GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

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Euronymous616 +1

Thanks for being willing to bend. Huge thank you to christara321, who saved my bacon.
Ajns73/Ajslider +2 Good guy to work with = easy trades,thanks.:)
Alex3704 +1
Gazelle68 +another 5 for this mornings additions to my paint collection thanks guys.:)
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Foghorn Leghorn +5 - fast and smoth trade 👍
mp10 +20 very good trader

thx to both , im enjoying my gifts and i hope you enjoying mine gifts as well. 👍
Rob192005 +3 (even though we only have 2 of 3 trades complete. That's how much faith I have in this guy) ;) Honestly, between you and Duck, ch1potle, christara321, Han_the_Dragon, and a few others I know I am forgetting, I don't know why I just don't post these as soon as the trades are set up. And a special thank you for being willing to move the schedule around to accommodate my stupidity. Even though christara321 made it unnecessary, the thought definitely still counts.
Rob192005 +3 (even though we only have 2 of 3 trades complete. That's how much faith I have in this guy) ;) Honestly, between you and Duck, ch1potle, christara321, Han_the_Dragon, and a few others I know I am forgetting, I don't know why I just don't post these as soon as the trades are set up. And a special thank you for being willing to move the schedule around to accommodate my stupidity. Even though christara321 made it unnecessary, the thought definitely still counts.

Thank you sir,I just sent the 330i.;)
GTP_Lancerevo7 +1 Good communication and flexible when I realised I had to switch a paint chip over.👍

apart from that the usual crowd.:D

Many thanks to

The Ch1potle Academy for B-Spec Drivers.
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tadlock-thanks for the gears I deleted and those cars.
genuino-thanks for the horns as well as the cars.
Davy_B -thanks for the batches of cars.
Fe662 - the most patient man I know.
Carl3456-The most generous person I know.
sharky969-for having an awesome thread to reference and that multicar trade for gears.
mikeeesf - thanks for all the help in my thread as well as trades...donations, you've done a lot.
Duck -thanks for the multiday trades.
nt1138-I owe this guy a lot, sending me back gears, donating cars, this guy is awesome.
Rob192005-thanks for the help as well as all of those trades.
Jay.-the donator, thanks so much Jay.
cbarbosa-another great donator and great guy.
Moebius1 - thanks for the great trades.
Han_the_Dragon- this guy has piles of cars, thanks so much.
LightningRedSTI-thanks for the great trades.
playnthru - another great donator and paint lover.
Greycap-tunes, donations love this guy.
RocZX- awesome and generous guy.
banjoboy - Secret santa, helpful to all.
Dr.Mabuse666- Thanks for the multi car trade.
Alex 3074- my right hand man.
tazmanuk- another great trade.
calico-great trader.
GT CHAMP- thank you so much for the trades.
jables72- thank you for the cars.
Jamie-C-an awesome guy.

Anyone I forgot thank you so much!!!


Shhhh, keep it quiet. running out of cars :)👍 Thank you for your help too sir 👍
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Cbarbosa +++
Banjoboy ++ (Santaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)
Monatsende +++
JasonK92 +++
Ryan_N_86 ++
RyanerB +
Scuzzy983 ++
SopranoStyle +++
Rob192005 ++
I love Gt5 ++
Crang08 +++
Hoodfield ++

Many more daily....but 👍 for everybody who has faith in me :)

How could I forget emacifa!

Emacifa +++
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A few good traders:

Igwyana +10 (generosity is a gift)
THE_GrimReaper1 +10 (an example)
goukipau +8 (fantastic trader)
andre_amaral +8 (nice guy)
BobbyBRAKEaNek +6 (also a nice guy)

A massive Thanks to Ch1potle.
He is currently helping me out a lkot with missing suits. He sent me 12 sets for 4 0/0/0 cars then procceded to fill in some of my other sets as well.
Cbarbosa +++
Banjoboy ++ (Santaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)
Monatsende +++
JasonK92 +++
Ryan_N_86 ++
RyanerB +
Scuzzy983 ++
SopranoStyle +++
Rob192005 ++
I love Gt5 ++
Crang08 +++
Hoodfield ++

Many more daily....but 👍 for everybody who has faith in me :)

How could I forget emacifa!

Emacifa +++

Thank you my friend , fortunely you haven't forgot me :guilty: :sly:

Very happy to trade with you ;)
Big thanks to the following people

cryptomatic thanks for the gears
genuino thanks for the paints
Bianis82 thanks for the freebies
Han_the_Dragon thanks for the help with MC's
Ch1potle thanks for all those gears
Duck thanks for all those MC's and posts

Sorry if Iv'e missed anyone off the list and thank you too.

I'm still yet to experience a bad or unsuccessful trade here on :gtpflag:
Swiftwilly: +1

Great trading with you Swift. Got the car you sent me and hope you enjoy the GT Academy car I sent you in return. Been putting your B-Spec drivers to work too in my remote races. :)