GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
S0ul Chicken +10
Rob192005 +10
gamerdog6482 +10
locoman88 +10
Dooblewasur +10
apoxin +10
tftadlock +10
durwinning +10
sammy21 +10
Mignun +10

And anyone else I may have forgotten...

For smooth trades and remote races. Thanks Guys!!!
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predator13 +1000
Had a couple of trades with this guy now, he's one of the quickest, and easiest people to trade with, absolutely brilliant. :D:tup:
Did it ever occur to anyone that the OP hasn't been updated in over a year?
Yes but we post in here and then just check the last couple of pages to check for rep on the person we are trading with.
Ah, well, I guess that works too.
To an extent.

You can also search the thread for a specific username and it will return ALL the posts for rep on that user. I believe the mods have weeded out all the negative posts, so it amounts to just seeing how many times a user pops up positive. Another resource you can use is the actual trading threads themselves. Most guys maintain a schedule (Mine goes back to September of last year). Checking their schedule can also be invaluable as a resource to see who they trade with and who they have traded with, especially if it is someone you know to be trusted.
Time to drop another positive feedback for

Outeke : Thanks for a massive replica library stacked in my AAA-Replica garage. 👍
You can also search the thread for a specific username and it will return ALL the posts for rep on that user. I believe the mods have weeded out all the negative posts, so it amounts to just seeing how many times a user pops up positive. Another resource you can use is the actual trading threads themselves. Most guys maintain a schedule (Mine goes back to September of last year). Checking their schedule can also be invaluable as a resource to see who they trade with and who they have traded with, especially if it is someone you know to be trusted.

Yes mate am not very good with flash animation?
But if some one could make one showing how to do a search thru an individual thread using the feature at the RED bar above then that should and be worthy of being stickied into every forum place on GTPlanet.
It would help not having to explain to every one how to search a thread.
Chat soon bye for now mate.:)
Thanks to Dooblewasur,Crypto,Christara,Akbar2k7 and also thanks to everyone who has and is still racing my bobs.:D:tup:
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Thanks to Ch1potle,Dooblewasur,Christara321 and Soul_chicken(and the rest of the B-Spec guys).:)
JBernando - Positive! Smooth trade

uktopgear92 - Positve! Smooth trade

TheAce37 - Plus Positve! I didn't recieve the car he sended me and I pm'd him, 1 day later I see a beautifull 370Z I requested
He has send the car and did not make any problem about resending it for a second time cos I did not recieve it...that's what I call a Top Trader 👍

Christara321 - Plus Plus Positve! Very generous guy! 👍

Please send PM or quote this message if I forgot you :)
