GT6 Update 1.08 (Undocumented Changes in OP)

  • Thread starter CinnamonOD
Not bad, I must say. Just played for a little while and got the F3 car. The F1 car is fun to drive and not as hard as I thought. So close to golding in my second attempt even with ABS off (DS3). But I got bored after the Monza TT thing and I shelved GT6 until a decent update gets released.

I do have to congratulate PD for getting the sounds right on Senna's cars. I've heard that Lotus in other games, and so far I think GT6 is the only one that got it right. The F3 sounds just like the RB jr. but it was a great choice of a sample.
does anyone here play the game in 3D mode (so 2011 i know, but i quite like it :))?

the effect is that when i'm driving, many objects will have these weird transparent lines. I never had this issue with GT5. Has anyone seen this prior to 1.08?

Confirm, driver suit and ghost car are utterly affected by this bug, I have an active shutter glasses samsung tv.
i'm having lots of of issues with graphics as you can see below:



the effect is that when i'm driving, many objects will have these weird transparent lines. I never had this issue with GT5. Has anyone seen this prior to 1.08?[/quote]
me. Tried 3D ages ago and looked as bad as that. I was surprised, as Gt5 didn't have this problem
Edit: this was supposed to quote someone. It failed..........
I haven't been able to install both 1.07 and 1.08 because it says that it'll take over 200 minutes, downloads a bit, and then fails. 🤬:banghead:
Check your disc, if it's a bit dirty, that might be the problem. Cleaning the disc worked for me.
Sure. It might be scratched, but it's a BluRay, so, according to my local game store, it's difficult to get BluRay discs unscratched.
Not sure if this is new or not, but it is for me.

There seems to be a change to throttle on the sensibility. On my analog stick/pedal, I'm pushing the stick/pedal to about 70-75% down to achieve 50% throttle on the in-game throttle bar, while the rest of the throttle going from 50 to 100% with the little bit of movement left in my stick/pedal.
If I switch the accelerator with the brakes on my analog stick, the brake meter on screen displays a consistent increase in brake applied.

An exponential increase with throttle but a linear one with brakes? This isn't right.
And maybe be sure before you reply also? I have no obligation to check for every single fault that I noted before if they get updated everytime. But the fact that PD does seems to "sometimes" gets it wrong that means my assumption isn't necessarily off base.

While we are at it to check though, would be interested to know if Nissan Group C cars and the Minolta what are they using....

Back 2 weeks ago I posted an extensive list of transmission issues regarding v.1.07...
...on @Johnnypenso 's very well-managed Update 1.07 Undocumented Changes thread.

The cars @RacingManiac has previously posted info about...
...or asked about on this thread were covered along with other cars.

In the interest of saving everyone a re-hash of a now-dated v.1.07 post, the link is here. :)
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Back 2 weeks ago I posted an extensive list of transmission issues regarding v.1.07 on @Johnnypenso 's very well-managed Update 1.07 Undocumented Changes thread.

The cars @RacingManiac has previously posted info about...
...or asked about on this thread were covered along with other cars.

In the interest of saving everyone a re-hash of a now-dated v.1.07 post, the link is here. :)

Thanks, thats much clearer and more definitive!
I started another Blancpain Sprint 42lap Sprint Race race at Brands Hatch. Using the RLN R35. First off, when the settings menu opened up, the race info shouwed it was raining and track was 100%. Never happened to me before in Single Player. I checked weather changeability settings and it was at "0" and Time at "15:00". I moved the weather slider to "10", entered and the main screen displayed track wetness at 0% but, slight rain.

In car settings, I moves the TCS slider to "0", entered. Race menu now had track wetness at 5%. So, I started on IM tyres. From the Start/Finish line to about turn 4, the rain subsided and I only passed the 9th place Z4. The weather was still cloudy and all headlights on. I pitted at the end of the lap from 8th place, for RM tyres. Some aun started to show at different parts of the circuit. From lap 2-5, I passed all cars with ease up to position 5. The AI werent accelerating using full revs. I thought, oh well, 1.08 ruined everything.
The lead car went from 39 seconds ahead, to 12 seconds ahead in that short period of time.

Once behind the 4h place R8(R8 blue & yellow), the AI picked up its pace. Held me off for 2 laps!. The leader went from 12 seconds to 15 seconds ahead. When I passed the R8, it took me 4 more laps to catch up to the 2nd place Base Model R35. The leader was now 9.9 seconds ahead after 11laps.

I passed the R35 at turn 1( The AI take a tight line on the curb). It accelerated hard to be side by side on the inside at the turn 2 hairpin! I kept my position and at the next left hand hairpin, I accelerated away to a good margin. Once the Ai got my slipstream, it was next to me again for the right-hander and I had to let it go to avoid colliding. BY this time, the lead car was up 11 seconds.

On lap 13, I got around the R35, I look in the mirror and the R8 is right on the tail of the R35. Come lap 14, and I'm 8.9 seconds behind the leader. For 3 laps I managed to get the gap down to 8.5 seconds. On lap 18, the gap went up to 8.9. I cancelled the race. The lead car was another Base Model R35.

Only thing I can guess is, Brands Hatch and Silverstone are preset to be more challenging circuits. Those tracks have hairpins that you think the AI would be at walking pace to pass just like all other tracks in the game. Ive found it not so, whenever I race these two circuits.
I can't see them updating many tracks in GT6 but it'd be good to see them all up to date in GT7. Laguna Seca and Motegi in particular need a big overhaul from their minor updated PS2 models.
Daytona as well, it was repaved in 2010 or 2011, PDI used the older layout. The track isn't bumpy anymore, pit road is much larger, and its entrance has less of a turn, now.

We don't know what the actual camber is of the car in the game, we don't have that data, we can't see it
you can CLEARLY see if a car has camber or not...
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works fine for me, nose higher=oversteer, tail higher=understeer, as stated in game.
Actually the game states the opposite.

"A lower front end will increase oversteer, while raising it up will increase understeer."

Direct quote from the Ride Height section in Car Settings.
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lol my bad, is there a post or section on GTP that talks about what settings do and which (other) are broken/the other way around?
The mercedes CLK-LM has had a name change. It is now known as AMG Mercedes CLK-LM '98
I've been in 3 SennaF1 lobbies today. 2 of them had tuning on and racing softs. :(
Because oil-changes are also considered as tuning in GT, I assume. That's why my lobby has tuning allowed.
Because oil-changes are also considered as tuning in GT, I assume. That's why my lobby has tuning allowed.
They really have to improve that and make more choices like for nos
every sheet tab mus have an entry for restriction or not
and give more choices to fully tune the lobby

Motor Tuning (Allowed / No)
Turbo or Compressor (Allowed / No / Mandatory)
Suspension ( All / Suspension only / Brakes Only / No)
and so on for all tuning sheet tab
that would be a really good addition

and also a filter by year and/or year range
i hate doing a lobby for old cars and see someone coming with a recent car able to join because his car fits in pp/hp/weight restrictions
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Because oil-changes are also considered as tuning in GT, I assume. That's why my lobby has tuning allowed.
Gonna have to respectfully disagree there, the weekly event I race in with stock cars also prohibits tuning but nearly everyone (myself included) does an oil change and gets on to the track with no problems. :)
Gonna have to respectfully disagree there, the weekly event I race in with stock cars also prohibits tuning but nearly everyone (myself included) does an oil change and gets on to the track with no problems. :)
But why I wasn't able to join a race where tuning wasn't allowed? I also changed back to setup C which is stock :confused:
But why I wasn't able to join a race where tuning wasn't allowed? I also changed back to setup C which is stock :confused:
Was it completely stock? No adjustments to brake bias or ballest? Did you also use setup C for tuning at any point or was it used just for that event?
used it for tuning but then set it back to stock

GT6 needs a "back to default"-button like GT5 has
Also did you check no body/aero parts were added in GTAuto? Or when in another tab had you do a weight reduction or do an engine upgrade? That is easily missed when in another tab.

It is very difficult to guarantee stock settings sometimes. I've had issues with a Red Bulls Jnr around Jan/Feb that had absolutely not been tuned in a stock lobby. Tab A,B and C were stock and I was able to enter the track with all 3 tab setups. I exited the track, changed a suspension setting by 1 on tab A and tried to reenter the track. It rightly stopped me. When I changed that single setting back to stock I wasn't able to enter using any of the tabs. I had to go and buy another car to compete. I've avoided stock room limitations since (even though I loved those equal setup races in GT5 and ran in and hosted many of them)

I don't know why PD can't give us a SIMPLE completely stock tab which effectively allows us to use our own cars online at completely default settings minus any aero, or tuning changes while retaining wheel (if a different sized wheel change anything on the car (like transmission) then that wheel should be reset) and colour options. Aero settings, oil change (if we have to have it, painting, wheel change) should all be available from within the lobby.

Also if you have something selected in tab A it shouldn't carry across to tab B. If you add the engine upgrade or weight reduction to Tab A it shouldn't carry across to Tab B or C thereby adjusting the pp of the other tunes. It's needless.

As an aside I feel the super oil change "hidden feature" is not needed. If you do it (and I do as most other online racers do) then all same model cars you race against in arcade/a spec modes are automatically pre oil change stock and therefore inferior before we even start to talk about the AI drivers. PD managed to stop the needless run in of cars in GT5 just to get them to maximum bhp but didn't remove the oil change boost - half a job done.
But why I wasn't able to join a race where tuning wasn't allowed? I also changed back to setup C which is stock :confused:

Do you know which car you were using? There were some cars that had the specs slightly changed via an update, but it only applied to new purchases. So if you had bought that car before the spec change it retained the old specs and could no longer enter a tuning-prohibited race, you would have to go buy a new one. The BMW GT2 car is the only one I can remember off the top of my head but I believe there were a few others that had this happen. I was using it in a series, then suddenly after an update it could no longer join the tuning-prohibited track, bought a new one and everything was fine.

*I never tune cars and only race tuning-prohibited, so there was no chance I had inadvertently changed a setting.