GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
+2 for one of my regular traders Nitrous_Ox.Great trader,and very generous with our car-horns trade.If I must gave poitns for his generousity,I don´t give a simple +2,so +6 would be y very honest veredcit (+2 perfect trades +4 donates)
cryptomanic +1 Hell's a nightmare but can be nice too , great trader. :)
jkt008 +1 Thanks toooo :D
SnyDX +1 Fast and smoth trade , recomemded
cbarbosa +1 Thank you for the giveway :dopey:
GReek_Wizard +2 Thank you for the givewaY :D

Thank you all :gtpflag:
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DiersZee1 +1 a generous trader!

the_saint8,thugdevotion and s0ul_chicken + many

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Right back at you taz. +many for "The Usual Suspects"
Cheap_Charley, tazmanuk, chug-a-bug, the _saint8, doobieduck, mikeeesf, oldbloke007
You can't go wrong with these guys.
Thanks Taz...Chalk up another one for tazmanuk. Does what he says and easy to converse with :cheers:
Jonee589 Positive +2 👍

Serious trader and sent me the car earlier...

And what a ride... :drool:
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ChOs3n + 3 Positive
Great Trader, Very trustowrthy and friendly. 👍

ch1potle +1 POSITIVE for the free helmets, Great Trader 👍

flybynighter +1 POSITIVE sent me some Jaguar purple 👍

Thanks guys :bowdown:
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