Don't worry.
PD will know how to get themselves out the 'mess'.
Amen! I just see the beauty of those car models, those meticulosly detailed interiors, 16 cars on track and pit crew at work and think to myself that dedication, that flash of genius, that uncompromise and strive for perfection has to shine through again one of these fine days. In April 2010, it will be coming up to winter in NZ and I can get cozy in the lounge and play GT.
So basically what I've put on first post on this thread about damage may still be possible. All we need is for KY, PD, Sony and all the bloody manufacturers to come to their senses and give us full damage on all cars.
I mean really. If it's so impossible to do full damage, I'll turn off the uneven visual damage and just live with rollover, and improved collision physics. If at any point PD can add a patch with full damage on all cars, I'll turn damage back on. I could be a compromise. Bassically I'm grasping at srtaws and I'm sure a lot of GT fans are, trying to make excuses to justifiy waiting for nearly 6 years.