Did anyone even see the title of my thread here? Did anyone notice the 'question mark'?.
You're darned if you put just one question mark, because it's pretty much invisible... if you put more than one question mark to make it stand out, then people instead see them as exclamation points... and you're darned if you don't put a question mark at all.
Mind you,
you did ask!
OTOH, people came into this thread knowing what to expect.
Anyway, I get what you're saying.
I don't think this is going to go down as the worst premiere in history of video game releases. But it sure isn't shaping up as well as I'd hoped, certainly.
Still reeling from the omission of Shuffle racing!!
This is a forum for talking about these things.
Obviously there's going to be pros & cons, raves & complaints. I should think there's room for it all.
That said, because of marketing & sales pressures with corporations and their shareholders or whoever putting the screws on... & all that crapola, anymore most things are released before they're ready for prime time, because the perceived cost of the bads are not outweighed by the expectation of goods, I suspect.
The way of the world anymore. *sigh*
That said, nothing's ever perfect, after all.
But my goodness, that doesn't mean we can't talk about what's wrong.