GT5P, Clarkson style

  • Thread starter Boffin
Hey hey hey, great to have a new poster for the thread! I don't see why you wouldn't have white in the first feels like I'm sitting in a bathtub doing about a million.

And Magneto, great intro...for a minute I thought you were serious - but a E93 cabrio is still awesome if you have one of those 👍

I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier but I was on school retreat.
Magneto, great intro...for a minute I thought you were serious - but a E93 cabrio is still awesome if you have one of those 👍

I don't, but my father does. I have an E30 M3 Sport Evo, but since that's sort of a sportscar already I desided to borrow my dads car for the post...
:crazy:that is awesome. I've always had a soft spot for any M3 - probably my favourite being the E36

Theres a great E30 worship thread in this site somewhere, I'm sure they'd love to hear what you have to say
The suzuki cervo, yes, it is hideous to look at, on N1s, the handling is just woeful, and yes, up hill, 2mph is probably be your speed but not going forwards, but backwards. But, and theis is a big BUT, below around 70kph, you will be flying so quickly through the gears that you can easily mistaken it for a formular one car!
All you need to deal with is the turbo lag and default gearing, otherwise F40 is fantastic. Very neutral and controllable.

An F40? I love the car, and I would say that it is my favorite Ferrari, since it was the last one Enzo Ferrari worked on. On top of this, it has a ridiculous engine, a simplistic interior, and a shape that is just to die for. BUT. There is no way a Ferrari F40 is neutral. It is quite the opposite. You go into a corner and you have no power, thanks to those two huge turbos, then you step on the gas and you slowly build revs. You get the turbos spooling and then finally you have all your power, your tires give up, and the back end slides, even if you are on a straight away. The car is a handful, and this is what makes it fun, interesting, and different.

It might not be the fastest, but it definitely is a classic. An F40 is difficult to control and overcoming one is a great challenge, they are also so different from the other cars in GT5P.
I don't want to do a Clarkson-style car review. Can I just take two friends and the cheapest cars in the game on a wild ride across COD Modern Warfare and film the results?
I love cars so much, that's why i don't do much clarkson reviews, but i will be putting up a new one soon. I'm now writing for the Pedal Of Choice and have written an issue full of opinioated reviews. I might put them up here soon (although they will be tweaked) I'm now writing for the Pedal Of Choice and have written an issue full of opinioated reviews. I might put them up here soon (although they will be tweaked)

I'll sue you for copyright.:lol:
TLD F40 2C2 edition

If you want to become a race car driver, usually what you’d do is beg your parents at the age of 5 to buy you a go-kart and then move on to take any school bullying disputes to the track. Hopefully you would dispose of any bullies on the track like you would the notion that Santa Claus isn’t real. After a few years, you’re maxing karts which rev up to 15000rpm and chatting up the grid girls at the local track.
You’d move on to open wheelers after you catch someone’s eye and while the buzz of being sponsored and finally driving a car fast enough to beat your dad’s is distracting you, certain parts of go-karting leave your mind as you are now focused on the slot-car physics of the new car. It becomes apparent that something’s missing in the fun department but you don’t know what it is, so you move on to full sized cars hoping that will fix it, but it doesn’t. Soon the whole car racing scene becomes same old, same old, always with annoying little spotty faced ‘kids’ thinking they can do better, and usually walking just as good as they can talk. You become ‘that bloke’ who is recognised off the TV and is inundated with invites to charity events or facility openings. Then you get an invite to come along to some guy’s business function at a go kart track – and it hits.
The go-kart features such adrenaline. You have no aids, no real safety and no real distance between your buttocks and the road. Go-karts always have the feeling that they like to go around every corner sideways, but belting you forwards more than sidewards because of the weight – or lack of. Problem is, go-karting, while fun, isn’t considered as much of a man’s sport as a child’s sport – so why haven’t there been any real cars that act like go-karts? Why not have the fun of a go-kart and bring it to full sized racing?

Well now you can – with the TLD F40 2C2 edition, by tuning guru Dragonistic.

The original plan was to have a 550PP racer for Suzuka. Problem is to get the car down to 550PP, N3 tyres had to be fitted. Ease of use was not helped by 412hp being sent to the now-slippery back wheels. The gears have been extensively modified too, with each shift landing just before the max power and torque. The result of this is going through the esses in one gear and one gear only. After coming out of a corner, you get this amazing boot up the back side changing from 1st to 2nd and you’re instantly doing speeds not deemed safe, or realistic with a car on N3 tyres. This car is just amazing on the straights, let alone for a 550PP race.
After you accelerate, you’ll want to slow down and turn corners. This car breaks as good as you can expect for a car with N3 tyres, 1216kgs and probably a shade too much speed, but to compensate for the lack of bite, the turn-in under braking is very commendable.
Put the power on in the middle of a corner and you’re in for a nice surprise. The car quickly snaps into a drift, but a low angle high speed drift. My suggestion is to power out of it. You’ll have a heap more momentum and the car is amazingly stable under a drift. It’s so placeable. If you run wide, just pick a section of the apex and aim – chances are you’ll hit it, and catch the slide while putting the boot in for the straight ahead. This car is awesome. Every little detail of this car’s handling is as close to that of a go-kart as DNA will allow. I just love it – so much so that I’ve set up a one tune race with it over in the race section.
‘Nuff said.
the tuned Corvette is my own personal C6.R. it destroys everything, just like the real monster does it.
Hi everyone im new and these are my thoughs on R35 GTR

R35 is very,very fast car.You got great 4WD which will rather oversteer than understeer,engine full of torque and HP and great suspension.U can easily embarasse f430 on any track.After all even a beginner can drive this car very fast.Overall its a great car but there is just one thing missing and that is the fun factor.F430 is not as easy to drive as GTR but when u finally exit a corner right there is this great feeling of joy which u dont get in a GTR.U can push it and push and push it but all u ll get is speed,no fun or joy at all....

P.S.:sry for my bad english
*** 12 Gauge Shotgun ***

There are two superb V12 cars in GT5P, the much heralded Ferrari 599 and the svelt Bond classic the DB9.
On paper the two cars seem worlds apart with the 599 sporting over 120kw, a small horse worth of torque and a Clarksons worth of weight less as an advantage over the DB9. It should be no match, with the finely dressed Italian not even needing to glance in the direction of the British 3piece dinner suit complete with bow tie. On the race track that is most likely going to be the case too, but see these cars are not your out and out race cars but more your GT styled intercontinental ballistic missiles.
With this in mind I set out to see just how good and how close these cars are and how well they meet their goal of trans continental rocketship.. that also doesnt mind being seen at the local club day.

Being the sort of cars that likes wide open spaces and a few bends to keep it interesting, I headed down to Daytona Road circuit to let the V12's really stretch their legs.
First up is the DB9.
Its an immaculately presented vehicle with a very british sounding engine, which is not a bad thing. It feels solid and well planted on the road belying its portliness compared to the well dressed Italian.

I run only 5 laps so that neither car gets overly familiar. I want to keep this test about which car feels comfortable, easy to drive fast and which would ultimately get the nod as the long distance gun, not neccessarily which car I can shave the most time off while spending a day running hot laps.

Out on the track the DB9 feels torquey and pulls cleanly. The gearing feels a little tall but well spaced. I expect the braking to be an effort but am suprised at how well this makes use of those huge discs upfront. The cars balance and suspension feels perfect and present a car that feels a lot more nimble than it should. The power is progressive which allows you to feed it on as you pass the apex of the corner, the rear will step out just enough to let you know its there, but you still feel in complete control.
A few laps around the circuit and I am impressed by the handling qualities of this car. It doesnt feel overpowered infact I think this chassis and brakes could easily handle another 50-100kw, especially on the straights and I feel this may be its downfall compared to the 599.

After 5 laps I pull in to the pits and feel reasonably satisfied with a 2:02.389 on S1 tyres. There is room for improvement there, but this laptime felt good without feeling crazy if you know what I mean.

Aston DB9
335kw 569nm 1710kg S1 tyres

Ferrari 599
456kw 607nm 1580kg S1 tyres

Jump into the Ferrari, fire it up, and it feels like we are in a different world. The 599's engine has to be one of the sweetest on the planet. I tap the flappy paddle and launch as the rear tyres scream their protest. 1st.. 2nd... I'm glad I'm not paying for the rubber.

Straight away the 599 feels fast.. scary fast. It will squish your eyes back into your skull, infact I'm sure I now have 2 bumps on the back of my head where my eyeballs were trying to exit the rear of my head... yes it has that much grunt.
I jump on the brakes for the first corner and nearly poo my pants.. Whats happened to the brakes ? I manage to keep it on the black stuff but end up taking a line wider than Oprahs butt. I fire out of the corner as my lips peel back towards my ears and we head for the next corner. Lesson learned here and I brake a little earlier than last time. The car pulls up ok but its no where near as stellar as that engine. The chassis feels a little soft and the car likes to understeer more than I do.
And so it goes for the next 5 laps. Is it me or is it the car ?? "Its you !!" I hear you shout.. but sadly its not. I am not Michael Schumacher but I get the feeling to get the most out of this car your talents need to be up near the Schuey, for the rest of us mere mortals its easy to feel a little too... how do I say this...lost?

Time wise the 599 smashes the DB9 here. Its simply no competition, as soon as you hit the straight the 599 puckers your ring and fires you towards the horizon leaving the DB9 feeling somewhat wheezey and aneamic.
A head to head ghost comparison around the track actually highlights some interesting things.

The DB9 is quicker into the first tight left hander at the start of the track, with the 599 pulling past on the run up to the hairpin.
Under brakes into the hairpin the DB9 regains ground and exits this corner neck and neck with the 599 only to be monstered
down the short straight.
Again under brakes the DB9 pulls some ground back but by the time we hit the first bank the 599 has .5 of a second and then
disappears as it stretches its legs.

Under brakes and through the corners the DB9s handling advantage comes into play with the 599 feeling much more of a handful in to the tight corners which is really odd given its weight advantage.
The race to the next corner will always be won by the 599 as the power from its glorious v12 engine laughs
at anything the DB9 can throw at it.. but by the end of the session I get the feeling the DB9 is not about racing the sun to the horizon but its goal in life is being an incredibly balanced GT car, and to be honest it feels moreso this than does the 599..
With this in mind I head to Eiger Reverse and take the cars for blat around the mountainside. This is more the type of roads I would expect to find the 599 and DB9 on and its here I think the DB9 will feel more suited than the 599.

Eiger Reverse
First car to feel my ham fisted mitts around its wheel is the DB9. I have a soft spot for this car so I am eager to get it fired up and off around the gloriously scenic mountain loop.
Instantly the DB9 feels right. If you ever pictured yourself as Bond hammering through a mountain pass on your way to save
the heroin du'jour, then this is the car for it. Put your suit on, stuff your briefcase in the back and go for your life as this car delivers everything needed to live that Hollywood dream.
It has poise, balance, superb brakes and the torque of the engine means graceful yet controllable slides out of a corner as you feed the gas on. The turn in is crisp with no major understeer and not a lot of waving around under brakes as you exit the tunnel and mash the brakes down into the long 180 degree sweeper.
It goes where its pointed and agrues little. As far as a GT car goes the 599 is going to be hard pressed to impress me as much as this. I know the DB9 is down on power, but this chassis simply works.

I could have spent all afternoon lapping in the DB9, but thats not why I am here. With a little trepidation I step out of the Aston and slide into the wraparound seats of the 599. This car scares me a little as it feels more of a race car in GT clothes. How will its brakes and insanely powerful engine fare around this tight track ? its time to find out.

The first thing to hit you is the noise..
Where the DB9 bellows, the 599 wails. That engine truely is a masterpiece and stamps its authority as such. We take off and the 599 just wants to wheel spin... even in 3rd over some crests and through the tunnel bend, it wants to tear its tyres to bits... I think to myself this is going to be really interesting.
You see a car like this on S1 tyres with a stonking great V12 round a twisty flowy track is going to be a handful. That engine screams at you for more and laughs at you for still not going hard enough. The temptation and the means are there to serisouly overcook it in this car and before too long that corner that was half a mile away a few seconds ago, is now disappearing to your left as you desperately try to wash off speed and bring that big nose around.
It takes a few laps to get your head around this car in comparison to the DB9. Maybe its just too tempting having so much power on tap, but the danger is the brakes and handling are not a match for that glorious engine.

Again it feels faster around Eiger, but its still scary fast and I feel like I am on edge in this car, always a car length from disaster.
The lap times back up the claim with the 599 just over a second quicker than the DB9 but where the DB9 punchs out its lap times with minimal fuss, the 599 makes you work for it.
Under the scruitiny of the ghosted replay we see the DB9 is quick into the first 2 corners with the 599 being the first to exit the tunnel. The DB9 quickly regains its lead into and around the long sweeping left hander and is the first to get its nose headed for the bridge and the uphil esses. The 599 nearly rips the badges off the DB9 as it tears past and will be first on the brakes for the climb up the tight right and left handers.
Both cars get their power to the ground well but the gearing and extra torque from the 599 really help it launch out of the tight corners. By the end of the esses there is lucky to be a bonnet in it between the cars as they start the haul up the hill towards the final couple of corners. Once again the grunt from the Italian 12 simply fires the car away from the DB9 and it is easily the first car into the final double apex left. The DB9 pulls in a little ground here but simply wont catch the Ferrari by the corner exit.

DB9 1:15.432
599 1:14.347

I was expecting the DB9 to give the 599 a good scare around here and while 1 second can be a fair distance, the 599 only pulls this time out on the uphill run, everywhere else its neck and neck between the two, and this is also what we saw at Daytona. The 599 in a straight line can pretty much change the earths rotation.

So which way do we go on this... I have already mentioned my soft spot for the Aston, but I feel its well deserved. While the Ferrari feels fast and it is seriously fast, its also demanding and really challenges you to get the most from it. If this car was in a game you would find yourself hitting the restart button quite a bit. The DB9 on the other hand feels more satisfying to drive and feels like it is working with you in all it does.
If your passion is club days then i would be leaning towards the Ferrari. Its a spectacular car. Its drop dead gorgeous and is a car that stirs your emotions like only and Italian car can.
If your after a car you can comfortably blast across town or across the country.. say a short run from Davos to Stelvio perhaps, then the DB9 would be my pick. Sure I may get to the end a little after the 599 but Im not out there for the destination Im out there for the journey.
good stuff man! 👍

PS to everybody - In case you haven't seen, the Pedal of choice magazine is holding a competition to anyone who fancies theri chances as a POC writer! Just go to the thread (in sticky at the top of the GT5P sub forum) and you could win the chance to be a permanent writer for the POC! The best two entries will have their entry article published in the glossy navy blue comic sans font :lol: while the winner will also be announced.

It looks like a lot of you that have contributed to this thread have the skills needed - so get going!;)
PS to everybody - In case you haven't seen, the Pedal of choice magazine is holding a competition to anyone who fancies theri chances as a POC writer! Just go to the thread (in sticky at the top of the GT5P sub forum) and you could win the chance to be a permanent writer for the POC! The best two entries will have their entry article published in the glossy navy blue comic sans font :lol: while the winner will also be announced.

It looks like a lot of you that have contributed to this thread have the skills needed - so get going!;)

Time is running out to get your submissions in, hope you're all hard at work.👍
I worked weeks on this thing to enter the competition for the writer for POC, but sadly, I can't enter because my ps3 got the yellow light of death today. Thanks 80Y for all the help with this.So, here you go. It's a little short because that's my style, short but sweet, and i mean really sweet.

Honda NSX (Stock) vs. Nissan GTR (Stock)

It was a sunny day at Suzuka Circuit almost 20 years ago when Ayrton Senna was fine tuning the test mule that would become the new Honda supercar, the NSX. Lap after lap of hardcore testing, fine-tuning the car to his high standards. Nothing but the best would be accepted by the F1 great. The car should, to a degree, handle like an F1 car. What a fateful of a day that was.

So here we are, 20 years later on the same track in roughly the same car. I'm sitting in NSX getting to grips with hand-stitched leather Momo wheel, shifter module to my left, and my feet testing the bound and rebound of the pedals. I’m about to take this car to beyond its limits and I want to know what is where in case it snaps.

So, what does this car feature that has given it cult status? A 300hp V6 angel singing behind the seats, a top speed around 160-180mph, an almost perfect chassis, lack of weight, and last but still integral for a cult car, ugliness, but you will get used to it – and besides, you’re not looking at it when you’re in it.

This car is amazing. When I say amazing, I mean it’s a great handling, quick little thing, that is as nimble as a Lotus Elise on crack. This thing will, and I mean will beat everything you see on the daily grind. Only when you take it to a track will it be challenged. Although it has ugly looks, people still say “hey, nice Ferrari”. Little do they know this is rarer than a Ferrari. What has driven away potential customers is the fact it’s Japanese, and it’s almost as expensive as the Ferrari – equaling the price tag of a similarly performing Porsche.

I really love this car because you actually have to work and push hard to succeed. The oversteer with this car, if tamed properly, is more of a helper than a flaw. It might be very unstable and considered more of a gym session than anything else – even with it’s light steering, but when you just want to drive smooth and at a steady pace, it is already a step ahead of you. It is phenomenal to drive and you can just feel what the wheels are doing while driving it.

The NSX is a great car on all accounts. You’d want one after seeing what it can do and would probably be preparing to rob a bank before a slightly cheaper, faster, safer car caught your eye – the GTR. Your first impressions when braking the driver’s side window are probably "What an ugly monstrosity, it's eye-poppingly ugly". But all of that is about to change. As you look inside, the first thing that might catch your eye is the multi-function screen. It tells you everything, from boost, to lap times, to G, even the fastest route home.

Back on the track, this car is very easy to drive because it has all the electronics that do all the work for you. The only time this car is any handful is when the brakes go on and the back is prone to some serious wobbling. Apart from that, corners can be taken at ridiculous speeds and the acceleration is great thanks to the twin clutch gearbox. So there you are - you feel like Michael Schumacher and you feel great, but the most you do is turn and move your feet around a little. But the speed is all real.

This car is as smooth as butter sliding across a marble floor. It is as stable and controllable as the NSX isn’t, a top speed of 193 mph and a record of 7:28 around the famous Nurburgring to its name. This would just about win any and everything you throw at it, except a stone of course.

The 2 cars are worlds apart. 300hp compared to 500hp, a feather compared to a pillowcase, a bow and arrow set compared to a cannon, sliding around the Isle of Man compared to your kitchen counter. The only similarity is they're home.

After I have driven both cars, All I can say is, wow. I've driven the most exotic cars in the world, but these 2 girls are special. Buy them, just buy them. You won't regret it. The NSX to scare the crap out of your wife and the GTR to wipe the floor with your mates' 911s, Ferrraris, Corvettes, Vipers, Lambos, Zondas, Maseratis, get the point.
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I did some tweaks to the review above, hope it's better now. Why odn't you check it out.
OK this thread is full of win... So what happen?

the big migrate to the GT5 thread after the E3 trailer

I VOUCH WE MOVE THE CLARKSON GT5P THREAD AND NAME IT CLARKSON GT5 THREAD... And move it to the GT5 section, i'm sure people would love it.

this thread is epic.

80Y 2C2 im looking at you. this was the funnest thread of all time.... REVIVE IT AND MAKE IT STRONGER.... i got a string of revies waiting.