GT5 Online Mode

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All added. Glad you got your PSN account sorted Dessy182, judging by your sig you should give the WRS qualifier a go!
All added. Glad you got your PSN account sorted Dessy182, judging by your sig you should give the WRS qualifier a go!

Sorry if I'm a bit out of touch these days but what's the WRS?

Edit: ok just looked it up. Sounds good. I just started GT5P again with my new account so once thats done I'll get involved and hopefully not make a show of myself :)
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Sorry if I'm a bit out of touch these days but what's the WRS?

Edit: ok just looked it up. Sounds good. I just started GT5P again with my new account so once thats done I'll get involved and hopefully not make a show of myself :)

Ditto on GT5P, I've not submitted my WRS qualifier time yet in case I have to send in the video replay, it's too shameful for words :ouch:
Ditto on GT5P, I've not submitted my WRS qualifier time yet in case I have to send in the video replay, it's too shameful for words :ouch:

I never really set any times in GT5P though. I bought the game at the start of December and then I found out about the GT Academy demo straight away so I just focused on that. Dunno if I'll be able to get into many top 100's too soon if at all.
I never really set any times in GT5P though. I bought the game at the start of December and then I found out about the GT Academy demo straight away so I just focused on that. Dunno if I'll be able to get into many top 100's too soon if at all.

I know I won't be getting in any top 100's any time ever :scared:
Sorry if I'm stating the flippin obvious but have you tried creating another user on the PS3 console.... Go all the way to the left of the XMB and create new user... You need one of them for each account.

Hope that helps?

Can you create another user and keep the same e-mail for purchasing reasons?
Nope, you need a different email address for each PSN ID

Ok thanks. Been thinking of doing one with GTP but I am curious, are there going to be events scheduled that require you to have a GTP username?
You can add mine to that list.

lilcat89 - GTP_MPower I use it for all my games.

I'll be hosting a release enduro at High Speed Ring either utilizing GT features or testing how an external system might be set up through GTPlanet (in case Class racing isn't supported through GT5). Will also be monitoring the effects of (hopefully) 16 people racing for a long period of time on one persons host, should it rely on one persons connection for a good race.

There are plans for at least two classes, though it might be re-arranged pending information released.

Stealth- Using CE (assuming all CE cars are Stealth Cars) and Pre-Order Bonus cars.
First Purchase- Using the first cars users purchase, preferably unmodified but I wont expect you to NOT modify it by the time some of you will be racing in the event (I'm West coast so most of you will have had it and played it for awhile)

The alternate class will be for a points-limited group of cars on GT5:P. The limit would be low so there might be some mixed-class racing between the FP and Prologue class.

Physics will be set to standard and Damage will be disabled. This event is more of a test and less of a competition as the classes might vary so wildly in performance that it wont really be much of a race. It's to be a fun celebration of the release of GT5! Sort of like a racing party.

Again none of this is set in stone as we don't even know if GT5 will carry-over the points limit and quick tune system.

Also, this isn't a mandated event of course, so if you don't want to do it, don't worry no one is making you. The event will also be re-held should the release date vary from country to country by either myself or another willing body.
I have 2 - I use both, so add both :)


I'm about average speed wise. I placed just outside the top 100 in the Time Trial here, and have a few top 100 times in GT5:P under the CoolColJ account
Full Name: Yossi Gabay
I have 2 main accounts:
PSN (my regular account): YossiGab
GTP PSN: GTP_YossiGab (Div 3, Silver)

Location: Israel
You can add me too:

GTP_Denur (Div 2 silver)
I don't have a PS3 yet, but i made a PSN account.


...or is there a requirement to have the GTP tag? IF so, i'll make a new one instead.
All added 👍 Don't forget to add and accept on your PS3

Snaeper: That sounds like a great idea 💡, post back here or message me when you've finalised the details nearer the time. 👍

CoolColJ: top 100 is far from average, you should do the WRS.
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