few months have been extremely encouraging for fans. You should pick up GT7 and give it a spin.

We are discussing likely possibilities. Given the history of Gran Turismo, development timeframes, and Sony's recent history of re-releases. The balance of probability greatly favours a PS5 only GT7 Spec 2, than an all new PS5 only GT8. At least in the timeframe being discussed, which is by 2024.
No it doesn't. Horizon adding a complete extra standalone piece of story content on PS5 only does not set precedence that they're going to straight up stop supporting a live service PS4 title and switch to only supporting it on PS5. They're completely different situations.
Gran Turismo titles are supported for multiple years. Kaz explicitly stated GT7 is at the start of it's post launch plans, with the commercial success of the title, that seems a wise move.
They're supported strongly for about two years at the most. After that, it's minor updates and fixes. I see no evidence or anything Kaz has said to believe GT7 will be any different in that regard. GT7 is different however in that it's the first cross-gen game, and for that reason, I can very much see them stopping support even sooner to focus on the next, PS5 only game.

We're 9 months into updates now and there has only been one significant feature update, and that was just something that was supposed to be there day 1. There is absolutely ZERO sign of any substantial new content or features, beyond the drip feed format they've been following so far. There is no roadmap, there is no tease of future features, or substantial changes to the game.

You're just living in pure hope with your big Spec 2 update full of new stuff.
You've made it clear you don't believe in anything until there's an official press release. I do find it a rather naive position to take, on any enthusiast forum you will find discussion about projects long before they'e officially announced.
I've never said I categorically don't believe a PC version could happen. It could. What I keep calling you out on is constantly mentioning it as if its a matter-of-fact thing, when it's not. Whenever I call you out on your supposed inside information, you go quiet.
There are multiple tiers to PS+, including the new PS4/PS5 game catalogue. Like Forza on Gamepass, any new licensing deals will encompass subscription and streaming rights.
GT games have never been given away in any PS+ offering, I see no reason for that to change. They didn't even give away GT6 when it flopped to try and boost it.
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I think you guys are going to be sorely disappointed when GT8 ditches half it's roster of cars for EVs and Crossovers.
I genuinely wouldn't mind. GT4, GT5 and GT6 had lots of normal, avarage cars and they were my favorite things to drive. Back then in Europe, normal cars were hatchbacks but now they are small SUVs. I would love it if they were to bring them to the game.
My personal hope is that they move exclusively to the PS5 in 2023, hopefully with the PSVR2 update that is bound to come. And when they make the move, they do it with a huge content update for both platforms, that provides many of the things we have been asking for since the game launched. With the PS4 owners "satisfied" they can concentrate on the PS5 version that so far has been limited by a 10 year old console and honestly doesn't look like a PS5 game should.

Maybe, but the thing most lacking from GT7 seems to be races and gameplay content. That's not stuff that's being held back by the PS4, and there's no reason to think that a PS5-only version of GT7 would look any different from a gameplay perspective.

It's always nice if a game looks prettier, but GT7 on PS5 is a good looking game already.
We're 9 months into updates now and there has only been one significant feature update, and that was just something that was supposed to be there day 1. There is absolutely ZERO sign of any substantial new content or features, beyond the drip feed format they've been following so far. There is no roadmap, there is no tease of future features, or substantial changes to the game.

You're just living in pure hope with your big Spec 2 update full of new stuff.
Can you show me on this doll where Mr. Kaz touched you? Such anger, eesh.

Anyway, your join date tells me that you were around Gran Turismo during GT5 and Spec 2. Which, if I can refresh your memory, came out of basically complete nowhere. To modify your phrasing, you're living in complete denial with your absolutely certainty that a "GT7 Spec 2" will never happen. Don't get me wrong, I personally don't see a GT7 Spec 2 happening, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
You mean like the original issue of GT2 where your owned cars could randomly disappear and it wasn't technically possible to achieve 100% completion due to glitches?
This is pretty misleading, since GT2 did have post-release updates to fix this; as have other games that had similar major problems of the era. I wasn't in the community at the time to know whether Sony did any sort trade-in thing for a new disc pressing like other companies have done; but I daresay the 1.2/Greatest Hits versions were likely far more ubiquitous. It certainly took far less time for PD to fix and issue said fixes for the major game breaking issues in GT2 than it did to make it so you can sell cars in GT7 and anything that they begrudgingly put into GT6.

Not to mention the fact that almost all of the race events had zero restrictions aside from power (meaning you could enter a convertible in the station wagon race, for example), or all of the numerous typographical errors in car descriptions.
I think we have a significantly different idea of what "truly unfinished products" means if you're talking about weird event restrictions and issues with spelling mistakes on a feature that vanished from the series for a decade after GT2 anyway (and also had similar goofy errors when said feature came back). No, GT2 wasn't a 100% finished perfect product. That is hyperbole from the original person you were replying to (though the fact that you went straight to GT2 as a response and not GT1 or GT3 or GT4 or GTPSP is telling in itself).

You know what GT2 also wasn't? A game so unfinished despite 16 months of Kaz saying that it was in the polishing stage that it took 4 months to have the ability to adjust gear ratios (and to be frank another 8 months on top of that to actually be a polished experience). GT2 wasn't a testbed for how much someone can lie about post-launch support of a (wow, Jim Ryan being scummy all the way back in 2013!) game in order to convince skeptical people that it's worth investing in before almost immediately abandoning it except for an extremely cut down implementation of what was absolutely necessary to put in (and never actually reaching feature parity with the prior game (GT6). GT2 wasn't a social experiment for how little of a game they can release for full price while claiming that the name change is only a marketing exercise and that the full franchise experience will be present, and with no microtransactions (GTS)! We're all living through the GT7 debacle right now.

Post-release patches are absolutely something that can be beneficial. On that I agree. And not every game releases is a Fallout '76 or No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk rags to riches example of post-launch attempts to salvage a rushed mess. But while I'll never take from PD the genuine effort they put into turning GT5 around back when we thought them releasing that game in the state it was was merely an anomaly, it wasn't an anomaly. Few developers abuse it as regularly to justify dumping half-baked games on the market as PD has since getting the ability to do so. And the results are not always in tune with them actually working to fix it either. Game Freak, maybe; but Game Freak cares even less about the state their games initially release in than PD does since they rarely do anything to improve them unless they are charging you for it.
Yeah, those days were so much better.
I still play GT2, GT3 and occasionally GT4 (I hate the physics so that's more of a rarity). Can confirm.

You'd seriously rather lose your entire garage after working for it than PD being able to fix things on the fly? You do you.
I just lost my entire garage in GT2 a few months ago, following an update to the excellent GT2+ mod that rendered it incompatible with the cars in the previous versions. I also lost my entire save a couple times back in the day due to a memory card that was faulty but I didn't understand at the time to be the root cause. GT2 wasn't structured like a gacha game so it really wasn't difficult to get back to where you were. Annoying, sure.

Anyway, your join date tells me that you were around Gran Turismo during GT5 and Spec 2. Which, if I can refresh your memory, came out of basically complete nowhere.
No it didn't. Revisionist history doesn't help your case any.
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Can you show me on this doll where Mr. Kaz touched you? Such anger, eesh.

Anyway, your join date tells me that you were around Gran Turismo during GT5 and Spec 2. Which, if I can refresh your memory, came out of basically complete nowhere. To modify your phrasing, you're living in complete denial with your absolutely certainty that a "GT7 Spec 2" will never happen. Don't get me wrong, I personally don't see a GT7 Spec 2 happening, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Based on what? Based on empty road map or the fact that Kaz himself is "somewhere around 2024"?
Can you show me on this doll where Mr. Kaz touched you? Such anger, eesh.

Anyway, your join date tells me that you were around Gran Turismo during GT5 and Spec 2. Which, if I can refresh your memory, came out of basically complete nowhere. To modify your phrasing, you're living in complete denial with your absolutely certainty that a "GT7 Spec 2" will never happen. Don't get me wrong, I personally don't see a GT7 Spec 2 happening, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Show me where I said it's certain there won't be a Spec 2. I didn't. I said they've provided no evidence they're working towards such a big update. The way Nathan keeps bringing it up you'd think it'd already been announced in a roadmap.
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This is pretty misleading, since GT2 did have post-release updates to fix this; as have other games that had similar problems of the era. I wasn't in the community at the time to know whether Sony did any sort trade-in thing for a new disc pressing like other companies have done; but I daresay the 1.2/Greatest Hits versions were likely far more ubiquitous. It certainly took far less time for PD to fix and issue said fixes for the major game breaking issues in GT2 than it did to make it so you can sell cars in GT7 and anything that they begrudgingly put into GT2.
As someone who lived through the original release of GT2, and still owns their bugged out copy, I can tell you that Sony certainly did not do any sort of automatic, "we're just going to mail a new copy to those who registered" thing. I can't say for certain if they would do a free exchange upon request, as this was now almost 25 years ago, but according to Wikipedia they did. I'm pretty sure I would have exchanged it for the improved copy had I known about it, since I was a big follower of gaming magazines and even websites in those early days of the public-facing internet, but who knows how well publicized it was.
I think we have a significantly different idea of what "truly unfinished products" means if you're talking about weird event restrictions and issues with spelling mistakes on a feature that vanished from the series for a decade after GT2 anyway (and also had similar goofy errors when said feature came back). No, GT2 wasn't a 100% finished perfect product. That is hyperbole from the original person you were replying to (though the fact that you went straight to GT2 as a response and not GT1 or GT3 or GT4 or GTPSP is telling in itself).
Sorry, GT2 is my clearest memory of a non-patchable entry in this series being problematic upon launch. Clearly we're of differing opinions on the severity of the glitches, but I'd call "potential to lose your garage" game breaking (it especially was back then) and the restriction errors (which also allowed not-on-theme AI cars into the races), which basically made every single race the same exact type of event just with different HP limits, pretty "lacking in content." If you say "Oh, but you can just self-limit yourself to using the proper cars!" my response is "GT7's Custom Race Mode." I'm gonna call a game that had over 400 cars from launch, and (to date), a very-much-adequate number of events, with little-to-no game-breaking glitches not a "truly unfinished product."
You know what GT2 also wasn't? A game so unfinished despite 16 months of Kaz saying that it was in the polishing stage that it took 4 months to have the ability to adjust gear ratios (and to be frank another 8 months on top of that to actually be a polished experience). GT2 wasn't a testbed for how much someone can lie about post-launch support of a (wow, Jim Ryan being scummy all the way back in 2013!) game in order to convince skeptical people that it's worth investing in before almost immediately abandoning it except for an extremely cut down implementation of what was absolutely necessary to put in (and never actually reaching feature parity with the prior game (GT6). GT2 wasn't a social experiment for how little of a game they can release for full price while claiming that the name change is only a marketing exercise and that the full franchise experience will be present, and with no microtransactions (GTS)! We're all living through the GT7 debacle right now.
I do not debate that GT7 is a disastrous launch and mediocre product from the get go. But as we have already seen, improvements are being made, and honestly they are being made at a rate that is satisfactory to me. I cannot fathom why there is all of this pure anger being directed at PD and Kaz over this. Then again, I'm not a completionist, or a "gotta have everything on demand" kind of person.

I still play GT2, GT3 and occasionally GT4 (I hate the physics so that's more of a rarity). Can confirm.
As do I (GT2 anyway), on my PSP, when I'm somewhere where I can't engage in the proper modern experience. I started my GT career with the original, and will gladly take GT7, even as it exists today, over any of the previous examples.
I just lost my entire garage in GT2 a few months ago, following an update to the excellent GT2+ mod that rendered it incompatible with the cars in the previous versions. I also lost my entire save a couple times back in the day due to a memory card that was faulty but I didn't understand at the time the root cause. GT2 wasn't structured like a gacha game so it really wasn't difficult to get back to where you were.
When one is younger, yeah losing your entire garage is crushing. It happened to me. Nowadays, that I know the tricks to making money quickly, it's much less of an issue.

GT7 is structured like a gacha game because that is the way the industry is trending. I don't blame the developers, I blame the gacha whales who dump hundreds of dollars into those systems, telling the developers that "hey, this is how we make money!"
No it didn't. Revisionist history doesn't help your case any.
GT5 Spec 2 was hinted at on August 27th, announced on September 28th, and was released on October 10th. I'd call less than two month lead time "basically out of nowhere," but again that my just come down to difference of opinion. Note that I'd argue his statement of "big things are coming" on July 29th was no different than what we're getting now from Kaz.

Show me where I said it's certain there won't be a Spec 2. I didn't. I said they've provided no evidence they're working towards such a big update. The way Nathan keeps bringing it up you'd think it'd already been announced in a roadmap.
Your phrasing absolutely implied that you believe it's certain you don't think there will be a Spec 2. My apologies if I misinterpreted your statement.

Based on what? Based on empty road map or the fact that Kaz himself is "somewhere around 2024"?
Is what based on what? I said that I personally don't believe that a "Spec 2"-esque update is coming, just that I don't believe its outside the realm of possibility. I don't believe it's outside the realm of possibility because GT7 has existed to the public for just over 9 months, and we didn't even get a hint about GT5 Spec 2 until around that time in that game's life.
For those that don't know, Samus doesn't actually play GT7 so he has no idea of what the game is or what it's value is.

Samus: The support for GT-Sport and GT7 is better and stronger than most other AAA titles. There is countless examples of AAA titles getting dropped cold by the publisher shortly after launch and some of them relied way more on the online part than GT7 does. PD is giving us that play the game free content every month, you call it drip feeding, it is obvious that 2 tracks and plenty of cars isn't drip feeding, that is solid content unless you have a blind hate towards a game you didn't play.

And they just had a huge 25th event in Monaco and by the looks of it we have at least another season of top quality online competition happening so that is at least another year of "dripping" and with PSVR2 around the corner it would be a huge surprise if they didn't involve GT7 in some form.

And putting out a new game, i personally hope so, but knowing how much money they make from GT players that is PS+ subscribers it just isn't as important as the franchises that rely on game passes and DLC dripping.
How does not owning a game = having no idea what the game is or it's value is? He doesn't own it because he knows the games value isn't high enough for him to justify owning it.

I own the game and I agree with much of what @Samus has said, yes the ongoing free DLC is by itself a good thing, however none of it is fixing the issues the game has (aside from the introduciton of being able to sell cars which fixes one issue the game had at launch). And it is being drip fed, and no I'm not talking about additonal cars and tracks (though they are being released much slower than for GT:Sport), that's not the problem, it's the lack of meaningful content making good use of what the game already has. Content that really should have been in the game at launch (a proper single player career experience for one).

Regardless of the support the game has recieved and what we can reasonably expect to continue, the game is an unbalanced mess and there are no signs that this will be fixed in the future. The games economy constantly works against the player, the game uses FOMO tactics to keep people playing every day and to encourage those who are encouragable to buy MTX's.

The games issues could end up being fixed in updates in the future, but nothing to date suggests they are even considering these fixes, they're looking at VR2 and Sophy which appears will be integrated in a missions like mode rather than being an alternative AI that can populate a grid for you to race against in actual races.

That doesn't mean there's no enjoyment to be had by anyone, there is, but all I'm reading here is your opinion, which is fine, but you don't have to attempt to tear down someone else's to justify having your own.
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For those that don't know, Samus doesn't actually play GT7 so he has no idea of what the game is or what it's value is.
Tell me where I've said something incorrect then. Also, how do you know I've not bought it yet? Do I have to announce it to the forum when I do?
Samus: The support for GT-Sport and GT7 is better and stronger than most other AAA titles. There is countless examples of AAA titles getting dropped cold by the publisher shortly after launch
Do these other games claim to be live service games? Most games do not ever claim to offer huge post-launch support, so hardly something to critique them for. They also tend to offer more at launch than GT7 did.
and some of them relied way more on the online part than GT7 does. PD is giving us that play the game free content every month, you call it drip feeding, it is obvious that 2 tracks and plenty of cars isn't drip feeding, that is solid content unless you have a blind hate towards a game you didn't play.
Three or four races a month is drip feeding. They could quite clearly add far, far more at a time. They did for Sport. Three cars a month, when in the past they've managed far more, also points to dripfeeding. Especially when most of those cars are coming from a list found in the game at release, but not conclusive. Tracks, no, you can't really dripfeed those. They're ready when they're ready, and it seems new tracks simply aren't ready.
And they just had a huge 25th event in Monaco and by the looks of it we have at least another season of top quality online competition happening so that is at least another year of "dripping" and with PSVR2 around the corner it would be a huge surprise if they didn't involve GT7 in some form.
What do online esports events have to do with dripfeeding of content for the ~85% of people who don't care for those?
And putting out a new game, i personally hope so, but knowing how much money they make from GT players that is PS+ subscribers it just isn't as important as the franchises that rely on game passes and DLC dripping.
Huh? What has PS+ subscribers got to do with GT?
Tracks, no, you can't really dripfeed those. They're ready when they're ready, and it seems new tracks simply aren't ready.
Point of order, the additional layouts for the Nurburgring and one new track (heavily rumoured to be Grand Valley) do appear to be ready. Dataminers have confirmed they are ready and expected them to have been released by now. So even those are being held back.
Come on, if you played the game you would know better and understand why this game is still being played EVERY DAY for the past 9 months in vast numbers, accept defeat.
First point, define vast numbers and provide your source for this statement? Second point, I wonder how many people who do play every day do the driving marathon out of FOMO that today they'll win a decent ticket and prize and once they've hit that they shut the game down.
Yes there is plenty of examples, if you are a gamer you would know, wonna play Anthem? lollerskates, i don't think so. Since thread diggin isn't being a good sport here, i can tell you that i am one of those that constantly tell PD sucks because they don't add any more races. But if you played the game you would know that there is more than enough content to warrant the price and the constant updated with new cars and 2 tracks so far is enough to keep people coming back to the game.
I play the gamre and dissagree here. There isn't enough content, that's the problem. The game launched with less than 100 races in the World Circuits, that's races not events. The game is shallow and IMO (and you are welcome to your own as is @Samus) does not justify full price. And it does not keep me coming back to the game. Speak for yourself not others or provide a source and figures to back up what you are claiming. GT4 has more replay value for me, I literally spend more time playing GT4 in 2022 that GT7.
Hard to understand if you are blinded by hate for the game, but a game that has a active world championship is also getting development support, and that includes balancing the cars and fixing bugs, and adding features, plus.. cars and tracks.

You need to pay $10 a month to play GT7 online, and hundred of thousands are doing that, it is called business..
You need to pay that same fee to play any PlayStation game online, that doesn't mean people are paying £10 to play GT7 specifically. That fee also includes other perks. I do not pay that fee because GT7 is currently the only game I play on the PlayStation, and I play it for about an hour a month and there's no way I'd subscribe to PS+ just to play GT7 online. The rest of my gaming is on my PC.
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I wonder if Kaz listening to the GT community are one of the reasons why we have less duplicates. I'm thinking about it as a negative. It may be a reason why we don't have some entry level/base trim models. Instead, we have certain parts and/or removal of parts. The lack of PD designed complete Racing Modifications.

Some of the parts available for o make certain cars look plain, will doesn't factor in a removal of a turbo or supercharger or a smaller capacity engine. We can decrease the diameter of some wheels and sure, we can play with the ECU, but it's not the same.
Yes, I understand about all the work to model the base model trim with th no floor mats or it doesn't have the Bose sound system and HID lights, etc. If PD(or outsourced modellers) took the time to model various other trim pieces, one or two models of each car could have b en done. Again, could be thanks to many that complained of duplicates and Kaz found a way to appease those players, with the GTAuto parts.
keep defending an incomplete game, kaz is too focused on the online part and on esport events which, looking at the statistics, are of interest to a small part of the players, from the trophy statistics only 18% completed a race in sport mode.
for nine months on this forum people have been complaining about the lack of a proper career mode and absolutely nothing has been done by polyphony, not even a new championship has been added

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