GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
Ch1potle +1 for another good easy trade
Drevenger +1 for likewise.👍,thanks guys.:)
Drevenger all +2 for quick easy trades,thanks alot guys.:)👍
LancerEvo7 +1 👍 positive
Simple Matt +2 👍 positive
GTdarjan +2 👍 positive
Excellent traders A+
Is the initial post not being updated anymore by the OP? The last time it's been updated was ~one year ago.

Well, here you go, thanks to all I've traded with so far! (I hope I didn't miss anyone):
istealteevees +1
goukipau +2
cpgmm +1
Sveniboy82 +1
wallj +1
unclecheong +1
calico +1 (gave me a free ticket!)
Drevenger +6
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Nitrous ox +1 positive - Another smooth trade. Thanks!

Duck +40 :sly: positives - Thanks for the remote races!


flat-6 +1 positive

MN6WS6 +1 positive

YellowFerret +1 positive

Thanks for including my Bobs in your races!
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Jaguilar10, another +1

Gerd, +2, includes sending a day early

Lav01, +1, special mention for sending over 1 week early

All 3 are honest and reliable traders!!!
Christara321 + positive. Lost count to be honest!
Hoodfield - same as above :D
The_killionaire1 +1 send me a sweet car after I won in his prize draw. 👍
^^^ Always a pleasure to help out one of the Horsemen. 👍


Alex 3074: +1 positive

Marvelous SUPRA RZ `97 with DLC paint job - gifted : You`re a star!

:lol: What a combo... 14 switches / 0 km / 1 victory --- How did you manage to achieve a victory without driving? :lol:
The car looks fantastic!!!
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ID_Racing +5 for more good trades and understanding,thanks man.:)👍

Just echoing this sentiment again.👍 thanks John.👍 and Milldrum +5 for helping erase a mistake thanks mate!.:) Cryptomanic +2 for another easy trade,thanks.:)👍
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Time to wrap some of the latest trades up:

MPatel +1 - new trader, fast and reliable
Rob192005 +5 - great trader, good communication and gets things sorted!
goirke +3 - generous and great trader
cobrius + 7 - tons of positive things to say about this guy, thanks!
Drevenger +2 - Good communication - I'll always trade with this guy
Nitrous ox +2 - smoothe trading all the way, thanks
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