GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
Gee-dub-ya +1 Positive Very fast and easy trade. He even sent first.

Arklight +1 Positive A w e s o m e
Gran turismo 5 trading sucks badly.. just got scammed, lost my Escudo, I said i just need it for the Championship he was thats OK ill send you the Formula GT right when i get the Escudo, retard removed me from friend list and doesnt reply on my msg's -.-*
It was a positive experience to trade with Vyvian, got working stealth code as a trade.
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Xavier2342 +1

Coreyvf +1

Trustworthy trader 👍; thanks again for the Lamborghini, I've wanted one of those for quite sometime but just never got around to getting one because of other projects I'm trying to fund.
Rigxs hasn't sent me my car in nearly a week, doesn't respond to PSN messages. This is ridiculous and now he is banned. I'm about to just say screw it to trading altogether, or stipulating that they have to send the car first.

sleepiemonkee +1
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