Brend Premium 11,772 Scotland GTSophy-Lapos ClassicBrend Dec 7, 2010 #61 Kunglig +1 Raymo5 +1 Great, fast guys
pauln123 Premium 409 Alberta, Canada pauln123 Dec 7, 2010 #64 JDM-GT5 +1 ZX636-R +1 iom csl +1 And if you could update my rep from the other thread that would be good Thanks
JDM-GT5 +1 ZX636-R +1 iom csl +1 And if you could update my rep from the other thread that would be good Thanks
M MGO_Freak 11 MGO_Freak Dec 7, 2010 #66 Positive User name = 91ls-v/PSN id = nobishass very fast trader and very reasonable
sesselpupser Bearded Member Premium 9,187 United Kingdom neema_t Dec 7, 2010 #69 ZacharySim +1, great trader!
B b1113542 136 Dec 7, 2010 #70 Please also update my reputation from the old thread. I had +4 from that thread that were never posted: Reference posts: xeoreg neosin RalliArt///// Lokomotiv In addition to the +3 from Boland11 posted in this current thread, as well as +1 from JACK_GTR here, I should have 8/0/0 up to this post. Thanks for your effort in keeping the list up to date.
Please also update my reputation from the old thread. I had +4 from that thread that were never posted: Reference posts: xeoreg neosin RalliArt///// Lokomotiv In addition to the +3 from Boland11 posted in this current thread, as well as +1 from JACK_GTR here, I should have 8/0/0 up to this post. Thanks for your effort in keeping the list up to date.
Ariel Atom Bomb 234 cannibal_unicorn CannibalUnicorn Dec 7, 2010 #72 I'm still 2 + ratings short that were never tallied from the old thread... Here And Here Bruce G + 1. Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
I'm still 2 + ratings short that were never tallied from the old thread... Here And Here Bruce G + 1.
J jtownboy 88 jtownboy j town boy 2 Dec 7, 2010 #74 Lucky206=positive YouMirin=positive K BLAK=positive My Positive Feedback Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
zzaapp 49 Pittsburgh rssix Dec 7, 2010 #75 just traded with k26244388 - very smooth and trusting, thanks again! big +1
authorize 230 authorize Dec 7, 2010 #78 Jordanp19 +2 wforeman87 +1 Both great traders. Actually, Jordanp19 is an excellent trader. Great communications, no playing games. Thanks!
Jordanp19 +2 wforeman87 +1 Both great traders. Actually, Jordanp19 is an excellent trader. Great communications, no playing games. Thanks!
S SuperShouden (Banned) 7,542 SuperShouden Dec 7, 2010 #81 Wait, that means the old thread is no more. Well, crapola. Let's see.. +1 for Jack_GTR +1 for Vander
W wadeboy (Banned) 9 Dec 7, 2010 #83 MourningTouge +1 great trade Sgt_deeds + 1 great trade both did as they say they wld straight away
Fyshokid Some guy Premium 1,959 Denmark Fyshokid Dec 7, 2010 #84 Gazaka +1 Easy to communicate with and didn't mind sending first.
theofilosz (Banned) 409 Greece the0f1l0s Dec 7, 2010 #85 Correct my psn id is Theofilosz not Theosfilosz Updates: Gtuned +1 b1113542 +1 Both great guys did 100% what they were supposed to, guaranteed!
Correct my psn id is Theofilosz not Theosfilosz Updates: Gtuned +1 b1113542 +1 Both great guys did 100% what they were supposed to, guaranteed!
chimuel 371 Boston, MA Chimuel Chimuel Dec 7, 2010 #88 I gave positive review from someone here: And the positive review I got from the same person is right after my post.
I gave positive review from someone here: And the positive review I got from the same person is right after my post.
L ll_-LUCIFER-_ll 256 LL_-LUCIFER-_LL Dec 7, 2010 #89 hachi_Kid +1 Fast and easy to trade with Jeebs67 +1 as above fast and easy to trade with Last edited: Dec 7, 2010