GT5 Rally...we haven't seen much?

  • Thread starter ScizGT
First off for those who don't know what WRC is than watch this video.

And after watching that give this vid a try to see what kind of fun/damage we can hopefully experience to get the true realism of what WRC has to offer.

I don't know about you guys but it seems all we have seen is some video that claims to be in-engine but not in-game. That's the same video with showing off the rally damage on the vehicle when the car lands from the jump and that I believe is what it looks like which is awesome.

The question I have though is why haven't we seen more of Rally? By that I mean I expect GT5 to have the same and even more than GT4 in terms of rally. That means simply dirt AND snow rally tracks. Yet we haven't seen any actual gameplay or even screenshots of what the tracks might look like.

I wonder how realistic the snow/dirt will look like and if it will get pulled up and caked onto your vehicle and such. Also if the ground will deform based on where you are racing. We know nothing and have heard NOTHING about any of this. Anyone else as curious as I am?

Btw I got to thinking about this after playing some more GT4 and then comparing it to Sega Rally Revo which actually has nice graphics, not great but not bad either, and incredible track deformation for a rally game.

This is what we have seen...

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i'm ****ing curious about wrc championship.. i will trade nascar, indy and super gt for a full wrc season.

however we dont' know anything about it.. we only saw damage, dirt on car and a toscana rally which isn't a wrc rally.
We don´t know much about GT5 at all! What do we know about Nascar, Indy or Super GT?
Time will tell and i have a verry good feeling.
Probably because rally racing isn't new to the series like NASCAR & IRL are.(There is actually a focus on oval racing this time.)
We don´t know much about GT5 at all! What do we know about Nascar, Indy or Super GT?
Time will tell and i have a verry good feeling.

If I recall correctly, Super GT, Nascar, and Indy are being introduced into GT5 for the first time whereas Rally was back from GT4 if not GT3. Correct me if I am wrong please but the fact is that Gran Turismo has had it before so they have something to compare itself to.

Rally has been in the GT series since GT2.
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If I recall correctly, Super GT, Nascar, and Indy are being introduced into GT5 for the first time whereas Rally was back from GT4 if not GT3. Correct me if I am wrong please but the fact is that Gran Turismo has had it before so they have something to compare itself to.

Rally has been in the GT series since GT2.
Rally yes, but not the WRC, which is entirely different than the way the GT series has treated their "rally" modes. First and foremost, WRC is stage racing against the clock (not grid racing) and features several races around the globe with multiple stages within each race.

I strongly suggest hunting down a copy of World Rally Championship by Evolution Studios and/or Richard Burns Rally by Warthog Games as excellent examples (for their time of course) of WRC simulation games. Even Dirt by Codemasters does a better job simulating WRC style racing than any GT series game.

When I heard Polyphony Digital inked some kind of deal with the WRC I was elated, but like others, I am equally anxious to find out exactly what that means as far as cars, courses, and gameplay/career modes goes.
well put Nitrate, if wrc is to be on gt5, which has been confirmed obviously, then that should open up a world of new tracks/segments of mountain roads, both paved and dirt.
Then that would also mean you can race any type of car on these tracks, is anybody catching my DRIFT here? Crazy Touge my friends.

So how many tracks are they boasting on gt5, 20 locations and 60 layouts, lets just say that every track in gt4 is in gt5, gt4 had 51 tracks, so we know about at least 8 new layouts; Daytona 2, Indy 2, rome 1, madrid 1, eiger 1, and the top gear test track. putting us at 59 i cant remeber them all.

im sorry to say that the numbers do not add up. im sure there will be new rally tracks but as far as an actual wrc tracks, I highly doubt it.
The numbers do add up, if not every track from GT4 makes an appearence. A lot of people are assuming that these 20+ locations are 20+ countries. The more comments I hear from Kaz regarding the track count (the article posted today from the official PS mag included) make me believe that it's 20+ tracks with 60+ variations of thoes tracks.

If I recall correctly, Super GT, Nascar, and Indy are being introduced into GT5 for the first time whereas Rally was back from GT4 if not GT3. Correct me if I am wrong please but the fact is that Gran Turismo has had it before so they have something to compare itself to.

This is the first time all of thoes series have been included as they are, yes. But Super GT used to be the All Japan GT championship and that was licensed and featured in GT3 and GT4 and possibly in GT2 as well. I'm unsure if the GT300 and GT500 championships in GT2 were licensed or not since I don't recall All Japan GT being mentioned anywhere. But GT3 and GT4 both had All Japan GT championship series based on GT300 and GT500 cars from the AJGTC. All that's happened is that the AJGTC recently changed it's name to the Super GT, so in that sense, it's the first time the Auper GT has been in Gran Turismo, but the series overt the years has been in for a while.

Rally has only been in GT in the same sence that DTM has been in, we've had licensed cars for a while, but never a licensed series. So WRC, IRL and NASCAR are all completely new series, Super GT is only new in that it's the first time since it rebranded that it's been in.
Thats the way i pass the Time until GT5 arrives. I won´t look at all the videos wich will come, but for now its the only thing I can do.
Wake up - Log in the Planet - and see if skidmarks are finaly there (Just kidding)
Rally yes, but not the WRC, which is entirely different than the way the GT series has treated their "rally" modes. First and foremost, WRC is stage racing against the clock (not grid racing) and features several races around the globe with multiple stages within each race.

I strongly suggest hunting down a copy of World Rally Championship by Evolution Studios and/or Richard Burns Rally by Warthog Games as excellent examples (for their time of course) of WRC simulation games. Even Dirt by Codemasters does a better job simulating WRC style racing than any GT series game.

When I heard Polyphony Digital inked some kind of deal with the WRC I was elated, but like others, I am equally anxious to find out exactly what that means as far as cars, courses, and gameplay/career modes goes.

If they nail the Rally experience, with say RBR physics\reality and CMR career mode, with GT graphics and "vibe" it will be the ultimate rally racing game.

I PRAY , I PRAYYYY they drop that foolish "rally" circuit racing against a ghost, its time to step it up, PTP Stage Rallies with weather\night, co-pilot damage, and authentic WRC cars will absolutely murder, they cant sleep on this they just cant, GT cant let DiRT or 6 year old RBR be the ultimate rally experience they just cant!

THEY CANT!:scared:


ITS CALLED A SURPRISE!!!!! do you guys really want to know everything about GT5 before its released?

Yes, no, yes, no , wait...

yes? NO!...maybe?

ugh i dont care to know it all, i just want to have WRC details and to know if Circuit Gilles Villeneuve is in, after all it's used in NASCAR and F1(resuming in 2010) oh and it's like a 5 min drive from my place.
On the previous GT's i didn't care that much for rally events. But I am interested in wrc on GT5 because of it's graphics. I'm really curious on how driving the rally cars will look and feel. What really be cool is the interior of the car shaking when you going off road.

The only worry is people don't get a little dizzy.

I'm looking forward to it!
if the cars finish the race with out a scratch or a sparkling clean... that would be a real disappointment...

sometimes it seems like GT5 tries to be some many things... it makes me question how well is it all going to be executed.
In the first GT5 video, where they presented WRC, all the rallycars drive the Toscane rally. I guess this is a exenteded citta di aria, hopefully with more stages.

My expectations for rally in GT5 are not that high. I can only hope that the track Swiss Alps is gone, useless rallytrack. Still waiting for a rallygame thats coming close to WRC4.
If they nail the Rally experience, with say RBR physics\reality and CMR career mode, with GT graphics and "vibe" it will be the ultimate rally racing game.

I PRAY , I PRAYYYY they drop that foolish "rally" circuit racing against a ghost, its time to step it up, PTP Stage Rallies with weather\night, co-pilot damage, and authentic WRC cars will absolutely murder, they cant sleep on this they just cant, GT cant let DiRT or 6 year old RBR be the ultimate rally experience they just cant!

They can, and if I were laying down any bets I would bet against GT5 offering an accurate simulation of a WRC race, let alone a WRC season, and frankly that may not be a bad thing. After all, as others have said, expecting a single game to accurately simulate multiple racing series, especially those that are drastically different than others is far reaching at best.

If you want a great F1 simulation, you get a F1 game, if you want a great WRC simulation you get a WRC game. Logistically there is no way even PD could possibly match the expectations of those wanting racing series simulations for so many different motorsports.

It is for this reason, and based on what the GT series has focused on in the past that I believe the point of the licensing is the accuracy of the cars and circuits (not PTP roads) and not the series themselves. GT has always been about cars, and fulfilling the fantasy of having virtual access to a tremendous variety of cars and racing those cars on a wide variety of courses.

Yes, they have "Championship Series", although frankly even GT4 had less of an emphasis on championship series as they did on cars compared to GT3. They even dropped qualifying sessions from all single races.

This is even more apparent when it comes to rally racing, as unlike every other licensed series represented in GT5, there are no circuits. In stead, for a game to accurately reproduce the WRC experience it would have to be able to reproduce thousands of miles of unique roads... which is why even the best single purpose rally games have never fully reproduced the entire WRC experience.

What I suspect GT5 will offer is the continued opportunity to fulfill our fantasy of driving many of these amazingly engineered cars on a wide selection of tracks. Which is certainly more than reasonable considering how much content GT5 and past GT games have had.

However, nothing would make me more pleased if PD comes out with multiple single purpose motorsport series simulations, like WRC, Rally America, IRL, LMS, ALMS, GARRA, V8S, BTCC, DTM, WTCC, RSCS, F1, etc... however I doubt that will ever happen, at least not without PD growing by ten fold, as it already takes them several years to come out with one game.

Instead, I'll be happy if some other developer like Codemasters or Evolution Studios would come out with dedicated single series motorsport games. I am still crossing my fingers that Codemasters doesn't drop the ball with their upcoming F1 game, although I am still enjoying Sony's F1 Championship Edition game.
Imo wrc license will be wasted by Pd.

They better include some WRC stages in there, because PD's own rally courses sucks big time IMO...

I hope they don't squander the license, but if it is less than hoped for on release, I hope that enough pressure will be applied so that things can be put right. I'd be very unhappy if the NASCAR portion exhibited more dynamism than the WRC, especially considering the immense size of the rally fanbase (and my own personal bias :)).

My little expectation list:

1 • Less smooth surface (than PD's previous rally circuits) :grumpy:
2 • More bumps, dips, holes – i.e. horrid stability issues (see point 1) :drool:
3 • Inclusion of point-to-point (with a major focus on points 1 & 2) :drool:
4 • No bloody invisible walls (this one is probably asking too much) :grumpy:
I've been looking forward to the return of Pikes Peak Hill Climb since GT2, but I guess it'll be left out this time around as well. :(

Jesus Christ it makes my F'ing pants wet just by thinking about taking the Escudo up that mountain in GT5. :drool:
I hope they don't squander the license, but if it is less than hoped for on release, I hope that enough pressure will be applied so that things can be put right. I'd be very unhappy if the NASCAR portion exhibited more dynamism than the WRC, especially considering the immense size of the rally fanbase (and my own personal bias :)).

My little expectation list:

1 • Less smooth surface (than PD's previous rally circuits) :grumpy:
2 • More bumps, dips, holes – i.e. horrid stability issues (see point 1) :drool:
3 • Inclusion of point-to-point (with a major focus on points 1 & 2) :drool:
4 • No bloody invisible walls (this one is probably asking too much) :grumpy:

I really hope the'll put some real stage from wrc like finland, wales, greece, sweden etc.. at least some real country and not ****** tracks as in gt4... i really hate stuffs like amalfi, città d'aria, canyon.
This is even more apparent when it comes to rally racing, as unlike every other licensed series represented in GT5, there are no circuits. In stead, for a game to accurately reproduce the WRC experience it would have to be able to reproduce thousands of miles of unique roads... which is why even the best single purpose rally games have never fully reproduced the entire WRC experience.

What I suspect GT5 will offer is the continued opportunity to fulfill our fantasy of driving many of these amazingly engineered cars on a wide selection of tracks. Which is certainly more than reasonable considering how much content GT5 and past GT games have had.

It will be about compromise, if they have 20 "locations" maybe 4 or 5 could be rally locations with about 6-8 stages each(of about 5-10km) thats a decent little mini-season.

I'm all for seeing our favorite WRC cars in full GT glory and unbound by the curriculum of the Championship, but , and its a big but, how much fun are WRC cars if you can't take them for a decent rally spin, crests dips K's and jumps, dont need the whole series reproduced to a tee, just enough to get our beaks wet(or dirty).
I really hope the'll put some real stage from wrc like finland, wales, greece, sweden etc.. at least some real country and not ****** tracks as in gt4... i really hate stuffs like amalfi, città d'aria, canyon.

I know what you mean. They make some fun circuits and some :indiff: circuits, but even the nice ones haven't had enough of what chepe371 mentioned. They've lacked umph.

I'm hopeful, but concerned and a bit pessimistic. I'm sure they can do it, and though we all want GT5 to be some form of an intimate opus, I get the feeling that they have a lot on their plate (WRC, NASCAR, IRL, Super GT).

Please let there be some point-to-point. :bowdown:

Look at 30seconds into the video. It looks to me like a forest rally stage. Also at 37secs we see night racing !!

yeah, and doesn't that night racing track look a little bit like Singapore GP?

It would be nice to see some proper rally stages form real life, like The Bunnings Stage in Australia.

GT5 needs them to make it feel like proper rallying at the least

Like everyone else, i think the GT4 tracks sucked, especially El captain. it was so hard to miss those little "chicanes" on the second Half. Charmonix was too twisty in a too short area, and Almifi was fun, but too may hairpins were put in. Aria was to Narrow so you couldn't overtake the AI cars. Swiss alps was fun, but it lacked an excitement factor. Tahiti was too twisty, like Almifi
I'm hoping they make good use of the Tahiti location and turn it into a point to point wonder. If you search for 4x4 tahiti safaris on youtube you will find some some beautiful stuff in the interior of the island. Waterfalls, mountains, streams and narrow, uneven roads.

A lot of the rally tracks from previous GTs seemed very bland to me. Either sharp u turns or s curves covered in dirt and snow. Pikes Peak was probably the only real really stage that had character.