GT5 Videos are a cure for insomnia

  • Thread starter gtbillyboy
I think I've finally figured out what is wrong with GT5. If any of you have every woken up in the middle of the night and put on the TV, if there happens to be a race on a channel, I find that the race action makes me more awake and alert.

However, if I wake up in the middle of the night and watch GT5 videos, it helps me to fall back to sleep.

GT5 racing and replays should not be like this - this isn't right!!!!!

Can anyone else confirm this works for them.
hi agree a little, there is not that intensity, that nervosity of a race

edit : by little i mean i agree 21.46% obviously
I think GT5P have best angles , is both bit magical yet race real. But they also need custom camera angles that you can switch at any given moment. Then I will be happy.

Not to mention GT4's music style replay!
They are a bit dull because unless it's an amazing lap and you are appreciating the good driving nothing else happens much. Cars bang together and still look like new, the track and barriers don't get affected by the cars, the whole thing just seems a bit lifeless. I'm hoping the new damage will make things a bit more exciting. If I race in cockpit view and don't watch the replays then the hard work PD are putting into the car models will be a total waste.
I think custom cameras would be awesome and something I have wanted in racing games for a long time...

Basically let me place cameras around the track and set their zoom level and when they switch to the next camera.

Maybe after setting up all the cameras go through a replay and you control the level of zoom with the analog stick and it remembers the zoome level for your cars placement so during a replay it mimicks it.

I think that would be awesome... I love replays but they are so often hampered by camera position.
There is a fairly simple answer to this and it has nothing to do with how GT's replays are designed. While watching a normal race broadcast on TV there are other sounds other than the cars(commentators, crowd, commercials, interviews). However while watching a replay of any racing game normally only has the car sounds, this forms a sort of "white noise" which helps people fall asleep. This is why children often fall asleep while in the car as engines produce "white noise".
If anyone noticed, GT1 and 2, maybe 3 had very close camera angles on the replay making them very action packed, due to the 6 car grid and low res textures, they tended to look like crap from a distance.

Then starting in GT3 and 4 they started making the angles wider allowing you to take in more scenery, however i find that as beautiful as GT5P environments look, the camera angles are much much too wide, too often, i find myself always pressing Triangle to get a close up , id say keep the beautiful drawn out angles but limit them to 1 or 2 per circuit, and keep the rest close enough to feel the action.
Fuji, for example, needs a shot of Mt. Fuji in the background. And Eiger needs a shot of Eiger in the background. But you guys are right saying that every shot doesnt need to be so wide.
I think I've finally figured out what is wrong with GT5. If any of you have every woken up in the middle of the night and put on the TV, if there happens to be a race on a channel, I find that the race action makes me more awake and alert.

However, if I wake up in the middle of the night and watch GT5 videos, it helps me to fall back to sleep.

GT5 racing and replays should not be like this - this isn't right!!!!!

Can anyone else confirm this works for them.

On the contrary I've had a few long, sleepless nights enjoying the replay in GT5 Prologue (GT3 and 4 as well although both can quite match the 1080p display of Prologue). While I understand what you're saying but as I'm concerned GT has always been about celebrating cars- its line and movement and I can't think of a better way to see them than through these replays. I remember when Kazunori Y was asked about the game's replay and its quality, his answer was that he had wanted to become a movie director while growing up but since movie-making (unless you're Kurosawa or Shimizu) is not big in Japan as it is in Hollywood, he became a game developer instead and GT replay has always been from his vision and direction (and in the succeeding between GT4 and soo to be released GT5, he's been to more races and even raced in a few races so I'm sure there will be changes to the replays as well).

There are games out there that have a more action packed replays: pick any of the NFS games or GRID which I think work very well both as a contrast and to balance the one in GT games- in other word get those games as well and leave GT replays alone :). Besides GT3 and 4 (the only other GT games I'm familiar with) also feature an MTV music video styled replay (Dive) mode. While I applaud the idea of customized replay camera(s), hopefully it's just as an option not a replacement.
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I actually fell asleep while I was playing GT PSP. ha ha :P
Perhaps there isn't an obnoxious announcer? Maybe it's because we're not getting play by plays on the replay videos?
Regardless, I don't think it's the camera angle but many of the people here make some valid points :) I think it may be because in the replay videos, you're just following the one car as opposed to in a real race, you'd be following multiple cars throughout one lap.
As much as I enjoy watching GT replays I admit sometimes I do start to nod off, even if I watch them in the middle of the day (very rare I will sleep during the day), after a few lengthy replys sometimes I have heavy eye lids.
What would be good besides a directors mode & tv style camara views, is race commentary.Not just mentioning the names of drivers in their race position, if someone crashed or who has won a race etc.Would be good to say about how each driver & team is getting on throughout the season with details, maybe this could be done for the WRC & Nascar or the same in other race events.
I have always really enjoyed the replays in the GT series, but i agree with the point of shots getting wider as the series has evolved. The earlier replays certainly seemed more action packed.
I have to agree with the first postr...

(having said that, i want to make it clear that i still love GT
it's so beautiful to look at.... especially when you are well awake)

otherwise, yes, it would put you to sleep...

The Main reason being, and you are right about your scenario "GTBillyBoy",
but you forgot about this:
- TV race: you dont expect or cannot foresee what's coming next, different and RAndom Camera work, actions that you have never seen before, or that you have seen only once.
- GT game replay: you know the music, you know the track, you know what's coming next, you know what to expect...

I think that would explain why...

Fanboy comment:
Would it be the same for games say Forza or Shift?....
Nope!..... because why would you want to see the replay in the first place :D :P LOL
End of Fanboy comment.
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I once fell asleep while playing GT3. It was during ome long endurance race on the oval, driving the Escudo, many laps ahead of the competition. I dozed off for a few minutes, don't know exactly how many, but when I "woke up", my precious Escudo was "parked" up against the barrier and I was still in 1st place :lol:.

So I just drove off and finished the race 👍

But on topic, I do agree a bit that the replays can get a tiny bit boring, but most of the time I just love watching those cars swing around the tracks. Especially on a good lap! 👍
You know what's a good cure for insomnia? Chick flicks, because they're so boring!
Apart from hot laps, i don't see the point in replays. In other games i use them to look back at funny moments, like your own vehicle landing on you in Halo 3. But in GT, there is no funny moments, its just racing. With damage this should improve the replays a great deal, i might consider watching them.

I find watching racing on TV is quite boring unless you're following the championship. I follow F1 and i find the races interesting, even if they are uneventful. If i watch an American le mans series race i get bored out of my mind because i have no idea what is going on and i don't have a driver that i am rooting for.

It helps if i know the track too. Playing Suzuka on GT5P made me appreciate the F1 race there a lot more. I could follow the drivers' laptimes and compare them to my own (albeit in the faster F2007).

I find replays in both equally boring and likely to induce sleep. You may have just cured my insomnia, why didn't i think of this before...
Well I fell sleep once when I was watching 2009 Formula One at Suzuka :lol: I guess it's the sound of the engine that make you fall sleep if you got used to it, it just sound like nothing new when you always hear it everytime, too much F2007 driving in GT5 prologue I guess. :lol: This is the only down side about having limited cars in a Gran turismo 5 prologue, your tired of hearing the same 70+ cars sounds. :lol: Even though the Mustang engine at high volume keeps me awake sometimes.
You know you could have "action packed replays" in GT3 and 4 with a single button press with lots of close camera angles and color filters?

I dont want too extreme replays, i want to see overtakes etc. and not the taillight of my car.
Apart from hot laps, i don't see the point in replays.

Same here. I always found races to be boring in TV, thus, replays are basically just that to me. Driving is where the fun is at, in my opinion. Hot laps and cool races are a different matter, however. I also believe that with damage this will change. 👍
I only tend to hit the replay button only when something unique or different happens in that race. I once [unintentionally] drifted on a curve with the Lancer GTA and I couldn't stop watching it on replay.

On the other hand, taking photomode pictures of cars in a race which my brother did is BORING.
You are right. Not just GT though. Any racing game that I'm good at actually helps me fall asleep. Maybe I need a whole cockpit setup. I can feel sleepy even while playing NFS Shift now that I'm comfortable with its controls . Even the speed doesn't seem unreal anymore. I'm not bragging.

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