GT6 is better than GT5

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This is why I like GT6 over GT5 is the HP or BHP does not increase when you drive the car in GT6, after a few times without any upgrades to the car. In GT5 it does increase after you drive the car a few times, which to me is kind of stupid thing to have. I really like playing GT5 but having the HP increase is a really a put off when you play GT6.
Well I like to think that GT6 is better than GT5, even though it had a shorter career mode. It was more fun for me to play.
This is why I like GT6 over GT5 is the HP or BHP does not increase when you drive the car in GT6, after a few times without any upgrades to the car. In GT5 it does increase after you drive the car a few times, which to me is kind of stupid thing to have. I really like playing GT5 but having the HP increase is a really a put off when you play GT6.

I don't see how this is a "stupid thing to have" unless you don't understand that slight gains are had when you break in the engine. Same with the opposite of loss power with engine wear. Which GT5 showcases both of, far more realistic engine upkeep/maintenance than GT6
Agreed with @LMSCorvetteGT2, that makes GT5 more realistic in that sense. Although it maybe is slightly exaggerated.

I think I prefer GT6 though. I mean if I'd gotten it when I was still single and living with my parents, I think I would have a different opinion. GT6 has the pick up and play factor that suited my time available for playing with having a toddler and being out working 13-14 hours a day. I could usually barely manage an hour at a time then and yet I could do a championship or get a licence in that time.

Another thing it has going for it is the car selection means that there's never an alternative solution to not being quite able to win a race very far away. I'm an avid non-tuner, I like my cars stock as can be doesn't matter if they're road or race. GT6 seemed to have cars to fill every gap in power output or PP. I didn't feel that in GT5.

Also, GT6 reminds me of GT2 which was my growing up game. So that's another positive.
I prefer GT5 for several reasons, more cars on track, mechanical damage and tire wear, A.I is more challenging, cars look smoother with the higher quality anti aliasing, no framerate drop inside the cockpit like GT6, and a way better "career mode". I think GT6 should've been DLC, I mean besides revamped physics It's the same game with a bunch of new cars and a few new tracks.
Each game has its own plus and minus.

Car/tack list better on GT6
Content better on GT6, I know many feel GT5 had more but I don't see it, B-Spec made it appear as more.
Paint system better in 6, although 5 gave us the ability to delete unwanted chips.
But 6 allowed us to see what the actual car would look like. And we could keep the chip.

Gt5 dealer menus looked way better.
GT5 gave us speed test, allowing you to better tune acceleration.
GT5 gave more power upgrades giving more options.
AND we could keep our custom built tracks, and keep building more.
(GT6 LOST so much replay ability by not allowing us to keep tracks from Course maker!!!)

Both had stupid challenges
5 - Samba bus at Top Gear Test Track
6 - Lunar challenge.

I prefer 6.
Even with shadows flickering.
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Boys go to the local race track with their Canon's or Nikon's and shoot cars. Gentlemen load their PS3 with Gran Turismo and photograph race cars under much more comfortable forms. Gran Turismo's possibilities are endless and lives up to all expectations - regardless of 5 or 6.
Each game has its own plus and minus.

Car/tack list better on GT6
Content better on GT6, I know many feel GT5 had more but I don't see it, B-Spec made it appear as more.
Paint system better in 6, although 5 gave us the ability to delete unwanted chips.
But 6 allowed us to see what the actual car would look like. And we could keep the chip.

Gt5 dealer menus looked way better.
GT5 gave us speed test, allowing you to better tune acceleration.
GT5 gave more power upgrades giving more options.
AND we could keep our custom built tracks, and keep building more.
(GT6 LOST so much replay ability by not allowing us to keep tracks from Course maker!!!)

Both had stupid challenges
5 - Samba bus at Top Gear Test Track
6 - Lunar challenge.

I prefer 6.
Even with shadows flickering.
The Lunar challenges in GT6, what does that got to do with racing my friend.
Each game has its own plus and minus.
I agree
GT5 gave us speed test, allowing you to better tune acceleration.
I hate that (PAID) version because the tuning for 1000 (or 1 mile) acceleration is different from the tuning for the 1/4 (or 400m) and when you made a run on the longer distance, automatically the game updated the short distance leaderboard also ruining any personal ranking .. very unprofessional .
Another thing that i hated of that version of the"power and speed" was the "stupid" movement of the (cockpit) camera during the countdown (see spoiler below)... gringe moment at peak for me !

Both had stupid challenges
5 - Samba bus at Top Gear Test Track
6 - Lunar challenge.
I would add Vettel challenge also, because , IMHO, was the most unreal (and unsimulative) thing have ever been in gran turismo , it was a pure mortification for not so skilled players, the impossibility to make it in order to accomplish the platinum trophy and 100% of the game.
The Hamilton DLC in GTS was way better ..

I prefer 6.
Even with shadows flickering.
me too , i considerer GT6 more honest than GT5, GT5 was the proof that PD felt the presence of a competitor even if on another console and they tried to make (o were pressed to make) a game for the casual player filled with non essential, or exagerated, parts with unbalanced difficuLties.

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I prefer GT5 for several reasons, more cars on track, mechanical damage and tire wear, A.I is more challenging, cars look smoother with the higher quality anti aliasing, no framerate drop inside the cockpit like GT6, and a way better "career mode". I think GT6 should've been DLC, I mean besides revamped physics It's the same game with a bunch of new cars and a few new tracks.
GT5 had framerate drops all over the place, particularly inside the cockpit!
GT5 had framerate drops all over the place, particularly inside the cockpit!
They must've greatly improved it in later patches then cause I only notice drops in cockpit view during races with 16 cars whereas in GT6 it's as soon as I jump into cockpit and even in time trial mode. But doesn't seem to happen with all cars though and bonnet view is fine.
They must've greatly improved it in later patches then cause I only notice drops in cockpit view during races with 16 cars whereas in GT6 it's as soon as I jump into cockpit and even in time trial mode. But doesn't seem to happen with all cars though and bonnet view is fine.
They did indeed patch it to remove trackside items to help it, and cockpit view will always be worse than bonnet view, but the drops still occur.
Far better, I don't know, but more challenging, I slightly agree.
I think that GT6 content is better though, and home is more neat than 5.