GT5: Prologue menu translations

  • Thread starter super_fla
If you invoke the real-time adjustment menu, you will be able to adjust the followings


Where/when does this menu appear?
Where/when does this menu appear?

When you press the RA Menu Open key, the menu will appear on the screen, I have photoshopped them into one but the items appear separately, you select them with the RA Selection +/- keys, and adjust them with RA Adjustment +/- keys.
Thanks maskrider!!! Awesome help!! Now all we need is translations to the race Events (Class-C - Class-S). If you would be so kind! Thanks again.
When you press the RA Menu Open key, the menu will appear on the screen, I have photoshopped them into one but the items appear separately, you select them with the RA Selection +/- keys, and adjust them with RA Adjustment +/- keys.

On the DFP/G25 [in particular], are there any default keys that are set to enable the "RA Menu Open" functions? I ask this because I do not see an RA Menu Open button (unless I overlooked it).

Have you used this function yet?

Do you press one button to open it and then 2 other buttons for +/-? How do you get to the other RA adjustments, multiple presses of the first button?

Forgive me for being dense, but this is a new feature for GT and I'm trying to gain an understanding of how to use it so I too can help others. ;)
On the DFP/G25 [in particular], are there any default keys that are set to enable the "RA Menu Open" functions? I ask this because I do not see an RA Menu Open button (unless I overlooked it).

Have you used this function yet?

Do you press one button to open it and then 2 other buttons for +/-? How do
you get to the other RA adjustments, multiple presses of the first button?

Forgive me for being dense, but this is a new feature for GT and I'm trying to gain an understanding of how to use it so I too can help others. ;)

Don't know about G25 since I don't have one, there is no default RA keys assignments on anything other than the Driving Force GT wheel (special version for GT5P).

You have to assign the keys yourselves, and you need 5 keys to be assigned for all RA keys.

My key assignments (R3 for RA menu, D-Pad L/R for adjustment, D-Pad Up/Down for selection)


  • gt5p-opt-s2-mykeys.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 586
Maskrider, I've been asked to see if you could translate the online manual that is within the game. It covers several things including how the online servers work.
Maskrider, I've been asked to see if you could translate the online manual that is within the game. It covers several things including how the online servers work.

I think that part will be best described by screenshots of PAL online menu than a translation since they are just text and is not location/selection dependent.

PAL users please kindly fill in.
1st of, Thanks Maskrider for your help.
in the driving options menu, what are the options in Kanji when you select active steering?

does someone know what are the values in km/hr (or mph) that pops up around the apex when one has driving lines selected ( I assume ideal speed at apex but the number is not always the same so just checking if someone has more info)
thanks to all who share
Wo.. I never knew about RTA!!! Thats sweet for races like the Nurb. where You could do a few adjustments on the track espically as tires ware...
1st of, Thanks Maskrider for your help.
in the driving options menu, what are the options in Kanji when you select active steering?

Off, Weak, Strong.

does someone know what are the values in km/hr (or mph) that pops up around the apex when one has driving lines selected ( I assume ideal speed at apex but the number is not always the same so just checking if someone has more info)
thanks to all who share

Don't know as I have never turned driving lines on.
Saviboy, whatever value you are using for your speed indicator, that is what you see in the preferred race line corner speeds.

How about this for a neat twist? When driving a Japanese car using the in-car view, the dash shows KPH, while my speedo says MPH (how I have it set).
This has probably been asked somewhere but how do you turn off the blue dashes recommended racing line?
notice that in the SPEC 2 version they have removed the option to choose "Active Braking" or not. and now there is a new option to choose how much ABS you want. i am using a setting of 8 for abs. dont know if this is realistic compared to normal cars with abs.
Maybe this question has been asked before but is it possible to play GT5 in english, everything is translated to dutch and cant find the change settings ?
Maybe this question has been asked before but is it possible to play GT5 in english, everything is translated to dutch and cant find the change settings ?

Is your playstation3 language set to dutch? If so then change ps3 (XMB) language to english from ps3 system settings. Prologue itself doesn't have option to change language. Prologue uses the language set for ps3 system(or the nearest language if the chosen language is not supported by prologue).