• Thread starter Hyperspeed
Ok guys. I want to get a vote going to see if we should allow the M-Spec on the list. I know some of you have doubts about using it because of the turbo situation.

Question #1. How will we know if someone is using the Mid turbo?

Answer: First, I would ask the people racing who is wanting to use the M-Spec. Second, I would tell them to get on the track. Third, I would restrict the HP down to how much the high turbo gets. If they are kicked off the track they will render their spot on the list and get banned from the event. However, if they are clean, they will still not be aloud to access the setting while I'm resetting the track for the other cars.
I know it sounds like a lot of work but the races I had with this car against the others were just really fun. I'm talking about races that the judges will have a hard time seeing who wins:). In the end, I don't want to make the final decision because we are all here to have fun and your input matters to me. Thanks:tup::gtpflag:
How about if someone is using the m spec they are forced to have someone in watch race and watch the rpms they shift at if it is near redline and they are they are using the mid turbo then it simply will not be fast and if ot is near redline and they are fast then they are using the high turbo:cheers:
High turbo makes it a fair race. Mid turbo would beat zr1's on an even tree.

Hyper, I'm down for doing what you suggested.
I think it would make a more interesting race with the mid turbo setup...the vette with the right tune can go around the spec with the big turbo
I think it would make a more interesting race with the mid turbo setup...the vette with the right tune can go around the spec with the big turbo

I'll make a mid turbo tune tonight, and test it out. But my high turbo was only losing when I got treed.
One thing about the M spec you will lose if its an even tree. Which kind of hinders me because I want to run a car that on even tree it comes down to who has better tune vs tree. And it just makes the races a race of tree's. But I like it.
I challenge chris. 👍
Rev challenged Chris first.
Haha so close...
I challenge Danny though :D
You got it:)
You have to run chris first but then you can run danny due to him challenging first
Chris is running rev
I'm running KT
Baby's running Danny, even thought he won't be there.
Mich is running tboss
That takes care of everybody. See you in a little bit.
Ill be home in about 15 mins if im not too late
Don't worrie about poppin on, Chris didn't show either nor did KT. So you didn't lose a spot. New list up shortly, any questions let me know!
Also veyron told me he would not be able to make it but he was online and was still not present. Mich won his race against tb and wanted to challenge vey because he was online and playing GT6 but when I sent him a message he did not reply and went offline. I think mich and vey should be automatically locked into a race. Fair?
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