jhondoe555 563 jhondoe555 Feb 2, 2011 #4,621 claythrow positive +3 vampiro postive +1 they're all great traders 👍👍
T TwinsPoppa Premium 650 Feb 2, 2011 #4,632 +1 POSITIVE for everyone below: TacosInc thomasphoenix kokopinos burgermaster tifosi_pao chillripcurl padam07 spikeyhairdude pharaoh 117 Dhakaia Calum.McHale BRABUS-AMG Xpier +3 POSITIVE for everyone below: HBR-Roadhog se7ensmatrix12 +10 POSITIVE for everyone below: MarcosChelas phorse CostasDrifter Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
+1 POSITIVE for everyone below: TacosInc thomasphoenix kokopinos burgermaster tifosi_pao chillripcurl padam07 spikeyhairdude pharaoh 117 Dhakaia Calum.McHale BRABUS-AMG Xpier +3 POSITIVE for everyone below: HBR-Roadhog se7ensmatrix12 +10 POSITIVE for everyone below: MarcosChelas phorse CostasDrifter
ashes619 Premium 5,049 ashes619 Feb 2, 2011 #4,633 DEMENTED-MONKEY - Positive +1 DarkR1 - Positive +3 for the great trades. arod99 - Positive +1
CostasDrifter The Greek Way Of GT Premium 2,790 Greece Feb 2, 2011 #4,634 TwinsPoppa = +10 positive I traded until now over 6 cars NO PROBLEM AT ALL ! Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
maq118 397 Feb 2, 2011 #4,638 All POSITIVE for these great traders, I've lost count but some of these guys I've had multiple deals with, so trade with confidence with them 👍 tamtalizied bluefire__ Hugo__Stiglets Live_Fr0m_NY GleepGlop sanfrangiants85 hksjun OnlyOneCanoli teamlosi20056 alex1369 ArnoldStallone SVT Cobra GT xeroAU skyline2011 BETOGTR Kunglig phil03 Beun juelz2009 GeekCred william59 Carownage Delusion757 Mile_High_Hero perc3ptions TwinsPoppa ZeGermanBastorD TbM balot@penoy eyeamboard jhondoe555 racingfreak01 Acheron79 niknokers rac3r Xoduzz brownmansupra lalilulelo jasynergy
All POSITIVE for these great traders, I've lost count but some of these guys I've had multiple deals with, so trade with confidence with them 👍 tamtalizied bluefire__ Hugo__Stiglets Live_Fr0m_NY GleepGlop sanfrangiants85 hksjun OnlyOneCanoli teamlosi20056 alex1369 ArnoldStallone SVT Cobra GT xeroAU skyline2011 BETOGTR Kunglig phil03 Beun juelz2009 GeekCred william59 Carownage Delusion757 Mile_High_Hero perc3ptions TwinsPoppa ZeGermanBastorD TbM balot@penoy eyeamboard jhondoe555 racingfreak01 Acheron79 niknokers rac3r Xoduzz brownmansupra lalilulelo jasynergy
Speed_Blade 82 l_Speed_Blade_l Feb 2, 2011 #4,649 Friendly, Trustworthly, Reliable, Fast Trader - catastrophe Positive+1 Wouldn't mind trading again 👍