drrobbo28I am holding a practice sessons tonite and on thursday at 8 in my lounge if any one wants to come and join in there are welcome just add my PSN ( drrobbo28 ) to find me
Dave R
Its not allowed, and race series has been posponed until next tuesday if thats ok with you, it is with most other people, and will be held weekly on tuesday nights
so, our first racing event will be held on 8th next week?!
Hope, my girlfriend will accept this. She's returning after 3 weeks vacation from studies
Speaking with berlin dialect "Ick freu mir" (means "crazy, looking forward to race") :-)
Nooooooooo - it was kinda the Thursday thing that appealed. Ashamed to say that I'm an Arsenal fan and however p!ssed I am at them right now - we can have quite a lot of games on Tuesdays. Barcelona away (and certain defeat!) next week I'm afraid. I understand if that's the agreed day tho - will have to just give it a miss. Would love to race some time if you're ever short anyway.
Would love to join this series as i have a yellow hat supra just collecting dust in my garage plus im really finding it hard to find a race series to join. The places just fill up before you know it! I joined an american race series but obviously couldnt make the race times. But id be really interested if any place crop up. Thanks
I've got a friend with me and we will be racing the ARTA NSX '06
I will come back with a team name. thank you, see ya'll on the track
xUXIOUSxAt the minute there aren't places, it starts tomorrow, but if you want I can put you down as a replacement if anyone pulls out, and you'll have to use the car that team is, but I can send you one, thats not a problem.
That would be cool. I'll keep an on this thread. Thanks
xUXIOUSxAt the minute I have 1 space, but I'm waiting on a reply, so my advise would be to try to keep tomorrow night free, ill pm you if i need you.
I'd like to join, but I don't have a teammate. Anyone willing to team up?
People have pulled out, I might be able to pair you with someone, ill message you soon.
Any word?