IIRC I said I would give you access to the previous group chat and older effects shared within it.
I did that to help get you started, yes?
None of those, were effects specifically done for the BDS units as that old chat goes back to about Feb 2023 even before the BDS was released. Some will have been tweaked but much of the work for the current test effects was new. Ive implemented nice sensations for speed, g-loads etc and the potential has been encouraging to offering an approach that delivers much better tactile than most experience.
From the very beginning I shared my non recommendation to seek to persue what I am offering for it being applied to a folding seat as it has limitations and drawbacks. You are ignoring this, trying to marry together a low-level basic implementation with an advanced approach with tactile immersion.
The last guy to approach me had a month to offer feedback on supplied effects, we created a specific chat for him.
Gave him our time and not one bit of useful feedback did he offer, in a whole month. Maybe just another fake account for someone to get a nosey into what I am doing different with effects. He was not the first, but I think he will be the last.
So yes I have had my fill with this and people hitting me for effects to then have their own interests.
Clearly, you have an interest in forming a solution for your folding chair. You are more focused on that than you are in wanting to have the recommended type of seat etc. If you print 3D parts, then what stops the next step/idea, to start selling those to others, ahh wouldnt it be great if you had nice effects to go with that. If not you, then what stops someone else to consider, running with that idea.
Someone wanting to take recommended hardware I have worked on, have effects made to use on that hardware giftwrapped to them. So they can apply that combined how they want via an installation approach that is not really intended nor were the effects created to be applied too, they wont care...
It does nothing to aid (my own goals) and if anything it highlights to me that people will continue to take what they can get and then not do what they said but instead do what they want.
Yes, that IS what you SAID you WOULD DO to help me get started; but NO, that is NOT what you DID. You never gave me access to the old effects.
You’re shutting me down based on assumptions, and now accusing me of something I haven’t done…still fine, since I understand your past with people asking for effects has been…um, much less than savory.
Since I first approached you a couple of weeks ago, I HAVE had thoughts/ideas about creating a product/products to sell, but not by taking your effects underhandedly. That’s NOT who I am, and what good would that do me in the long-run, considering software needs to constantly be in development? I WANT TO WORK WITH YOU, LOL! Read that aloud to yourself however many times it takes to get it through your jaded defenses.
I wrote this last night in an attempt to try and explain my thoughts, but deleted it, because I have no inroad to your heart, nor have I been given the opportunity to earn your trust. YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT LET ME IN. Now it seems there is little to lose, so I’ll paste my message here. If you can’t see my sincerity after reading this, then I’ll leave you to it…but make no mistake, I’ve done nothing TO you, said nothing ill AGAINST you, and ONLY have GOOD intentions for RACEBASS. If you close the doors after this, YOU will have proven YOURSELF to be the asshole…I certainly HOPE that will not be the case. Here goes:
Please don’t just skim over this, as seems to be your tendency. Pease take the time to READ and COMPREHEND it. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to express my thoughts clearly in several of my posts, yet I feel as though you don’t always get the heart of what I’m saying.
This is YOUR show, and RACEBASS is yours. Just know that with anything I am saying, I have nothing but the utmost respect for what you’re trying to accomplish. With that in mind, I’d like to address a couple of things in your previous post and issues I see overall:
Errrr No...
I am not that keen on the folding chair idea, trying to be applied with what I am doing with my own approaches with effects creation.
What I see is persistence for someone to work towards applying exactly that. So effects I have worked on, to then be used with the folding chair approach. Which may offer pretty decent results, but it will not likely offer what was intended and a user with such has no way of then knowing... If, what they are experiencing via a folding chair, is what/how the effects combined felt sensations are as (closely possible) how, they are meant to be.
I REALLY DO understand your concern here, though not completely, as I’ll explain further down. I DID attempt to be as transparent as possible with you in the beginning. I told you I would buy a “suitable” racing chair, so that I would have a reference to try and replicate the experience on my Playseat Challenge. My intentions have not wavered, and that has remained my plan. I know you haven’t seen the WHOLE picture with what I’m trying to do, but I am interested in helping bring your approach to as many people as possible, if you’d only give me a chance. In the same way I don’t have a hard-back seat for reference, you can ASSUME, but you can’t KNOW what kind of results my design can offer, unless you’ve experienced it for yourself.
So here we go again, back to the problem tactile has always had.......
Lets have folding chairs, lets have a seat from a van, a speedboat, a kitchen tableset, a playseat and anything else.
Heck, I might as well just not bother trying to build and create effects to a level and standard that can or at least attempts to deliver a quality experience with no hassle and fuss. One of the main targets with the concept I have, is to have sharable profiles and a way that users do not need to spend ages trying to get settings that then suits their hardware or installations.
That’s not completely fair. I understand your sarcasm, and this may very well be “the problem that tactile has always had”. Being a relative newcomer, I wouldn’t know anything about that.
What I DO know is that, even with your very specific requirements, it’s the problem that tactile will STILL have, because, unless you require everyone to buy the exact same seat, your user base will ALWAYS have to tweak the settings for their particular setup to some extent, even if it’s just level adjustments. The best you can do to make it as completely hassle-free as possible is to require everyone to have the same exact gear, down to the exact same seat…but even if the rig is specified down to the tiniest minutia, users will STILL have preferences, and you can’t possibly account for that.
Developing a solution for THIS is what I’ve become interested in, and what I feel I would like to help bring to the table, the more I’ve thought about it. I didn’t start out with these thoughts. I simply wanted to experience and help improve upon these amazing effects myself, but once I started developing my “web”, it has consistently occupied my thoughts over the past few weeks.
What I DON’T know is what your actual goal is with this. The way you talk about releasing the “finished” effects with a guide to the masses, which, by the way, seems to constantly get pushed back, makes it sound like you want EVERYONE to experience RACEBASS, but the specific requirements you have now, during development, seem to suggest the exact opposite.
You have to know that, upon release, either you will release the effects for anyone to experience, in which case most people probably won’t follow your equipment suggestions, which is what you’ve already dealt with and are fighting so hard against…or you will take a more “elitist” approach - that is, you require anyone who wants to experience your effects to invest in (or already own) a hard-back racing seat, presumably from a curated list of Latte-approved racing seats, along with all of the required amps, DSPs, transducers, etc., without having experienced the effects first-hand. That’s a big ask for most people, will seem “elitist” (even though it’s for good reason), and probably is a chance most won’t be willing to take.
The budget-conscious seem to always be looking for the cheapest way to achieve the end result, with a lot of them resorting to DIY solutions. They probably wouldn’t be willing to shell out a thousand bucks or more to rig something together, especially without any proof that it’s any good. Those foldable rigs you are so disinterested in are found in this group of people, most of whom DON’T have the money to spend on or space to fit a dedicated rig. If I’m not mistaken, you have used the term “budget“ many times when referencing “your approach”.
People WITH the money (and likely more space) at their disposal will most likely be looking at solutions on the higher end from already-established sim-racing brands.
From what I understand, your solution will not even be a brand (not a knock, just reality), but a guide, with effects that you’ve branded as RACEBASS, usable on a software program (SimHub) that was presumably NOT WRITTEN by you, with suggested or required hardware (Startech, Dayton, Nobsound/Douk Audio, etc.), none of which is PRODUCED by you, which will need to be purchased separately from different sources, none of which are OWNED by you (presumably), and then built by the user to achieve what is promised to be an amazing experience, but with no guarantees, return policy, real customer service, etc…a so-called budget-minded, but actually quite expensive and risky DIY tactile solution.
So, while I DO understand the need for a standard set of equipment by which to experience RACEBASS to its fullest, I can’t see how you’ll pull it off in any meaningful way like this.
There’s no way you’ve been doing this for as long as you have without considering most, if not all, of these issues…unless, that is, you don’t really care whether RACEBASS becomes the tactile standard by which all others are judged.
Forgive me if any if the above presumptions are faulty, as I have no way of knowing what may or may not be going on “behind the scenes”.
To be clear, I’m proposing the design and development of products specifically designed to take advantage of RACEBASS by a small startup in Tennessee, called gēks racing.
If your serious about tactile, then my advise is, to get a suitable seat and rig frame of some sort. If not then just enjoy what you have and however you want to but I am not interested in experimenting regards how my approach with effects or installation method works on folding chairs. I have my own rig build to focus on as well and plenty to keep me occupied..
I AM serious about tactile - my GOD, who would spend literally hours writing posts trying to convince you they are if in fact they aren’t - and I WILL get a “suitable” seat. Please don’t be dismissive - you certainly have a vision, great ideas, and have invested a ton of time and money into this, and for that you have my respect; but you have to know you’re not the only one with something to offer. I’m sure you’re busy, as we ALL are. The fact that people like us would want to be a part of helping develop this should speak volumes, yet somehow you’re still not convinced, at least about me. It takes a team of people with different strengths to accomplish something like I’m proposing.