GT6 Release Farcical?

  • Thread starter grrlpurple
When you turn on GT6, even if the servers are screwed up and you can't download the massive patch, the game actually works every time.

That's more than can be said for Sim City 5, even months later.
Well I am not childish or bad tempered - not sure why you felt that it was petulant.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion as am I - I am merely forming an opinion of the release of this game based on so many experiences being reported in these forums and consider, in my most humble opinion, that the release of GT6 has been quite a farce.
People don't need to be childish to be petulant - it can happen through frustration too. I understand that, but please check into things before adding them and don't be lumping issues people have had with the place they bought the game from on PD - not if it's not their fault - there's also what seems to be a few unsubstantiated problems being posted - I'd look into those too before starting a thread with such a list.

Like you say though, it's your opinion, one you're entitled to.
@zippy_the_cat Even the console versions were awful upon release. It over all a poor release, but much expected from a large title.

Actually, I've not been having many problems with BF4 on PS3. It freezes once a session or so but BF3 was prone to that too, especially on Seine Crossing. The Xbox 360 and next-gen releases have had more troubles, but PC is the real disaster area and that's a big problem for EA given the dominance of PC players on the forums and YouTube.
Did anyone even see the title of my thread here? Did anyone notice the 'question mark'?

I was looking for opinions and thoughts on whether anyone else felt that this release had been marred by some fundamental screw-ups, I wasn't stating a fact.

Nor was I looking for attacks at the quality of my post, or semi-veiled personal insults - and no, I am not new to gaming, in fact I have been 'gaming' since before many here were even conceived. At least with a ZX81 if the game contained bugs and glitches it was most probably down to your own typing!

@MeanElf I could find nowhere in my OP where I was "lumping issues people have had with the place they bought the game from on PD." I didn't even mention PD let alone blame them for anything! I listed some of the issues that I have read from others across the GT6 forums here, ones that were causing me concern for my own pending game delivery, and was questioning if anyone else was of the opinion that the release of the game had been somewhat farcical.

I admit that it was rather naive of me to contemplate that I could post an opinion on the Internet, and pose a question as to other peoples opinions and thoughts on it, without expecting to be personally insulted, questioned and misrepresented. At least this serves as a timely reminder why I stopped starting any kind of thread here at GT Planet half way through my GT5 life cycle.
Did anyone even see the title of my thread here? Did anyone notice the 'question mark'?.

You're darned if you put just one question mark, because it's pretty much invisible... if you put more than one question mark to make it stand out, then people instead see them as exclamation points... and you're darned if you don't put a question mark at all. :lol:

Mind you, you did ask! :sly:
OTOH, people came into this thread knowing what to expect. :sly:

Anyway, I get what you're saying.
I don't think this is going to go down as the worst premiere in history of video game releases. But it sure isn't shaping up as well as I'd hoped, certainly.

Still reeling from the omission of Shuffle racing!!

This is a forum for talking about these things.
Obviously there's going to be pros & cons, raves & complaints. I should think there's room for it all.

That said, because of marketing & sales pressures with corporations and their shareholders or whoever putting the screws on... & all that crapola, anymore most things are released before they're ready for prime time, because the perceived cost of the bads are not outweighed by the expectation of goods, I suspect.
The way of the world anymore. *sigh*

That said, nothing's ever perfect, after all.
But my goodness, that doesn't mean we can't talk about what's wrong.
This should go into the Epic Whining and Crying thread. That's the place where you can talk about all the stuff you don't like about the game.

Gran Turismo is not the first and it will not be the last game with flaws, glitches and inconsistencies. And most mentioned in OP has nothing to do with PD or the game itself. I just feel some of you people are trying too hard, really...