- 15
- SoCal
- DemoncleanerDrW
Clubs and leagues here on GTP. The rest was utter 🤬.
I'm lucky for not having to deal w/ the bugginess of both GT5 & 6, and surely there are more aspects of the game that'd be fun for additional updates. (Off-topic: whether it's exchanging cars when losing head-to-head/community races as potential options for drivers, or simply car-clone swaps/purchases for w/e cost's. e.g. $12,345,678.90 being based upon $'s invested, number of wins, miles, engine/rigidity condition...or not, but the enhanced or further expansion of the community after PD's finally released the track-path creator, err "editor". Luckily I didn't have to wait 2-years for that to happen since I'd been cool with GT4 whenever the racing bug bit. That being said,)
I'm sure Clubs & Leagues are excellent. Somehow I've managed to stay wrapped-up w/ everything else and not even post schidt about garage, tunes, strategy while geekin'-out on GT6 for nearly 10-months last year.
Rippin' through career-mode & much of GT6 w/o was fun, but it's NOT selecting 'OTHER' for me since I really enjoy The Seasonal's, a fair amount of the Lobby instances I find myself in for an hour or 2 at a time (provided time's available).
And last night, when it wasn't, I revisited the Senna Tribute for 10-15 mins.
Soundtrack updates wouldn't hurt the game, but I'd probably lean towards subtracting some model duplication's on domestics & imports if it'd enable more cars to be detailed or premium. That'd improve car-collecting for me.
In fact, I didn't think I'd use the stockyard but I hit that 500-mark recently so that added bonus of sorts has been useful.
💡 Unlike this lengthy-:@:$$ reply.
May the racing-line be w/ you
{P.S.} WhereTF are the Hynundai & Bugatti VISIONS?! ~'was able to race the Hyundai LMP @ LA's autoshow in Nov'15 & Bugatti's been out & about at shows w/o GT6, too, soooooo