GT5-Prologue Impressions Thread

Ya, slow down :sly:

slow down doesn't exactly help when trying to reduce snap back. clearly people who drift have a good idea how to control it. im fairly much hopless at drifting though so don't know what to do to reduce it as all that happens is ill hold a car then itll snap back and ill just spin out.
The mode I play the most in good sims (like LFS, RBR and Forza 2) is just free ride, I can spend probably hundreds of hours just driving around, the AI and multiplayer parts doesn't really interest me that much. But GT doesn't have that driving joy for me, so I see it as them artificially giving the player additional challenges so that the player doesn't get bored with just driving around.

Yeah, i see what you mean.

I still managed to get in like 700 laps on nurburgring on GT4 though, as soon as i bought EPR i got an additional 500 or so on that one, both on time attack.

single player is really boring cause the AI sucks balls. But i think that multiplayer will actually be pretty damn fun, and if the lag is just too much to bear for a serious race, there's always the time attack mode... which apparently you can load with 8 ghosts or so (at least judging from the in game time attack mode, right now there's lots of blank times next to yours.)

Getting the cars can be really painful the way PD makes them aquirable, for arcade mode they should definitly make more cars available from the get go.
So we can leave the whole progressing in the game aside, and just focus on the driving skill.

Hell, i remmember using a gameshark code to unlock all cars in GT4, and a friend of mine was telling me how i was doing that because obviously i couldn't unlock them by myself cause i wasn't that good...
If it was any other type of game he'd have a point, but since it's not, i quickly reminded him that going around nurburgring my laptimes were about a full 30 seconds faster than his, after that i think he remmembered which game we were talking about and didn't say anything more.

I too spent much more time just driving around trying to improve my laptimes than racing against boring and predicable AI.
no grid starts on london is understandable, after all, it's imaginary track. And on other tracks.. well, maybe the grids don't have 16 places.. and then, rolling starts even out slightly the differences in performance, for example between FR, MR, FF and AWD cars
I always use S3 tire's in arcade mode, and its imposible to win with the IS-F or BMW M3 all the cars in that class are much faster and lighter. The problem is there are only 37 cars in GT5p so not all cars in a class realy belong there.

And i noticed something very strange, the skyline coupe 370GT is a manual but it only has a 5MT. in real live the manual has a 6MT and the tiptronic has 5 gears.
Can someone please tell me what the difference is between simulation and professional mode for the G25? Which is better? Sorry if it's a repost :nervous:

No difference, sim. & prof. mode are the same thing. There is a two modes, standard and professional (simulation)...
No difference, sim. & prof. mode are the same thing. There is a two modes, standard and professional (simulation)...

There are 2 simulation modes for the game, but what about with the G25 steering modes? There are 3 modes, Amateur, Professional and Simulation. What is different between each, and which is best?
And on other tracks.. well, maybe the grids don't have 16 places.. and then, rolling starts even out slightly the differences in performance, for example between FR, MR, FF and AWD cars

Well on Fugi and Suzuka no grid starts is dissapointing, they have way more than 16 grid places.

I can understand on Daytona, London and Eiger (though I wish London and Eiger has smaller grid starts).

It would also be nice if there were dual row rolling starts in a closer formation, like nascar starts.

And i noticed something very strange, the skyline coupe 370GT is a manual but it only has a 5MT

Really? I havent got the 370GT coupe yet but when I was racing behind it it was clearly shifting like a auto (going by sound), odd.
no grid starts on london is understandable, after all, it's imaginary track. And on other tracks.. well, maybe the grids don't have 16 places.. and then, rolling starts even out slightly the differences in performance, for example between FR, MR, FF and AWD cars
Weather it's standing or rolling, the cars should be in a grid formation. Not ina long line with what feels like 100 feet between each car. Honestly, the distance between 1st and last must be half a mile, and it's a 16 car grid. I really don't like that. They should put them in a grid formation and simply make the AI a bit faster, rather than a bit slower but 1st starts so far ahead of you.

Most of the other thigs about the game are great.
If you look at many amateur racing series than you will see that most of them do the rolling start. A standing start (grand prix) start is more used with higher classed race cars. The thing that sucks about the starts in GT5P is though that the cars are stringed up and that is very weird and unrealistic. The advantage of a rolling start is that the dif in car performance is less than in a grand prix start. And since GT5 P has only about 35 cars the dif are big.
OK I'm trying to copy the game data from my US account to my Japan account so I'll have all the cars & cash for online play if we can log on to the servers in Japan from the US, but when I'm the saved data & hit triangle all I get is delete & information.
How do I copy my game save between accounts?:dunce:
OK I'm trying to copy the game data from my US account to my Japan account so I'll have all the cars & cash for online play if we can log on to the servers in Japan from the US, but when I'm the saved data & hit triangle all I get is delete & information.
How do I copy my game save between accounts?:dunce:

It's easy, I had to do it to open the covered cars for our other accounts in the GT5P Demo.

All you have to do is be in the account that has the complete date that you want to copy. Go to the "Games" section of the XMB. Go up to "Game Data Utility". Go in, then go down to which ever file you wish to copy. Hit Triangle, select Copy, now you should be asked which account you would like to copy it to. You have to copy to each account one at a time; there is no "Copy to multiple" option.

Now, if you have any GT5 Prologue data already existing in the other accounts, you must first delete the data from those accounts. If you do not, when you try to copy the data from Moose_JP, you will get a message that tells you "Data already exists", with no option to overwrite it.

If you have a USB flash drive or an SD card, one of those will be an option to copy to. But, why bother (unless you are going to share with others on the net), just copy directly to your other accounts.

I had posted this in another thread here, but I don't know where it is.
Thanks, I'll try again tomorrow when I get off work.

To make sure I'm understanding this,
I have the Blu-Ray disc version, I was in my US account when I installed it, there is a file for GT5P in my Japan account but when I start the game there there is no cars & no cash.
So I delete it from my Japan account then there will be an option to copy it in my US account?
Right now the only options are Delete & information.

have you tried using a flash drive?
Not yet, but it may be an option to back up my US version in case I do something stupid & delete the wrong thing!
x-mas rush won't let me formulate a good post, so i'll just leave most of the impressions on topics:

good -

they've repositioned the outside view camera. that's great for time trials with yout ghost car. the outside view now has more distance, i liked. the inside view, like in the demo, it's gorgeous.

engine sounds are much, much improved. i just bought a mustang just to hear the sound of that V8.

interface and musics are off the charts. tipical PD high-class style

the G25 interaction is as good as you can imagine. it's much better than i tought it would be, considering they don't even show the wheel in the options menu.

physics are much, much improved. cars are not understeary-easy-to-control-pleasing-the-noob-thing. if you play with a wheel, correct tires, pro mode and no aids, you're in for a pleasent surprise.


the reports of frame rate drops are true, but only sometimes. i'm not really that worried, because after all, it's a prologue, so, WIP.

still no ability to adjust engine sound and sfx separately. that's why the tire sounds are so annoying, they're just too loud and overplaying over the engine sound. it shouldn't be like this.c'mon PD, its easy to give us the option, just fix this, please.

looks like cheesers will have their way with amateur physics. this will force some players to play in this stripped down physics system in order to be fast in online rankings - and maybe races. i don't like this idea, and maybe i'm wrong, but still, the way the game completely ignores wheather you chose amateur or pro, i feel they will just let this slip in online mode. crossing my fingers tough

so far i think that's it. still waiting on the update and also finishing the races, buying the cars that i'm still missing...

overall i love the game and i'm highly optimistic for GT5 in 2009:)
Mission C8 - do it over and over and over ~1min race / 1st place: 750k :)
The mode I play the most in good sims (like LFS, RBR and Forza 2) is just free ride, I can spend probably hundreds of hours just driving around, the AI and multiplayer parts doesn't really interest me that much. But GT doesn't have that driving joy for me, so I see it as them artificially giving the player additional challenges so that the player doesn't get bored with just driving around.

i really enjoy driving around with as much realism possible too.
This game is starting to frustrate me now, it's not the physics, it's not the sounds, it's not specifically the AI, it's the penalty system. As I'm getting into the races with faster cars more impacts are resulting in a timed penalty, the problem is that the majority and I mean the vast majority of these impacts are from the AI hitting me. Most of the time they arn't bashing me hard or anything, sometimes they just rub me down a straight and what happens, I get a penalty and the race has to be restarted.

Honestly, I've just been doing the GT All Starts at Daytona Road course, the one thing stopping me from winning is the timed penalties. I was overtaking a white R34 and as I'm going past he pulled into me, I was driving in a straight line, e pulle dinto me, I got the penalty. It's rediculous. The penalties for contact have to go, at least until PD can work out a system like Race Driver 3's where the game works out who was to blame for the contact. As it stands it doesn't matter who's to blame, if there's a certain level or type of contact, it's the player that gets penalised. I'm not saying every impact is the AI's fault, but a lot blatantly are. Here's another one, same race first lap and an NSX spins off in the infield section, as I'm driving past where he spun, he pulls straight across the track without regaining control of his car and he clips the side of my car, I get a penalty. Why?

The game is great, but right now this is hampering it.
Getting the same frustration aswell Dave A, especially as you say when they rub you, racing is rubbing/rubbing is racing :)
This game is starting to frustrate me now, it's not the physics, it's not the sounds, it's not specifically the AI, it's the penalty system. As I'm getting into the races with faster cars more impacts are resulting in a timed penalty, the problem is that the majority and I mean the vast majority of these impacts are from the AI hitting me. Most of the time they arn't bashing me hard or anything, sometimes they just rub me down a straight and what happens, I get a penalty and the race has to be restarted.

Honestly, I've just been doing the GT All Starts at Daytona Road course, the one thing stopping me from winning is the timed penalties. I was overtaking a white R34 and as I'm going past he pulled into me, I was driving in a straight line, e pulle dinto me, I got the penalty. It's rediculous. The penalties for contact have to go, at least until PD can work out a system like Race Driver 3's where the game works out who was to blame for the contact. As it stands it doesn't matter who's to blame, if there's a certain level or type of contact, it's the player that gets penalised. I'm not saying every impact is the AI's fault, but a lot blatantly are. Here's another one, same race first lap and an NSX spins off in the infield section, as I'm driving past where he spun, he pulls straight across the track without regaining control of his car and he clips the side of my car, I get a penalty. Why?

The game is great, but right now this is hampering it.

I disagree. Keep the contact penalties. The penalties happen if you are turning into other cars. You can rub and get away with it if you are not intentionally pushing them back. I have no issues with it, I like how it works.

I'm responding so that this information is not misleading. On good races, the AI cars are aware of where I am on the track...they anticipate if I'm taking the inside pass and if I do, they haven't rammed me when I play. From my experience playing so far, the penalty happens only if I try to drive straight as if they are not there. To prevent the penalty from happening, be aware of them coming at you and show that you are driving to avoid them as well and a rub will happen without penalty.
That's the thing, you can rub but not always, it isn't consistent. Most of the penalties for contact I've been given are from the AI turning into me, not the other wy round. And I know what I'm talking about because I love Race Driver 3's penalty system. I've been in good races but I've also been in races where the AI has cut inside me and pushed me wide and I've got the penalty, I've had the AI drive right into the back of me and guess what, I've had a penalty, then there's the whole AI car spins off track and rejoins into the side of me, again, penalty to me.

Until PD can get it right they should remove it, right now it is not right. I shouldn't be forced to give up the racing line if I'm infront, that's not how racing works. Don't get me wrong, I really like this game, and I'm not getting penalised left right and centre in all the races, just certain ones where I'm getting them over and over again and I'm not driving into anyone, I'm being driven into.

Basically, what the game needs to do is read where the cars were before impact and what thier trajectories were and to what degree they chenged. I'm not talking minuets beofer, just a few seconds before impact. That is what Race Driver 3 does amongst other things and that works. 90%+ of penalites I ever got in that game were my fault, in GT5:P it's the other way round, I'm the one getting hit and I'm the one getting the penalty.

I've had cars brush me as they overtake on the inside and I've got a penalty, what the hell for, not pulling over and waving him past. Contact should not be always in favour of the AI penalty wise, the game should judge who it to blame rather than "big hit, penalise the player".