GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
dblnull Positive +1
Another smooth trade with this great member.

St3fantHeFaSt1 Positive +1
Part 1 of 2 with this very good trader.

Kazza Positive +1
Another great trade with a fine member
TwinsPoppa positive +2

Great trader with good communication. Traded me get an X1 to aid in my quest to beat the Vettel X1 challenge.
xStig_Juniorx +1 POSITIVE 👍
Diesel_Power +1 POSITIVE 👍
Matboyslim13 +1 POSITIVE 👍
Mathias_p +1 POSITIVE 👍
ArnoldStallone +1POSITIVE 👍
paulsie99 +1POSITIVE 👍
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Vinny32 and Hig-GT both very positive: I arranged a two for two with Hig-GT for saturday and sunday and a 3 for 1 with Vinny32 for thursday, friday and monday, but was unexpectedly away on saturday so I was a day late completing my trades with both of them, but they both sent their cars on time anyway and were happy to wait. Both true gentlemen.