GT5 Traders Reputation Thread - See Post#1 For Updated Terms Of Use

  • Thread starter GM
#78 +2 very fast trades thank you

Boab +1 fast trade and polite would trade with him again
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Faria0808 - POSITIVE
ebud007 - POSITIVE
ajejebrazof - POSITIVE
rampage917 - POSITIVE
toyota_gt1 - POSITIVE
ibomb4 - POSITIVE
Rossticles - POSITIVE
Jake_The_Snake - POSITIVE
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+1 bigFoote
+1 priesty_lfc
+1 Wits
+1 dice1998
From the old thread:
+1 Rigxs - Rated me +1 here (as PSN name Boyracer94)
+1 JDMJim - Rated me +1 here
+1 oJayTo - Rated me +1 here (as PSN name Boyracer94)
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McLaren Fan 1 +1 positive!

hopefully we will do more business in the future
Tommi +1. Have traded several times with him before. Great guy.

killa Cali +1 great deal. Thanks again.
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Thanks guys for being so quick in getting this back up!

I have some feedback I gave on the old thread, so I'll repost it here:

1. TrackStarGT psn RayderRN +2 (two trades completed over two days without a hitch) great to trade with!

2. leigh321f, psn machinehead001 +1

got my fireblade and my IROC-Z concept woohoo

And one new one: EVILWAYS1102, psn mazterbill +1, got a ZZ-II and some tires.
jereweeti +1
B13POS +1
Galant409VR4 +1

Quick and pleasant exchanges with all. Would trade again.

Agreed to trade, had me waiting up until 1 AM, did not answer PSN messages/GT5 in game messages for over an hour. Just glad I didn't send my car.


This type of crap is why they had to do a review in the first place. You can't just come on here screaming !SCAMMER! because a guy wasn't ready at your beck and call! Ridiculous! I read this and was thinking, 'Well, the guy probably had something come up that was important enough and sudden enough that he had to leave his game running and deal with it!', and then I read later on in the thread that that is exactly what happened!

Members are no longer allowed to leave negative feedback in the thread. See the first post for updated instructions.

Exactly. Read the first post. And use some common sense! Slagging a guy who you didn't even send a car to? Grow up!

just here to say sorry about that some stuff in the real world had to be taking care of. and to my defence i even told him to not send me his car because I had sent my one car for the day. so I could of easily scammed him but that's not how i roll...

See? Harmless. The other day I was in the middle of a trade, and my young son threw up all over my wife, left the game on, went to help her. That's the real world, buddy, so lighten up! Next time a trade doesn't go exactly on schedule, wait more than a freakin' hour before you turn to slandering people on the internet!