• Thread starter Ares85

What is the best day and time for you to race ???

  • Monday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • 21:00 PM GMT+1 ( CET - Poland)

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 22:00 PM GMT+1 ( CET - Poland)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 23:00 PM GMT+1 ( CET - Poland)

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
every weekend it seems lately, I think Playstation have abandoned the PS3 or at least scaled down the support for the online servers....
Well the PSN is working very hard today i hope that will change in the next week, my time is out for today, so thanks to those who have little time to join in:cheers:.
Ares, I hate to say it, but 9pm GMT+1 works out to be 3pm east coast USA, and if that's the start time, I totally can't make it. :(
I'll pop up when I can, but more than likely, I wan't be able to make these races...
Ares, I hate to say it, but 9pm GMT+1 works out to be 3pm east coast USA, and if that's the start time, I totally can't make it. :(
I'll pop up when I can, but more than likely, I wan't be able to make these races...
Sorry to hear that, but what can i say, time does not always fits to all interested.
I just got here from a friend. Sure looks interesting. I might sign up seeing as my other league series has keeps getting postponed by PSN issues. I'll be in the AM class in Z34 if I do sign up.
I just got here from a friend. Sure looks interesting. I might sign up seeing as my other league series has keeps getting postponed by PSN issues. I'll be in the AM class in Z34 if I do sign up.
Hello, i will have you in mind:), tomorrow i will be hosting o practice session in club room, so if you find some time, i invite:cheers:.
I just got here from a friend. Sure looks interesting. I might sign up seeing as my other league series has keeps getting postponed by PSN issues. I'll be in the AM class in Z34 if I do sign up.
Welcome to the party. :D
Ares, I might be able to make it, in case if MTNC gets cancelled.

I'm not really sure if I can make it to full season, but probably not. Consider as a maybe. 👍
I just got here from a friend. Sure looks interesting. I might sign up seeing as my other league series has keeps getting postponed by PSN issues. I'll be in the AM class in Z34 if I do sign up.

Ares, I might be able to make it, in case if MTNC gets cancelled.

I'm not really sure if I can make it to full season, but probably not. Consider as a maybe. 👍

If this is not a problem for you gents I can add you guys to the "reserve/interested" list.
By the way, at 9 pm GMT+1 i will be hosting a practice session on Monza in club room.
@Ares85 is it possible for two drivers in different classes to form one team?
Yes of course.
@Ares85 is it possible for two drivers in different classes to form one team?

Also, I'd like to switch my car to the Fairlady Z.
Ok Antares i will make that change :)
Ok it has been decided I'll be piloting the #90 Z34 Am class this coming race.
Welcome again:D, are you guys planing to make a team ???.
Hi guys, So that tomorrow the first race of the season, until 9 pm GMT+1 you can still change the decisions about the car change, after the start of the first race, changes of the car will be prohibited. still I do not have full information about car selection from @Nail-27 and @Thomas2012 you still have time to choose a car.

I remind some of the rules of the race:
  • Drive clean and gentelmen,
  • Room open at 8 pm GMT+1,
  • Race #1 - 50 minutes + 1 lap (one mandatory pit stop)
  • Race #2 - 50 minutes + 1 lap (one mandatory pit stop) grid will have reverse order from Race#1 results,
  • Pit line for mandatory pit stop will be open after 25 minutes of the start of the race and will last 10 minutes.

See you guys tomorrow !!!!.
Club room for the Rounde #1 for GT6 "GT4 EUROPEAN SERIES" is now live, qualification starts at 9 pm GMT+1.

1040691 - Real Life Events and Not Only.

Finished - moved to next friday.
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So the first round was a big failure of the PSN, It was enough players to play the first round, but of course after some time PSN decided to turn on its disco and decided to throw out all players of all of each newly opened room. after open a another room, PSN finally calmed down, but we were only four of us which one person that was not on the topic but has expressed a willingness to sign up.

Thanks to those who showed up on time and for those who hold uot to the end.
The beginning of the series has been moved to next friday, March 11, I hope be better than today.
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Hi guys just like week before tomorrow is the restart of the first race at Monza,
  • Room open at 8 PM GMT+1
  • Spec check at 8:45 PM GMt+1
  • Quali starts at 9 PM GMT+1
who can maked, i invite, hope that PSN will work properly This time.
Sorry, but I have to withdraw from the series. Work must be done at that time and I unfortunately don't have the time to race. Good luck to the rest.
So yes, yesterday managed to play the first round, I was hoping for a little more interest than the starting grid made up of 4 players, but also it was not new to me, and not surprise, many thanks for @hEDpH81 @Scorpion0001 @Antares26 and @DGTR for join in and let me start this series.
Of course, could not do without interference from the PSN i had DC in the first race, I know that @Antares26 attempted to join in to the room but hi was still sing in out from the room, by the way, big sorry for the reverse gear start in secound race I do not know how come I have thrown reverse gear.

Next rounde in two weeks, march 25, Circuito de Madrit, hops to see more of you guys next round.

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