GT6 or GT7 for PS4?

  • Thread starter galaia2004
United Kingdom
I've read a number of posts now mentioning GT7 and some expectation that it will be better than GT6, and of course it should be due to having improved technology.

I wondered though whether it would be more likely to see GT6 released on PS4 before GT7 is released.

Now, I'm guessing it would be fairly easy to rebuild the game for PS4 using existing code and possibly add some additional 'exclusive' features. It would expand the market for GT6 and provide revenue from existing code.

I guess my question is would people want to see GT6 on PS4 (let's assume all planned features are included at release) or would you expect something different and prefer to wait for GT7?
Rebuilding GT6 for the PS4 would be a massive task, the GT6 engine is built from the ground up for the PS3's cell architecture which while fast was a monumental pain in the rear due to it's unconventional design. All effort should go towards a full GT7 release within the next couple of years IMHO.
@Aloha62_2 - Hmm, i'm not so sure it would be a big task to do that. I think they probably have a working version of GT6 on PS4 already in their offices for testing purposes.

@galaia2004 - That would be interesting to see it working on PS4, but if they were to release it for PS4 first it has to be finished, secondly they really have to sort out the problem's with PS3. They could for example finish GT6 for PS3 then release that for PS4, it might attract the PS4 owners and would buy them time to revamp GT7.

I wouldn't invest in a PS4 if they did though, I have to see alot of change in GT7 for me to be convinced this time around i'm affraid PD, sorry. But I think it would be a strategic move for them to make.
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Putting GT6 on PS4 sounds like wasted resources to me. I certainly wouldn't want to see it. It's only a small team and they're already more than likely split as some work on maintaining and updating GT6 and the rest concentrate on GT7 for PS4.

Dividing the team up further would detract from the PS3 version and I'd like to see it improved not stagnate. Who knows though? Maybe it would provide an important learning curve about making games for a new console that actually benefits GT7.
@Aloha62_2 - Hmm, i'm not so sure it would be a big task to do that. I think they probably have a working version of GT6 on PS4 already in there offices for testing purposes.

@galaia2004 - That would be interesting to see it working on PS4, but if they were to release it for PS4 first it has to be finished, secondly they really have to sort out the problem's with PS3. They could for example finish GT6 for PS3 then release that for PS4, it might attract the PS4 owners and would buy them time to revamp GT7.

I wouldn't invest in a PS4 if they did though, I have to see alot of change in GT7 for me to be convinced this time around i'm affraid PD, sorry. But I think it would be a strategic move for them to make.
What makes you think they have GT6 running on THEIR PS4? It would be a complete waste of time and money to re-write an entire game engine just to run GT6 on a PS4 in their office. There are things in GT4 that couldn't be reproduced for GT5 (heat waves rising from road) due to the differences between the PS2 and PS3. I'm pretty sure PD is working on new updates for GT3 on PS3,
Not rewriting GT6 for PS4.
i guess my answer is gt7 , but what i think they should do is just call it gran turismo, then threw the years they can just keep making updates and adding new content etc.
@DeifieD - just speculation

The reason why I think that is because it's from the same people and the updated console to the older system is like a low end PC compared to a high end one, maybe it's much more complicated than that I dunno but it can't be that hard to do without it being too much of a task.

It's just a guess, I have no proof. It's just the way I think.

But why would the whole game code need to be remade?

I'll tell you something though, I would rather PD release a finished GT6 on PS4 than another failed GT
They won't release GT6 for PS4. Like others have said, going from PS3 to PS4 is not as simple as say going from a low end PC to a higher end PC. The x86 architecture of PS4 is completely different to the PS3s, so it requires rewriting a lot of code. It's probably something like porting current gen console games to PC, except that developers have no experience doing it to PS4 yet. I was under the impression that GT7 on the PS4 was what that would be, converting the tracks, cars, and maybe some events from GT6 to the PS4 while adding more new stuff. If they were to release GT6 on PS4, it would be exactly that but without the new stuff, so there's no point in making a separate PS4 version of GT6 and GT7.
There is another thread which is relevant to this discussion at Some good reading there.

To net it down, GT6 on a PS4 would require an almost total rewrite due to the differences between the hardware architecture. It is heavily optimized for the PS3 internals. Then you'd have to ask "why do it?". It doesn't make sense from a PD business standpoint, since the market is so small. It's only possibly attractive to those who meet all of these criteria:-

  • They don't own a PS3, and don't want to spend the money on one, even though they are so cheap now
  • They do own a PS4 or intend to own one in the right time frame and can afford it
  • They are car racing gamers, which narrows the market still further
  • Can't wait for GT7 (even assuming that a GT6 port would be quicker than developing GT7, which is unlikely)
  • They haven't read the GT6 whining thread :ill:

On top of that, PD would have to have two GT6 dev teams, one for each platform as they roll out the planned future function, and longer term, two sets of maintenance people.

Does anyone here think it's attractive to them?