GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
This guy is an Exceptional Trader, Super friendly, easy going, reliable trustworthy and now is a good friend of mine. Will be back dealing with them all in no Time. This person is the very Essence of what a TRADER should be!:cheers: I am already getting more trades underway with this fantastic person!👍

Sniperkillu Positive +1 with a lot more to come! :bowdown:
TwinsPoppa positive +1
everyone else knows he's a great trader 👍👍
zonderf positive +1
one great trader too 👍 :up:
Last edited:
hehehippie +1 was also kind enough to add paints to the trade for free
sharky969 +1
GoBlueDevils4 +1
b1113542 +1
dwayne84 +1
cjrciadt +1
_stiggums +1
sday +1
DwightSchrute12 +1
dblnull +1

I tried my best to remember as many trades as I could so please don't be offended if you have traded with me but don't see your username above!