GT5 Vs Forza DLC

  • Thread starter joetruckv8
FM4 DLC went on for a year post launch. It didn't 'dry up' after 6 months.
FM3 DLC also went on for a year post launch as well.

The only thing that GT5 has over FM4 in terms of DLC is tracks, and I'm not talking about Route X that should have been part of the game. Spa DLC alone was the best track DLC of the bunch. I seriously wished T10 would have released a track DLC like they did with FM2 and FM3. What is disgusting is PD charging you for single use paint chips. At least T10 released a finished game with small non game breaking bugs, unlike PD.

And no, no facts behind his statement. It's funny to me when I read these things because I see all devs guilty of this. PD should have released those TC cars for what they were, race mods of existing cars in the game, for free ;)

Vote with your wallet folks!
Is there any fact behind this, or are you just pulling this out of no where?
There was release day DLC and another pack available a few weeks later so it is safe to say that at least that much content was ready and could have been included.

6 Months? from what I see is that they had a car pack for 11 months after the game came out.
Yes, I am a bit off base on that comment. Forza 3 claimed that there would be a pack every month for a year but there was a long gap with no DLC before the next pack was released and they never did release the number they had indicated they would be doing. They also did release the VIP which was supposed to be exclusive as DLC later which was very lame on their part.

While I agree there are still some left over bugs, they are minor at best.
Tubro glitch, cars which run faster with the front all the way up and others that run faster with the rear all the way up. Lemans track surface sometimes turns into a mirror though I have not saw this one in a while. PI way off on some cars. Some cars drive horribly compared to the Forza 2 or Forza 3 version of that same car. Porsche 962 and Rossion Q1 for example.

I have not seen anyone get banned, and if they did they where the members that came out acting like total donkeys. I love both games, but from what I remember and what I read all over the place, GT5 seemed half baked, warranting those fixes.
I was banned permanently from the Forza web site for stating that their banning policy was unfair in a comment section, I know several others who were as well.

I'm curious though, what features did PD add, as I have not been in touch with GT5 for quite some time?
They expanded several things in the online racing, adding more options and such that were not there before as well as a few things that really should have been there all along.

Why do people complain at a game that produces alot of DLC? I can understand your statement if the game was completely broken and was absolutely unplayable, but thats not the case at all. The option is yours to buy the DLC, they are not forcing you to get it. They even offer a free car for every monthly pack they had..They are persuading you, thats pretty much it. If you dont want them to take your money, dont buy it. Its not as if you dont get it, your game wont function right anymore.

The problem with the lot of DLC is how much it drives up the price. Some people myself included like to be competitive and because T10 includes ringer cars in the DLC packs we are pretty much forced to lay out the extra cash to stay competitive. This seems to be a strategy on their part and that is the part I do not like. If they would simply fix the badly broken PI so that the cars in a given class are a bit more even then it would not be such a problem but really if they release 11 car packs over the course of a year and you buy them all to stay competitive you end up paying more than double for the game and then they put it on sale with all the content for less the we paid for the game without the content. Just a bit unfair to those who do spend the cash early on.
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Forza 3 didn't get 1 DLC on it's 12th month post release. There wasn't a long gap. Forza 3 got DLC each and every month they said we'd get except for the last.

There's also been cars mentioned and even modeled that still to this day have not been part of any Forza game, DLC or not. I didn't cry foul because to me FM4 DLC has been the best car DLC of any racing game I've owned and played. It is just a shame we didn't get a track back this time.

You aren't forced to buy DLC. If you dislike it, then don't buy it. Vote with your wallet. I did. All FM4 DLC I purchased, including the Porsche pack. I did not purchase all of FM3 DLC, most but not all. Only DLC I didn't purchase in GT5 was those stupid paint chips and race suits/helmets.
There was release day DLC and another pack available a few weeks later so it is safe to say that at least that much content was ready and could have been included.
Yes those are the ones I pointed out. Either way, theres nothing factual about your claim. Just because they had launch day packs, doesnt mean that "much of the dlc probably could have been on disc"

Yes, I am a bit off base on that comment. Forza 3 claimed that there would be a pack every month for a year but there was a long gap with no DLC before the next pack was released and they never did release the number they had indicated they would be doing. They also did release the VIP which was supposed to be exclusive as DLC later which was very lame on their part.
Never played 3, only 1, 2, and 4 so I cant argue there. I myself dont mind the release of special edition/vip cars. They where in high demand for the people that didnt have it. While I agree it sucks for the people that did buy the special tags, the VIP service was much more then just a few extra cars. Something the "non subscribers" cant get, unless they opt up.

Tubro glitch, cars which run faster with the front all the way up and others that run faster with the rear all the way up. Lemans track surface sometimes turns into a mirror though I have not saw this one in a while. PI way off on some cars. Some cars drive horribly compared to the Forza 2 or Forza 3 version of that same car. Porsche 962 and Rossion Q1 for example.
Turbo glitch? Did you bring that up to point out that its something game breaking? All your doing is making your car slower. I would rather have that option, then none at all. Maybe its something they can implement on the next iteration.

I have never seen a car run faster with its front or rear all the way up. I have tuned plenty of cars, and if i tried that on anything I threw together it would be absolutely horrible. Again, please provide some proof for me, because I highly doubt that.

That mirror problem just sounds like a faulty disc.

They had a patch for certain cars with messed PI's, but what you expect is every car in the top end of B class to handle and act exactly the same way as every other car? Not every car is going to have the same aerodynamics, wheelbase, width, length, drivetype, or weight.

The lightweight-low HP car is not going to be good in the straights, but it'll turn like hell. The opposite heavyweight-High HP car is going to be.. well the opposite. even though they are in the same class. Each car has its strengths and its weakness.

Car A will be horrible Class B races with many straights, while car B would be horrible in B class with twistys and lots of corners. Not one single car is going to suit every track.

As for the cars feeling different, wasnt Forza 4's tire model totally reworked? Wouldnt that make the cars feel different?

I was banned permanently from the Forza web site for stating that their banning policy was unfair in a comment section, I know several others who were as well.
I'm sorry to say, that I have not come across that. I have voiced my opinion against them a handful of times and I had nothing happen to my account. Although I wasnt calling them out directly, i was calling out the game.

The problem with the lot of DLC is how much it drives up the price. Some people myself included like to be competitive and because T10 includes ringer cars in the DLC packs we are pretty much forced to lay out the extra cash to stay competitive. This seems to be a strategy on their part and that is the part I do not like. If they would simply fix the badly broken PI so that the cars in a given class are a bit more even then it would not be such a problem but really if they release 11 car packs over the course of a year and you buy them all to stay competitive you end up paying more than double for the game and then they put it on sale with all the content for less the we paid for the game without the content. Just a bit unfair to those who do spend the cash early on.
Drives up what price, if you dont mind me asking? To be honest, I cant recall any DLC car being so overpowered that the only way to be competitive is to buy it.. In fact, I found most cars in the pack to be less competitive then I would have liked. I ended up going back to old favorites most of the time. Once in a while you'd find an unexpected gem, but it wasnt in every single car pack.

EDIT: Passed this part up the first time
They expanded several things in the online racing, adding more options and such that were not there before as well as a few things that really should have been there all along.
What did they add exactly? Thats such a vague explanation.
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The value of DLC will always vary from person to person. Me and Forza Horizon for example -- did I think $80 was steep for the LCE? Yup. Was I concerned about plunking down $50 for the Season Pass? Yup. But I've invested enough time into the game -- and used more DLC cars than I expected to -- that I'm running close to an hour and a half for every dollar spent. Color me satisfied.

As for the cars feeling different, wasnt Forza 4's tire model totally reworked? Wouldnt that make the cars feel different?
As far as I can tell the physics are pretty much the same, but with the new tire model it's completely transformed.
The value of DLC will always vary from person to person. Me and Forza Horizon for example -- did I think $80 was steep for the LCE? Yup. Was I concerned about plunking down $50 for the Season Pass? Yup. But I've invested enough time into the game -- and used more DLC cars than I expected to -- that I'm running close to an hour and a half for every dollar spent. Color me satisfied.
Exactly how I felt about FM4, Horizon was a different story for me however.

As far as I can tell the physics are pretty much the same, but with the new tire model it's completely transformed.

I'm just guessing, but wouldnt that make the car feel different then it did in the past games?
Exactly how I felt about FM4, Horizon was a different story for me however.
Everything is relative. 👍 I'm opposite of you, with FM4 I skipped everything after April and pretty much quit playing the game once Horizon was announced. Not released, just announced. It was a long summer. :lol:

I'm just guessing, but wouldnt that make the car feel different then it did in the past games?
Oh yeah, completely. What I mean is that the physical "laws" that govern the motions of the cars feel the same to me (as in FM3), but the tire dynamics are totally different. While it lasted, FM4 was the first Forza I truly enjoyed playing; FM1/FM2 were great for tinkering and tuning but unbearable to drive, and FM3 was an improvement, but short-lived after I realized the cars were just way too damn grippy. FM4 fixed that rather effectively.
I will say that most of Horizon's DLC that I've seen thus far has been far worse than anything PD has given, so excluding the chance that Microsoft is only pulling that crap with it because it is a spinoff, I'd say going into the next game the two are about on equal footing.

This is one of the few things you said that I agree with, most of the Horizon cars have *Either been in a Forza game before or *Are upgraded versions of cars already in the game.

Now Forza 4, that was some of the best DLC I have ever seen in a car game, almost every car had a place in Forza 4. (Except for the Rally cars.)

And on the case of Forza Horizon, some of the cars would have been better off in Forza 4, the Aventador J, 599XX and MC12 Corsa would have fit in just fine on Forza 4, those cars would have been better off in Forza 4 than in Forza Horizon.
Turbo glitch? Did you bring that up to point out that its something game breaking? All your doing is making your car slower. I would rather have that option, then none at all. Maybe its something they can implement on the next iteration.
Actually what it does do is allow you to drop power and/or add weight and in some cases drop the car into a lower class and in some cases dominate the leaderboard as a result. In Forza 3 The Mazda racecar was a big issue because using the glitches you could get what started as an R1 into S class. Yes it went a lot slower but it had so much grip it was on rails and was dominate on many tracks until they came out with a DLC car that was faster on all the tracks which as usual in Forza meant you needed to buy the DLC to compete for the top of the boards.

I have never seen a car run faster with its front or rear all the way up. I have tuned plenty of cars, and if i tried that on anything I threw together it would be absolutely horrible. Again, please provide some proof for me, because I highly doubt that.
Then all I can say is you have not gotten to deep into the tuning for speed because this is a well known fact to many of us. A perfect example of where this comes into play is the benchmark ring, all classes. Most cars are fastest when the front is up and the rear is down, Front springs stiff rear springs soft also makes them faster and there are some crazy damper settings that can increase the speed just a tad. There are 2 cars that I can think of off the top of my head that are opposite on the ride height for speed and those are the GMC van and the Mazda Familia both of those are fastest when the rear is up and the front is down.

if you don't believe it check out some of the replays it is clear that all of the top guys driving the van have the rear way up in the air and the front down same with the Mazda. It is a bit harder to tell on some of the cars when the front is up but it is easy to test it out. simply build a car for the track lots of power high gearing and then go on the test drive mode and drive a few laps with the default ride height and check the top speed and lap times then set the front high and the rear low and do a few more and compare then reverse the ride height front low rear high and do a few more laps and compare. I have yet to see a car where this was not a factor in Forza 3 and Forza 4

That mirror problem just sounds like a faulty disc.
Nope, My game is fully installed on the drive so it is not reading from the disc and all of the people I race with have also saw it on rare occasions, sometimes everyone in the race lobby saw it at the same time. It is/was definitely a glitch in the game. It has been a good while since I saw this and it is possible that I am thinking about Forza 3 since that was the first one with Lemans included or maybe it happend on both 3 and 4, can't be 100% sure.

They had a patch for certain cars with messed PI's, but what you expect is every car in the top end of B class to handle and act exactly the same way as every other car? Not every car is going to have the same aerodynamics, wheelbase, width, length, drivetype, or weight.
I know all of that but that changes nothing. The PI is just not right.
Car A starts at say 400PI and Car B starts at 401 PI
You put a race tranny in Car A and the PI is now 399 then you add some tires and a wing and rims and roll bars and end up at 425 and decent performance
You put a race tranny in car b and it is now a 427 PI and the performance is no better or very little better than it was before. This happens on a lot of cars and sadly some of the cars have such a horrible and unrealistic stock gear box you almost have to use the race tranny to get them to run well.

The lightweight-low HP car is not going to be good in the straights, but it'll turn like hell. The opposite heavyweight-High HP car is going to be.. well the opposite. even though they are in the same class. Each car has its strengths and its weakness.
Of course but that is not the point. You can take 2 cars in Forza where the power weight torque tires aero gearing are identical and they will have different PI and different performance quite often. Then there are some cars when Car A and B are both the same class. Car A has more power, more torque, less weight, same tires, aero and grip than car B yet car B destroys car A on the track. Example Fairlady race car vs Imprezza race car.

As for the cars feeling different, wasnt Forza 4's tire model totally reworked? Wouldnt that make the cars feel different?
It is much more than that. Some cars change dramatically from one game to the next. Basically the car goes from king of the hill in one version to average Joe in the next or from average Joe to king of the hill. Some cars change classes from one game to the next and the performance of some cars is dramatically different from one to the next. It really seems like they just make it up as they go.

I'm sorry to say, that I have not come across that. I have voiced my opinion against them a handful of times and I had nothing happen to my account. Although I wasnt calling them out directly, i was calling out the game.
Sorry to say that I did experience it and so did some of my friends and am still banned from that site and the post that they used to ban me basically stated that I felt it was unfair to ban people from the game for driving a certain type of tune on a car as it was possible said person bought the tune from the storefront and had no idea it was somehow glitched. I did not even get a message about the ban just no longer had access to any of the site.

Drives up what price, if you dont mind me asking? To be honest, I cant recall any DLC car being so overpowered that the only way to be competitive is to buy it.. In fact, I found most cars in the pack to be less competitive then I would have liked. I ended up going back to old favorites most of the time. Once in a while you'd find an unexpected gem, but it wasnt in every single car pack.
There were several over the 3 versions 2,3,4 no not in every pack but in several of them. A couple of good examples are the F50GT in Forza 2. Totally dominated pretty much every track in the game. If you did not have this car then you were not going to win many races unless of course you were very good and raced against only those who were not very good. In Forza 3 a good example would be the Mosler, totally dominated 2 classes on most tracks. There were several others that were dominate on 1 or more tracks to the point that there was no chance to beat them with any other car and of course in the next release they were not DLC and they were not dominate any longer.

What did they add exactly? Thats such a vague explanation.
If you played the previous games then you would know this, no time to go into it now.
Gonna buy a couple more DLC packs sometime today (May and August pack. Maybe the July pack instead of August, but don't think so). Never thought I would have bought this much DLC for a game.

Granted, these will be the first ones that I actually paid for, but it's still surprising nonetheless.

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