• Thread starter Hyperspeed
Sorry for the double post but I updated the OP. Any questions let me know. I think this will take care of some things and make it more interesting.
Hope this gets some buzz. I think this will be fun. Also, I think it will be cool to get us all on the track one night a week. we can hang out, do some racing and have something on the line.



1.Viper GTS 02
2.Ford GT 06
3.Corvette ZR1
>You Don't Have to Stay With One Car. Race What You Feel Like Racing That Day.

•The List

*List will contain 10 Drag Racers
>The first ten Dragsters to sign up will be drawn from a hat to get the list started.
>Once the list is set you can begin to challenge each other on GTP for races on TBD date.
>once you or someone challenges, the two people in that race become locked in. First person to challenge will get that race so get your challenge in first. Once everybody is locked in we will race.
>You will only be able to challenge the person right above you. So racer 5 can challenge racer 4 but not racer 3. Although there is an exception. After locked in races are over, the people who win will get to challenge On race night. Limit one, on the track call out race. This will make the list less of a mess and people can keep their spot a little longer:)
>People that don't make the list can still challenge racer 10 to try and crack into the list.


*Racing will be like most of the racing we do. Two out of three. Depending on how many racers not from the states wants to join will determine the ghost situations.

•Day and time
*TBD/Saturday or Sunday


Eligible to be in the drawing to start the list of lists.

Put me in "tb08ss", thanks
Guess who's back...? Put me down this would be a good way to return with a bang. I'll b back full time as I blew out my elbow sadly. Don't need Tommy John luckily but am out of baseball for about 3 months which is my season. it isn't a bad tear but I can't do the baseball motion at all in my right arm. Just a slight tear but enough to end my season :P Anyways I'm looking at the positives and I'm back 👍
Guess who's back...? Put me down this would be a good way to return with a bang. I'll b back full time as I blew out my elbow sadly. Don't need Tommy John luckily but am out of baseball for about 3 months which is my season. it isn't a bad tear but I can't do the baseball motion at all in my right arm. Just a slight tear but enough to end my season :P Anyways I'm looking at the positives and I'm back 👍
That's sucks mich! I know all about arm pain, once a year my elbow randomly swells up. Glad your back. You got the last spot, so I will drawn our names out of a hat.

I will post the list at 2:00 PM EST!
Once the list is set we can talk about a Saturday or Sunday time to race. We should be able to all agree on a day and time, although I understand that things come up so if someone can't race we can work it out.... It's no big deal:)

After we set the date I will open up challenges. Get yours in first to lock in your race.

1. KTalloutdrags
2. tb08ss
3. Michrulejj
4. Hyperspeed
5. Danny280zxturbo
6. Veyronrt
7. Babyshaker4
8. Nickrows
9. Chris12008
10. Yobanky
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That's sucks mich! I know all about arm pain, once a year my elbow randomly swells up. Glad your back. You got the last spot, so I will drawn our names out of a hat.

I will post the list at 2:00 PM EST!
Once the list is set we can talk about a Saturday or Sunday time to race. We should be able to all agree on a day and time, although I understand that things come up so if someone can't race we can work it out.... It's no big deal:)

After we set the date I will open up challenges. Get yours in first to lock in your race.

1. KTalloutdrags
2. tb08ss
3. Michrulejj
4. Hyperspeed
5. Danny280zxturbo
6. Veyronrt
7. Babyshaker4
8. Nickrows
9. Chris12008
10. Yobanky

I'll lock in a race with tb08ss.

And for the discussion on the page before. If you win you can challenge the next spot ahead. And you can keep doing this till you lose. But if you lose (While challenging ahead person) the last person you just beat can rematch you if they want. This will stop from people keep challenging until they lose every single week. We should add something where if you challenge someone and lose something happens. To make challenging people more intense.
Alright hold on guys. Challenges have not opened up yet. I would like to get a day and time first. After that I'll put a time like 3:00 PM EST up and thats when the challenges will open so it can be fair.
This is how it's going to go down
1. Challenge poeple on Here to lock in races, first come first serve once I open up challenges.
2. Once As many people we can get locked in locked, we will race on the TBD date.
3. On that day we will race the locked races. After the locked in races are over I will adjust the list based on the result of the races. The people who win their locked in races will be able to have one challenge to move further. The people who lose will only be able to defend they're spot.
4. After the winners get their one challenge, I will adjust the list again.
Sound good?

I vote for Sunday at 7:00 PM EST every week to do the locked in races.
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Banky is the gatekeeper?! No one is getting passed him lol.

However I see a quick track to #1 :sly:

Sunday @ 7pm EST works for me. I won't be available at that time on the 23rd though.
Easy there tiger ;) you won't get by so fast.

I'm the only LEGEND around here!! Yo_Banky can't whoop on me AT ALL!!! I'll take all of you pito riders out!!! LOL Come see me! add me YO_DaddyYanky619...

I'll take all the spots on the list, fake wanna be " legends "
I like your confidence, it wont help though.


Why the long face!? LOL Its Facts not confidence! Pito riders!!!!!!!!!! I'll whoop all of ya'll !!!! make you look like "NickRows" picture of patrick LMFAO!!!!!
Why the long face!? LOL Its Facts not confidence! Pito riders!!!!!!!!!! I'll whoop all of ya'll !!!! make you look like "NickRows" picture of patrick LMFAO!!!!!
Lmao!! Troll alert!!
You good with Sundays at 7:00 PM KT?
I also updated the OP again.
Banky is the gatekeeper?! No one is getting passed him lol.

However I see a quick track to #1 :sly:

Sunday @ 7pm EST works for me. I won't be available at that time on the 23rd though.
Why the long face!? LOL Its Facts not confidence! Pito riders!!!!!!!!!! I'll whoop all of ya'll !!!! make you look like "NickRows" picture of patrick LMFAO!!!!!
Ok. Show up on Sunday at 7pm EST. Whup us. Let's see if you can handle the latter punk. If you're mr.tough s:censored: then you won't mind making a guest appearance.