GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
Drjustice +1 Positive
jtownboy +1 Positive
Gizmo517 +1 Positive
Lavaman_82 +1 Positive
Burntbiscuit +1 Positive
Gassolini +1 Positive
JAFO-TFS +1 Positive
Greensnake123 +1 Positive
Diegorborges +1 Positive
SVTlover +1 Positive
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lotus380 +1 Positive!
Esteemed +1 Positive!
Ballist1x +1 Positive!
type-502 +1 Positive!
slemlama +1 Positive!
BitCypher +2 Positive!
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Psykiko_UK gets a positive from me, two amazing trades, couldn't be happier with the communication and efficiency :)
I've attempted to contact him multiple times, and nothing has worked.

As posted in the first post... negative feedback must be sent by PM, not posted straight to this thread.

As the member in question has not shown any activity since the day you concluded the trade, we can't conclude anything yet. Please send a PM to the moderators for further assistance, with a copy of both your PSNs. (not me... I have no GT5). Thank you.