GT5 Prologue Going Through The Motions !!!

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United Kingdom
Never ever ever ever ever !
Apologies about the earlier thread which i posted about GT5 Muppets. It has been very much fun and a laugh when online and watching everyone miss their braking zones on Fuji, but not funny when punted off. I find that if you stay on the inside or to the far left and take the corner just a bit slower then you can make your way through the field with caution.

I'm hoping that there will be damage in the next update for GT5 Pro as i think this will make everyone a better driver. Sometimes if you sit back and watch it's like looking at British Touring Cars.....Plato and Giovanardi going at it in true form.
1: This is the wrong forum, the GT5:P forum is here.

2: There has already been countless threads on this subject, and this one will most likely get locked.

After seeing things like this, I really appreciate how much Mods like Sphinx do, a lot of stupid threads here.

As a new member to GTP, SpawnBlack, please take the time to read some of the stickies at the top of the forums and familiarise yourself with the rules of the site... in common with most other forums on the internet, you will likely get short shrift from the regulars if you post unnecessary new threads, rather than taking a bit of time to find an appropriate, existing thread to contribute to instead. 👍
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