GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
Both Barrels - Awesome guy! I've been looking for a Spoon Civic type R for a while and he PM'd offering me one :)

Real nice guy too!! Deffo a good trader! :)
Drevenger +lots. Thank you :cheers:

Honourable mentions to DiersZee, Pandulce, Ch1potle and Tbwhhs 👍
Another +10 positive for Star Light! If anyone needs help with racing gear, he's the one who will definitely come through 👍👍
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: Racin510s Its a good bet if hes your friend hes got your back. :cool: :cheers: :gtplanet:

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: Both Barrells aka Hollywoo2218 Always looking out.
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Both Barrels - Thanks again! Finally completed the Spoon collection!! great trader

Igwyana - Top guy! Thanks man!!
nealcropper is a top notch guy...I was only asking for a single Gold Chrome and he came through with 5 of them.So full marks go to nealcropper...:cheers:
+ Infinity positive for Star Light! Many thanks for all your hard work mate :cheers:👍👍 He is definitely an asset to anyone who's looking for assistance :bowdown::D
GRANKUSTOM 👍 Thank you for the beautiful cars.
nt1138 👍 Thank you for the paints.
drevenger 👍 Thank you for the paints.
Outeke 👍 Many thanks for the things.
hrobey for the gift ticket 👍
shepzki for the shares 👍
xxKristi87xx for the paints 👍
genuino for racing my Bobs 👍
SWERV_GRIFFIN for many, many things 👍
GRANKUSTOM for the shares and the great tips 👍
jantra for the awesome paint chips 👍
Drevenger for successful trades 👍
👍👍 to the :gtpflag: community
Ch1potle 👍 Many thanks for the things.
GTCam: 👍 Many thanks for the things.

Awesome epic stuff we pulled off haha!
GTCam 👍 Thank you bud for the sweet, sweet things!

nt1138 👍 Always a pleasure, sir.

Outeke 👍 More appreciated things!

Thank you so much guys, I truly appreciate everything.
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+4 for genuino for the Superbird's!
+18 for Racin510s for helping complete my Super Bee's!
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Chipotle 👍 thanks for the stuff :)
Drevenger 👍 thanks for the other stuff :)

Thank you to the rest of the Pirates for keeping GT alive :cheers: