GT6 Sales Discussion

You guys are hilarious... less than 2 weeks ago the "failure" that is GT5 went on "sale" for Black Friday for $15... yes, the GT5 that's how many years old is selling for $15 on the same day that the pinnacle of modern gaming, Battlefield 4, went on sale for $25... less than a month after release...

I love GT, I love everything about it, I think it's great and I think GT6 is the best version to date... there is a reason why damage is not in this game... because if you're concerned with damage in GT, you are playing the game wrong... truth is... this game is hard, it's hard to drive an LMS car without assists... if you put "realistic" damage in this game, most people would maybe make it past 3 corners without blowing the car up... then you would all be here whining about how difficult it is...

You guys should know this better than anyone, Kaz and real GT fans would rather have this game die than see it turned into NFS with unlimited rewind button...
You guys are hilarious... less than 2 weeks ago the "failure" that is GT5 went on "sale" for Black Friday for $15... yes, the GT5 that's how many years old is selling for $15 on the same day that the pinnacle of modern gaming, Battlefield 4, went on sale for $25... less than a month after release...

I love GT, I love everything about it, I think it's great and I think GT6 is the best version to date... there is a reason why damage is not in this game... because if you're concerned with damage in GT, you are playing the game wrong... truth is... this game is hard, it's hard to drive an LMS car without assists... if you put "realistic" damage in this game, most people would maybe make it past 3 corners without blowing the car up... then you would all be here whining about how difficult it is...

You guys should know this better than anyone, Kaz and real GT fans would rather have this game die than see it turned into NFS with unlimited rewind button...
You're talking as if damage in the game has to go to such exaggerated lengths to be done correctly. No game is going replicate damage to that degree because of the manufacturers.
Here we go. :lol:

Will see in other more popular markets and in some time in the official PD numbers, with more updates, more features, reduced price, etc.

The final number will depend of how much delays GT7 in PS4 and how much physical versions will released meanwhile.

Which is a bit of cheating, just like the number of cars :P

The basis of comparison is the game costing $60 at a determined time (two conditions). What PD does is re-re-re-releasing the game multiple times and at various prices, then brags about sales as if those meant the same.

Plus the final numbers come from them, not from an independent source.

And BTW it is a fact that the GT series doesn't sell as well as it used to be, both objectively and when compared to its competition. Another second fact is the franchise is shrinking while the rest is growing, sales and quality wise for the time of release of each game.
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I wonder if PD realised GT6 wasn't going to sell great and pulled back on production hence we have the basic game but few features.
The casual gamer thinks that GT6 will come on PS4 aswell because of all the fake hype from the internet that GT6 will be on PS4, so that's also a problem.
Not like it matters, but we'll see what the numbers are after Christmas AND digital sales included! Those two right there would give the numbers a huge boost. 👍

I will never understand, how does sales figures determine ones enjoyment of a game? What do sales figures even account for?
It's not a very good game. GT5 is actually better. GT5 feels more rewarding when driving.

There is a lot of tear up on GT6 which happened only rarely on GT5.

The only saving grace is that they can update and hopefully make it a good game. I feel very cheated out of £40.


This is the reason it isnt selling i guarantee it.If it wasnt for me being a GTplanet user I wouldve never known about GT6,None of my friends even knew it was out.Sony probably assumed everyone frequents gaming sites and relied on the internet for marketing,obviously not a smart move

and this^^

None of my mates knew about it. Because I come on here quite often I knew it was coming out so I decided to put off buying a PS4 thinking that GT6 would keep me entertained for a good 12 months.

Big mistake, I'm now facing the nightmare task of trying to find a shop with PS4's in stock. GT6 has been a big let down imo.
There was a ton of grind in GT5 which really wore me out and learning that they only made things worse for GT6 has me staying away. But I may get GT6 after all since there's a huge money glitch now.

Anyone else find this funny? You won't buy the game initially, but then you find out there's a "huge money glitch" and all of a sudden the purse strings open up? All it takes is free virtual money? Hey PD, you paying attention? I'm sure they can be convinced to trade you free virtual (as in not real) money for your $60 USD.
Anyone else find this funny? You won't buy the game initially, but then you find out there's a "huge money glitch" and all of a sudden the purse strings open up? All it takes is free virtual money? Hey PD, you paying attention? I'm sure they can be convinced to trade you free virtual (as in not real) money for your $60 USD.
You might find it hard to believe, but some people find the whole offline, grinding, crappy payout aspect of the game incredibly boring after doing the exact same thing 5 times just with some different cars and graphics. I'd be much happier as well if I never saw an AI and 1200 cars were dropped into my lap on day 1, then I could do what I bought the game for. Drive cars, tune, and race online. Offline is dead to me and I was dreading it before the game was released. I can see his perspective quite easily.
You might find it hard to believe, but some people find the whole offline, grinding, crappy payout aspect of the game incredibly boring after doing the exact same thing 5 times just with some different cars and graphics. I'd be much happier as well if I never saw an AI and 1200 cars were dropped into my lap on day 1, then I could do what I bought the game for. Drive cars, tune, and race online. Offline is dead to me and I was dreading it before the game was released. I can see his perspective quite easily.

I'm actually one of those people. Like you, I bought the game to get online and race other talented racers. But oddly enough, I have not been able to stop playing offline, grinding my way through the rabbit chase. I guess after all of this time, it's not so bad after all to earn the cars again. Didn't think I would enjoy it. But ... feels like Christmas. Can't wait to do it all over again with GT7. :)
Kaz has showed a level of blindness that would kill any other series. he seems completly out of touch. When I first red about the "realtime constellation simulation" I thought "ho my God... he did it again!". But the worst is that there is whole crowd of Kaz's fans that are completly unable to criticize anything he does. Some people really love that the constellations are right! Seriously!

Kaz needs to go.
Kaz has showed a level of blindness that would kill any other series. he seems completly out of touch. When I first red about the "realtime constellation simulation" I thought "ho my God... he did it again!". But the worst is that there is whole crowd of Kaz's fans that are completly unable to criticize anything he does. Some people really love that the constellations are right! Seriously!

Kaz needs to go.

Yeah, you're probably right. Clearly once they start naming streets after you at race resorts in Italy, the writing is on the wall and you're on your way out. Or maybe the opposite is true, and you're just whining because he didn't implement a feature you wanted that the rest of us could care less about? Not sure. It's a toughie.
I still think it was a mistake to launch after the PS4 on the PS3. Yeah, the PS3 has sold 80 million console, but how big is the active user base? GTA V sold crazy numbers, but that was before the console launch and it was one of the most anticipated and well marketed games of all time. CoD Ghost also did worse.

The PS4 is sold out everywhere, GT6 wouldn`t have helped at all. It could have hurt Killzone/Knack and other upcoming Sony exclusives over the next months alot. Would casuals buy Infamous/Killzone/Knack instead of a frigging Gran Turismo (with crazy next gen tech)?

IMO 2014 on PS4 would have been a very good release date. More time to polish the game, create alot of hype and it would help to move PS4 consoles (which is important because Halo is coming next fall on One).
but then you will kill drive club
Many people gave up on GT after GT5. Many other people were waiting to see if GT6 would be a big step forward and make us forget GT5 ever existed. Unfortunately, this latest installment not only carries over most of the major issues of GT5 it also introduces plenty of new complaints.

To me the game feels like GT5 with a better menu system, slightly better career mode, and better physics but with somehow worse graphics and worse sounds. There are also some features missing like Shuffle races. Everything else is nearly exactly the same. All the old little annoyances and gripes are still there.

I've said this on countless forums, and in countless posts. Ever since observing the downward plane crash that is gaming, ever since seeing the Seventh Generation through.

Developers are lazy. And are saving as much, or as little money as possible. Effort has gone through the window. And i came to the conclusion of laziness a long time ago, because you were better off questioning existentialism.

The sounds in GT6 are SO piss-poor, that it's appaling. They better release a big sound update within the next couple of months or so. This is completely unnacceptable. As if the game already doesn't have problems as-is. There are a LOT of cars missing from the lineup. But the least they could have done, is mix a lot of sounds to create new ones. Forza doesn't even have completely authentic sounds for a lot of its cars, but the sound team LOGICALLY knows what an American V8 sounds like, or what a Straight-6 sounds like. RB powered cars sounds pretty well on the mark. Especially the GTRs. Those are authentic sounds. But that doesn't mean they can't create their OWN sounds using a GENERAL understanding, or SAMPLES through EXPERIENCE, to create sounds for cars which don't sounds REMOTELY CORRECT.

The Vettes still have that trumpet sound that completely prevents me from driving the cars. It's painful to listen to. Excited to drive the Shelby GT500, i get in the car (my brother watching me playing, because he was curious, too), and we face-palm, then laugh our asses off simultaneously. "Chasing perfection"? Are these people TRYING to PURPOSEFULLY look like idiots? SERIOUSLY?!
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Yeah, you're probably right. Clearly once they start naming streets after you at race resorts in Italy, the writing is on the wall and you're on your way out. Or maybe the opposite is true, and you're just whining because he didn't implement a feature you wanted that the rest of us could care less about? Not sure. It's a toughie.

Yes. Maybe. Or maybe i am a fan that was very disappointed by GT5 and can't believe Kaz did it again.
But as I am not in awe before Kaz, my opinion is probably irrelevant to you.
You guys are hilarious... less than 2 weeks ago the "failure" that is GT5 went on "sale" for Black Friday for $15... yes, the GT5 that's how many years old is selling for $15 on the same day that the pinnacle of modern gaming, Battlefield 4, went on sale for $25... less than a month after release...

I love GT, I love everything about it, I think it's great and I think GT6 is the best version to date... there is a reason why damage is not in this game... because if you're concerned with damage in GT, you are playing the game wrong... truth is... this game is hard, it's hard to drive an LMS car without assists... if you put "realistic" damage in this game, most people would maybe make it past 3 corners without blowing the car up... then you would all be here whining about how difficult it is...

You guys should know this better than anyone, Kaz and real GT fans would rather have this game die than see it turned into NFS with unlimited rewind button...

So is it realistic to be able to spin on every lap of a three lap race & still win?

Or to spin & end up 34s behind on lap 2 of a 5 lap race & yet still catch up and win by 1.5s?

This is not realism. Being able to win from the back of the pack should not really be possible at all in a real race (especially in a single file start where you already start with a 15s to 30s penalty relative to pole) - when everyone has almost equal equipment and yet that is pretty much the only format in GT5 & 6 - start from the back against terrible opponents and win.

The worst thing is my friend's 6 year old daughter was able to win a gt5 race (using DFGT BTW) within 15 minutes of playing.

Now that's what I call realistic, challenging, racing! Oh wait, no it isn't!
Do you think this is only because of PS4 coming out now or are people perhaps getting GT fatigue?

Was the initial disappointment that was GT5 too much so that people are weary of buying GT6?

Please discuss.

PS4 coming out may have something to do with it, casual gamers with money to spend aren't going back to a ps3 after getting a ps4.

As for me, I'm just not satisfied with it. I started to get irked when GT4 came out and sounds were still bad but figured they would have it down on PS3. Then GT5P was a small bit of hope but i paid $32 for a glorified demo and then waited another few years for GT5 and ordered the CE or what ever they sold in the N.A. market. It was a complete let down and I had already been braced for it to not live up to the hype of 5 years.

The racing isn't exciting, sounds are atrocious, ridiculous paint chips, no livery editor, no multi-class racing. The car lineup would have been great in 2005 or 2006. No current GT2 class cars and very few to no modern P1, P2 or LMPC cars. 1000 cars and I owned maybe 250 of them, a lot just so i could do seasonal races. The game also seemed like it didn't advance in game play. Grew bored of chasing the rabbit and stopped playing in November last year.

I decided to get a 360 and FM4, It was fresh and driving feels very lively so I've moved over to xbox and FM5 as well. I've owned every version of GT from day one of the first, GT5 was my last. I will not be purchasing 6 and i don't see PD doing anything that would get me to buy a PS4 for GT7.
GT needed to map gravity better. But Kaz knew the only way to do this accurately was to understand the gravitational effects of the moon. Of course then you need to map the moon and model it. And the galaxy it resides in, just for authenticity. Perfect for Kaz to test his driving on the moon skills.

Just another day at one of Kaz's blue sky thinking sessions.
I saw a lot of guys buy GT5 but give it up after 4-6 months, it takes some effort to keep it up. Those customers are gone for good, maybe some newbies will give it a try now but same pattern will happen, diminishing returns until something really new?
Who cares? If people were that let down by GT5, let them miss out on GT6. I'm over the moon with GT6 and that's all I'm concerned about. Yeah, every game will have drawbacks. GT is no different.

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