GT5 Harddrive Space?

  • Thread starter opelgt1969


United States
Bristol,Va USA
With GT5P using up over 5GB on the PS3 HD how much HD space do you think GT5 will take or do you think it will run totally from the disk and the only space on the HD will be for the Game save/Updates?
I think I'll be just fine with a 500GB HD!
Game save data wont be massive, and unless GT has framerate issues then i can't see it needing to be part saved to HD, however that could be wrong.

However updates could be quite large, however mutiple gig's worth is a bit on the wild side
As much as it needs to be, I don't mind. Fill me in PD!
Hopefully not more than 7GB, otherwise im either have to uninstall games, or buy a new HDD
I am curious as to weather the Slim allows you to change out HDD...if not, then I don't think GT5 will take up too much space...and remember the Blu-ray disc holds 25GB at least.
really don't see how people fill there HD at all :/

delete demo's so many people don't do that
I am curious as to weather the Slim allows you to change out HDD...if not, then I don't think GT5 will take up too much space...and remember the Blu-ray disc holds 25GB at least.

Yes, you can change the HDD on the Slim. There is a blue screw on the bottom under a hatch, unscrew that and you're good to go.

Oh and i believe a Blu-ray disc can hold 50GB dual-layered :crazy:

I was just thinking about the size of the GT5 install today, I can't see it being more then 15GB, but i have about 87GB left so i don't mind.👍
they can dual layered, but they aren't dual fact, Blu-rays can hold up to 200GB on six layers...but...there are only a handful of games filling up the 25GB on a single layer.
With GT5P using up over 5GB on the PS3 HD how much HD space do you think GT5 will take or do you think it will run totally from the disk and the only space on the HD will be for the Game save/Updates?
I think I'll be just fine with a 500GB HD!

So you basically just asked a question which not only is irrelevant but also doesn't even affect you.

Why didn't you just title the thread: "I've got a 500gb hard drive so will have no storage issues".

Oh dear.
i couldnt care less as i have 250GB HDD in mine so more than enough space lol the more space GT5 takes up the better as it'll make the game run smoother, people with 40GB Stock HDD's should not moan saying they need to cut the game installs down. Dont be cheap and pick up a bigger HDD simple faster easier.
About those 5GB on GT5P. Are they the space used in the disc version? or is it the space used when you buy the game from the PSstore?
About those 5GB on GT5P. Are they the space used in the disc version? or is it the space used when you buy the game from the PSstore?

If the link doesn't work out here this is where I found this info. > go to Japan (English version) >go to GT5 Prologue at the top of page click on it > then in the next window their is a picture of the "Game Box" click on it >. New window opens up click on "Introduction"> bottom of screen click on "data". On Data page it states HDD volume more than
5121 MB Yes MB

So I think what we have in our version is a big fat misprint on the box!

Link worked just go to "Data" on the link!

Do I get any bonus points for finding this

Message Edited by opelgt on 08-28-2008 09:47 PM

Thank you very much.
Seems like it's 5121MB for both versions.
Whats the point of having the disc then if all it's contents will be copied to the HDD?
Good question from the OP.

I used to have 40GB HDD and realised this simply won't be enough space. The combination of GT5P, Home, Vidzone etc mean't I had little space on my HDD despite only having one game installed.

I reckon with the combination of GT5, Home, Updates, DLC you need to allow at least 10GB HDD space if not a little more.

If anyone hasn't upgraded their HDD then I strongly recommend they do. I now have 320GB HDD which cost £40 and literally took 2mins to install. Here are some tips if your planning on buying a HDD.

1. Must be a internal 2.5" Sata drive 5400rpm.
2. Phone Sony for a spare Caddie HDD, this is free of charge and worth having as a back up.
3. Do not over tighten screws (hence point No2), Use Philips PH1 screwdriver.
4. Back up gamesaves before you swap HDD.
5. Don't worry about operating system, once you swap HDD everything remains the same on the PS3 because the operating system is stored in the memory and not the HDD.

There is going to many features coming to the PS3 in the near future thats going to require greater HDD space. Those with 80/120GB HDD will be ok but those with 40GB will need to upgrade. This is a very simple procedure that Sony actually encourages and doesn't void your warrantee.
GT5 prologue 3.2 gb not 6 gb..That installtion about GTTV videos...If you delete mitsu ending opening etc. videos it will reduce 3 gb
There is no need to use more than like 20gig on a ps3, instead of people saving music and films to there ps3 simple, get an External HD like £60 for a 120gig high rpm version, no chance of filling more than 20gig with just game saves and updates currently available
If anyone hasn't upgraded their HDD then I strongly recommend they do. I now have 320GB HDD which cost £40 and literally took 2mins to install. Here are some tips if your planning on buying a HDD.

1. Must be a internal 2.5" Sata drive 5400rpm.
2. Phone Sony for a spare Caddie HDD, this is free of charge and worth having as a back up.
3. Do not over tighten screws (hence point No2), Use Philips PH1 screwdriver.
4. Back up gamesaves before you swap HDD.
5. Don't worry about operating system, once you swap HDD everything remains the same on the PS3 because the operating system is stored in the memory and not the HDD.

This is a very simple procedure that Sony actually encourages and doesn't void your warrantee.

Great post, I had been thinking about upgrading my 40gb to something a little bigger and never realised that it would be so simple!

If the link doesn't work out here this is where I found this info. > go to Japan (English version) >go to GT5 Prologue at the top of page click on it > then in the next window their is a picture of the "Game Box" click on it >. New window opens up click on "Introduction"> bottom of screen click on "data". On Data page it states HDD volume more than
5121 MB Yes MB

So I think what we have in our version is a big fat misprint on the box!

Link worked just go to "Data" on the link!

Do I get any bonus points for finding this

Message Edited by opelgt on 08-28-2008 09:47 PM

Am i missing the point of this post?

5121MB is approx 5 GB.

Seriously, im confused about what your trying to tell us.
There is no need to use more than like 20gig on a ps3, instead of people saving music and films to there ps3 simple, get an External HD like £60 for a 120gig high rpm version, no chance of filling more than 20gig with just game saves and updates currently available

Why bother when you can get 320GB for £40 to use internally.

Also the PS3 HDD you replace can also be used as an external HDD by simply buying a case (see link). This only costs around £10 and you simply plug in the Sata drive, close the case, connect via USB cable.

So for £50 you can have 320GB internal HDD, 40GB external HDD.
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Great post, I had been thinking about upgrading my 40gb to something a little bigger and never realised that it would be so simple!

No probs mate.

Here are a few more tips.

1. Watch Youtube videos to see exactly how its done.
2. Buy this HDD as its fantastic value and very reliable.
3. When you remove existing HDD make sure you have keep screws in a cup as their very small and easy to lose.
4. When you put in the new HDD place the screws into the holes via hand and not screwdriver. Only when all screws are in place should you tighten with screwdriver. Reason being is if you over tighten one of the screws the alignment of the HDD could make it difficult to place other screws (happened to me!).
5. You only really need to back up game saves. However you will have to reinstall games. If you don't want to mess around reinstalling you could back up the entire system using an external HDD. I didn't bother because I didn't have an extenal HDD at the time.
6. Even if you just back up your game saves, your user account, PSN account etc will remain the same as its stored on the memory.
7. When you switch on the PS3 after exchanging HDD the PS3 will automatically format the new HDD and away you go.
8. I had the latest firmware stored on a flash drive just incase I ran into problems. Like I say this shouldn't be a problem but something you could do just incase.
5. Don't worry about operating system, once you swap HDD everything remains the same on the PS3 because the operating system is stored in the memory and not the HDD.

This isn't always the case! As you suggested in your last post, I recommend people always have a copy of the firmware to hand on a flash drive or whatever!!
Just think its more arkward, the flexibility of saving to a portable HD just means could plug it into another laptop / ps3 / p.c and you have all of your media rather than just one HD.

Using just gaming functions you wont exceed the 40gig let alone a 60gig, and from experience i've always found made for USB portable HD's to be more robust / reliable and faster than a standard HD with a case and adapter
they can dual layered, but they aren't dual layered...yet...
Someone should tell that to MGS4, as well as Black Hawk Down and Bridge on the River Kwai movies. They apperently didn't get the memo and used one of these unavailable dual layered BDs.

Oh, and they have developed up to 16 layer discs in labs. They are hoping to make them work with all current players via a firmware update.

There is no need to use more than like 20gig on a ps3, instead of people saving music and films to there ps3 simple, get an External HD like £60 for a 120gig high rpm version, no chance of filling more than 20gig with just game saves and updates currently available
I invite you to look at my hard drive. I had a 60GB and after moving all music, movies, and pictures to an external and even deleting game installs that I wasn't currently playing I only managed another 6 months.

Rock Band alone is taking up almost 9GB on my hard drive and SingStar is over 1GB. Buzz and Warhawk are both taking up about 1.5GB. GT5:P, MGS4 and Bioshock are all taking ~5GB each. I have multiple PSN games that are up over 1GB now.

Your theory only works for people that don't use DLC or play a large number of games with HDD installs.
My HD is full thanks to Sony making it impossible to delete the God-awful Home without completely resetting your PS3.

TW*TS! :grumpy:
Um, you can't just delete it by chosing Delete from the options menu?

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