J Jason~Bourne 361 JTninja or GTP_JTninja1 Jan 1, 2011 #1,711 YassirNosir- Positive! Great communication!
A ammad94 31 AM-MAD-XD & GTP_anwar Jan 1, 2011 #1,712 YassirNosir POSITIVE, gifted when agreed and great communication.
Rossell2 2,408 Rossell2 Jan 1, 2011 #1,713 YassirNosir - POSITIVE. Quick on the ball and a nice bloke. Cheers.
Jordanp19 348 Jordanp19 Jan 1, 2011 #1,715 David97 +2 Had 2 great trades with him Easy communication, etc. Recommended trader
Live_Fr0m_NY 768 Live_Fr0m_NY GTP_YoungTurbo45 Jan 1, 2011 #1,725 Raymo5 - Positive Super quick and easy transaction, cant get any better then that. 👍
R Raymo5 102 Jan 1, 2011 #1,727 Live_Fr0m_NY Raymo5 - Positive Super quick and easy transaction, cant get any better then that. 👍 Click to expand... Live_Fr0m_NY Positive Same Here Quick and Easy.
Live_Fr0m_NY Raymo5 - Positive Super quick and easy transaction, cant get any better then that. 👍 Click to expand... Live_Fr0m_NY Positive Same Here Quick and Easy.
C Criminal_Fetus 81 Criminal_Fetus Jan 1, 2011 #1,731 Jai-AE86. +1 Very fast trade NastyFireman +1 Faithful to trade schedule AsianOnRoute69 +1 Fast and reliable Xoterz +1 Fast Trade souperdooperhig +1 Good, fast trade
Jai-AE86. +1 Very fast trade NastyFireman +1 Faithful to trade schedule AsianOnRoute69 +1 Fast and reliable Xoterz +1 Fast Trade souperdooperhig +1 Good, fast trade
C Crumpet Premium 9,825 Great Britain Jan 1, 2011 #1,732 Criminal_Fetus - Rather quick, reliable - Positive
Ryou 2,482 United States Jan 1, 2011 #1,735 Boab: Positive RacecarBMW: Positive gti3358: Positive xXPwn_K1ngXx: Positive
B bluefire__ 145 bluefire__ Jan 1, 2011 #1,736 hksjun mert255 mralexf1 guabinas priestly_lfc ALL POSITIVE
gothenqcowboys 436 Jan 1, 2011 #1,740 Positives for the following wonderful traders: GR1P_0082R jassim55 mert255 brother_speed NFScarbon1 GTP_Joey Rivers112 Pleasure doing business
Positives for the following wonderful traders: GR1P_0082R jassim55 mert255 brother_speed NFScarbon1 GTP_Joey Rivers112 Pleasure doing business