Traded with Duck for mine. I actually bought the thing on one of the first days I had the game and traded it away before i knew how rare it was. That one is a prime candidate for a trade.
Wow, how unfortunate! Funny how these things go, because at that moment you really did not realize how the used car systems worked etc. The other day I was at my friend's and when I looked into his UCD of that moment, he happened to have a W12 Nardo in it.

I recommended buying that too right away, since it does not show up all that often!
What day are you on? I went through the first major "gap" day by day and found this car twice...2120 was the first, didn't write down the second.
Ah, very good to know! That's pretty close actually, since I am on day 2027 currently and the next gap starts at day 2054. Will keep that in mind, since checking the UCD for every 6 loadings 'by hand' can be pretty cumbersome, so will just move towards the '2100'-range and check from then on. Other cars I still need (day appearing):
Toyota - ALTEZZA Touring Car (2433)
Dodge - Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car #91 '00 (2437)
Toyota - CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95 (2457)
Subaru - IMPREZA Coupe 22B-STi Version '98 (2477)
Honda - Gathers Drider CIVIC Race Car '98 (2500)
Nissan - MOTUL PITWORK Z '04 (2575)
Mercedes-Benz - Sauber Mercedes C9 Race Car '89 (2605)
Toyota - RSC '01 (2625)
Chaparral - 2J Race Car '70 (3290)
Somebody reportedly saw a 2J race car somewhere around 2100 too, as I read in the topic, but have not seen it in any of the logs yet. You guys happen to know whether it shows up somewhere earlier than day 3290?
Would be even better if they would just put in in the OCD again, how did I miss that the first time around?!