Sure, why not? Because you don't like it, too bad.
That's not a reason.
SONY can do whatever they want. Why don't YOU realize that? Dude, go outside and cut your lawn or something. Take a break, seriously. Lay off the caffeine.
That's not a reason.
'm not asking you to disprove the fact that SONY can do whatever they want with their product or market any of their products in any way THEY see fit. Are you a SONY investor? Probably not, so why does it matter to you if they announce (hypothetically) GT6 will be a dual release after 5 million views is reached or in 4 months? It doesn't.
Because I'm the one who asked the question that you're refusing to actually answer.
You're starting to get a bit personal and very disrespectful. I suggest you stop.
SONY's entire marketing campaign over the history of the PS3 was illogical.
That's not a reason.
Was it logical to make a 1 lap video around Silverstone the surprise content for 5 million views?
Compared to the other rewards offered in the video, yes it was.
My entire point and on think I've stated it multiple times, companies don't do things the way we want them to. They do what they want, they way they want to, because they can.
No one said otherwise. But that's not a reason.
When I first posted "because they can", I truly believe is pretty damned self explanatory.
It wasn't self explanatory. At all. Companies rarely do things just "because they can." When I ask, as I did, what reason Sony would have to put important information about the game (and
only this game from the video) as a reward for viewcount (which they have no idea when it will be achieved, and no idea how much exposure it would get upon doing so)
as people were saying that they were going to do rather than announce it at the same type of place they have always announced such news, "because they can"
isn't an answer to the question. No one ever said that they couldn't. No one ever asked
how they had the ability to do it. I was asking why anyone would think that they would do so, and repeating over and over that they can does nothing to answer that; and the clarification that they would because they want to
screw with people (rather than, you know, advertise news for the newest product of their cornerstone franchise), as if Sony is making it their job to piss people off, is a joke.
I should have picked up on Tornado just wanting to fight, because he can. He has the freedom to do so, if he wanted to, and he made the choice to.
Since I notice you never actually answered the question nor were one of the ones originally saying that Sony would hinge things of import on this video, I should have picked up on you just posting to see yourself post, because you can. You have the freedom to do so, if you wanted to, and you made the choice to; but don't waste my time repeatedly stating the obvious as if it is an answer to a specific question when it isn't.