GT6 Lightning Shuffle Series

  • Thread starter lightningd
I don't gain control of my tv until the baby goes down for bed 630ish cst
No worries it might not get off the ground as of now we'll need more racers to commit and Coach wants it on a separate thread and I'm already running to many ops as it is let alone events I'm in LOL was a swell idea just the same. I'm sorry lightning unless a miracle happens its no go. Maybe someone else will pick it up soon bruh but I'm backing out
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Hold the phone. If lightning wants to join us we can have the STaR SLCS and STaR Shuffle Series. I can send lightning the STaR banner desined to say STaR Shuffle Series and he can rename the thread and run the shuffle series as the founder and coordinator for it. I think it can happen. Just be careful of spreading yourself too thin. I'm sure as we grow guys will help lightning.
Hold the phone. If lightning wants to join us we can have the STaR SLCS and STaR Shuffle Series. I can send lightning the STaR banner desined to say STaR Shuffle Series and he can rename the thread and run the shuffle series as the founder and coordinator for it. I think it can happen. Just be careful of spreading yourself too thin. I'm sure as we grow guys will help lightning.

Edit: I think all four of us can make it work. Bottom line is this: Are you, Lightning willing to join STaR and what we stand for? If so, I believe it will take off. I will help with admin and race every chance I get.
After trying the shuffle i can see it being a lot of fun. Getting the hang of the car calculations takes little time and is no trouble at all really. With the leaderboard poping up right away you can figure your car out, and be pretty much ready to go before a track selection
I'm sure lightningD would have no problem joining STaR but his availability is limited. Something hes made very clear from the onset. He can not be accountable to participate in a scheduled events I just wanted to make that clear. lightning has however givin me/STaR full creative control in return that I keep the name LIGHTNING SHUFFLE. That being said I don't see lightnings membership being a deal breaker. However, any other racers wishing to participate in STaR Lighning Shuffle Series must at the very least adhere to the pre-existing STaR/OLR rules already in place. The ultimate goal of this venture is for Lightning Shuffle and its formula to become the standardized shuffle system throughout GT6. Since its is almost an exact blueprint of GT5 shuffle racing containing no scoring system this I highly plausible. If this was to happen that could feasibly open up all kinds of other possibilities ie: different PP car lists or categorized car lists and more. Simply said the possibilities are endless.
I'm sure lightningD would have no problem joining STaR but his availability is limited. Something hes made very clear from the onset. He can not be accountable to participate in a scheduled events I just wanted to make that clear. lightning has however givin me/STaR full creative control in return that I keep the name LIGHTNING SHUFFLE. That being said I don't see lightnings membership being a deal breaker. However, any other racers wishing to participate in STaR Lighning Shuffle Series must at the very least adhere to the pre-existing STaR/OLR rules already in place. The ultimate goal of this venture is for Lightning Shuffle and its formula to become the standardized shuffle system throughout GT6. Since its is almost an exact blueprint of GT5 shuffle racing containing no scoring system this I highly plausible. If this was to happen that could feasibly open up all kinds of other possibilities ie: different PP car lists or categorized car lists and more. Simply said the possibilities are endless.
Sounds good. I'll input after I get off tonight.....
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Will that banner work?

BBCode for the banner -- --

Banner looks good! I touched on this a bit with busted. Obviously this is all a lightning and coach(founders) decision here. I was thinking that a racer should have one sign up . Anyone signing up for lightning shuffle© would sign as a star© racer. they could then see all rules and regulations. From that point they could chose to register as a lightning shuffler©(no TT needed) but also would see the star© league and may want to register there too. A league racer would sign as usual and would now also see the lightning shuffle©. Racers currently under star can easily register to shuffle and I'm pretty sure all the lightning© racers info is there for a fairly easy transfer©
You could have one main driver list with a symbol to signify which series they run.
I think of the shuffle as a random event that once the formula is learned can be hosted by any of our racers at any they wish. Once people see these rooms I really think it will be an attraction.
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