GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
sid_chiclana +5 positive generous guy, top shelf trader 👍👍

border84 +2 positive solid reliable trader, good to deal with
Gazelle68 Positive
crypto-matic Positive
jstanford124 Positive
flybynighter Positive

All great traders 👍
Outeke+++ for replicas 👍

cbarbosa Positive++ 👍

i love gt5 Positive++ 👍

Kyy357 Positive++ 👍

Thanks those awesome guys who filled my gift box :)
Rob192005: +10 👍
Awesome guy!

Outeke: +10 👍
Awesome guy!

I love GT5: +10 👍
Thanks a lot for unexpeted free stuff and the great drift car you made!
S0UL-CHICKEN+ 15 for all the paints and gifts.
GT4Viper + 10 for the present he sent me.
JonasRulez +10 for all the paints he sent me.
Thanks again to Ch1potle for his continued generosity it is much appreciated mate.:bowdown: thanks also to Silver10.
But I was supported during that time.

It's irrelevant anyway. No one who trades here uses the thread that way anymore. The accepted usage is to search the thread for a username and scroll through the hits. If you're getting rep'd, you'll show in the search. No one looks at the OP, and no one really adds up numbers anymore. There is much more value in seeing multiple posts of positive rep than a number in the OP.
Why am I not up there I got good positive feedback?

Maybe it`s because of MAYBELLINE... :lol:

What`s true or not? We don`t know...


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