GT5 H2H Drift Tournament is back! (I'm sorry to say... Cancelled)

  • Thread starter Hayden
I played with B , he won, i recorded the video but ...

I got this error LMAO

500 Internal Server Error

If you see them, show them this information:


So I have to wait till it is online , here is the link
Look at my battle with B for H2H, I´ll defeat you the next time B :P

PLEASE watch it and listen to the music your going to laugh haha. Music starts at 1:30.

Awsome battle but unfortunately I lost control two times, In round one was that caused by a block of the king b s car, in round 2 the kurb sucked me in so I lost control.

King B wins ! I had to loose anyway I have exams coming, Good luck to everyone !!
I think that its time to know if i won or not ? I did my battle the fourth

Like i told you earlier mate, just waiting on Stav to get it on YouTube. He's having internet issues, which are stopping the upload before it finishes. I am truly sorry for the delay, i just wish the replay importing wasn't such a run-around. If it still isn't working for him tommorow, i'll get him to try getting it on mediafire one more time, and hope to 🤬 that GT will be able to find it this time :banghead:.

On other matters, Sai vs Zed & Ono vs Lerk are the only battles left to be ran. Guys, it's at the point where they must be done by Friday or it'll run into next round's scheduled time. I understand that it was no fault of yours that the first date was missed, but simple judge mishaps. Which is why i'm asking all four of you right now when you are available over the next two/three days. I'll figure out a battle time that fits both competitors (even if i have to swap opponents) and the battles will be held.
I'm sorry for the fact that i didn't post this earlier in the week, but i must ask for your understanding, real life's kept me pretty occupied.

I'll spend tomorrow recording the battles I have access to that i haven't yet uploaded. Sorry for the delay with this, just a bunch of odd issues kept coming up that lead to something of a rage quit... (I'm only human after all)

With the 13 (of 16) confirmed participants i have so far for round 2, i've had a quick look over some possible matchups, and am getting pretty keen for it. Proposed Round 2 battles will be posted by Midnight Friday, with the usual room to shift if required. Keep practicing the layout guys, the level of competition has taken a fairly sizeable step forward.

Knowing that there is an update coming on the 18th (wednesday) there will be no scheduled battles for that day, so we can avoid a Disconnect half way through a battle or someone not being able to compete due to having to download the update on a slow connection. Not to mention the fact that we'll all be busy fiddling with what it gives us :)

EDIT: Just tried recording your replay, but sorry e_dub & Asator it seems that the lag on your replay is screwing with my stereo. I don't know why, but the quality is terrible and sometimes it'll go silent for a second then roar back as ridiculously loud static which can not be good for a <1 month old (and pretty darn expensive) surround system. I tried hooking my HDMI straight through the TV but then i got no sound on GT at all (even after playing with the audio settings), and it worked fine for every other game i own :banghead:...
So i'm officially giving up on that replay to save my speakers, sorry guys :/
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why didn't yo and zed do the run and save the replay like i asked in this thread when zed posted saying about a judge..?
why didn't yo and zed do the run and save the replay like i asked in this thread when zed posted saying about a judge..?

i had a lobby opened at the appointed time but i was unable to locate zed.
I can do the runs right now, Sai you up for it?

Oh and Jimmy, I waited like 15 minutes then I just turned off my ps3 and went to the hardware store to build my cockpit (which is now finished)
Sorry but I will have to drop out of this comp. Too many comps therefore I must drop some. Thanks for the fun :D
Sorry but I will have to drop out of this comp. Too many comps therefore I must drop some. Thanks for the fun :D

While i could try and encourage you to stay, i won't... Because that gives me something of a solution to the Maveric/stav problem.

Sai & Zed- Whenever you guys are ready to battle just post in here and i'll head on 👍
well i can still make it after work tonight at 6:00 gmt -5:00 but if there wont be a battle then i wont attempt to rush home.

i've been quite busy myself as well. the last time i login to gt5 was the last vdc round. and the time before that was the last last vdc round lol. basically i only login for comps these damn rusty
me & ono need a judge we'l be on tomorrow between 3pm-8pm gmt if no judges are available i'l record the replay & put it on my youtube channel as idk how to send it the way the OP says. I'l put multiple runs & views incase the judge needs any omt's
me & ono need a judge we'l be on tomorrow between 3pm-8pm gmt if no judges are available i'l record the replay & put it on my youtube channel as idk how to send it the way the OP says. I'l put multiple runs & views incase the judge needs any omt's

Very good initiative your displaying there mate 👍

Sorry for the delay guys...
A fair amount of people have dropped out. Very unfortunate.
I've been waiting for sai to respond, I asked him to battle I think a couple days ago but he was afk.

I'ma try to get ahold of him to do this battle.
me & ono need a judge we'l be on tomorrow between 3pm-8pm gmt if no judges are available i'l record the replay & put it on my youtube channel as idk how to send it the way the OP says. I'l put multiple runs & views incase the judge needs any omt's

I'll be unavailable from 8pm but i'll try get on around 3/4 depending how work goes. To be honest I can leave when ever so just post in here the second you guys are on and i'll do my best to come judge it.
I'll be unavailable from 8pm but i'll try get on around 3/4 depending how work goes. To be honest I can leave when ever so just post in here the second you guys are on and i'll do my best to come judge it.

We already have done the battle a few hours ago, lerk said he will record the replays and put them on here. 👍
Hey dino, is there any way we can tell the future brackets? As in, I beat monstergauz, I wanna know who I'm against next, and maybe after that. Spank used google documents and it stayed the same..