GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
JhonDoe5555 ++++1 Super Awesome
ChillRipCurl ++++1 Super Nicer Trader
ZeGermanBastorD ++++1 Super Nicer Trader
David-97 ++++1 Super Nicer Trader
TwinsPoppa +++++ 1Super Awesome Trader
Limesutam +++++ 1Super Awesome Trader

These guys are a Credit to our Community !

doobieduck great guy send me without asking a ticked in advanced positive +1 advice to everyone trade with this guy !!
xxAiDsTaRxx What a man ! LEGEND ! Solidifies his rep as probably the best trader out there with some exceptionally fast trading ! +1 all the way ! 👍:tup:This is how trading should be !:cheers:
JustBecauz - Positive

Wast my first ever trade using GTP Forums and if they are all like this, I will be a very happy man 👍
These Guys are all Exceptional Traders, Super friendly, easy going, reliable trustworthy and now are all good friends of mine. Will be back dealing with them all in no Time. These people are the very Essence of TRADERS!:cheers: I am already getting more trades underway with these fantastic person!👍

Ozymandias Positive +1
Positive +1
Matyltest Positive +1
Monkeyjosh05 Positive +1
Bollard80 Positive +1
Kayman Positive +1
Modetos Positive +1
With a lot more to come! :bowdown:
Awesome trader,excellent communications, welcome back anytime

jmsbrydon +1 POSITIVE
xxAiDsTaRxx is the top-trader right now! Superfast communication... This guy never sleeps! :)

Highly recommended! A+ transactions.
These Guys and girls are all Exceptional Traders, Super friendly, easy going, reliable trustworthy and now are all good friends of mine. Will be back dealing with them all in no Time. These people are the very Essence of TRADERS!:cheers: I am already getting more trades underway with these fantastic people!

brambos Positive +1 with a lot more trades to come! :bowdown:
also Thugzy Positive +1 with a lot more trades to come! :bowdown:
Great trader - nice communication and the item came quickly and as described

This guy is an Exceptional Trader, Super friendly, easy going, reliable trustworthy and now is a good friend of mine. Will be back dealing with them all in no Time. This person is the very Essence of what a TRADER should be! I am already getting more trades underway with this fantastic person!

Positive +1 with a lot more to come!]

Last edited by xxAiDsTaRxx; Today at 5:24 AM.
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