Hey everyone. Look I really need to get this off my chest. I've had a rough week. My mom was sick from taking an antibiotic so I had to help her with extra cooking and some chores around the house so I had to cut my gt7 time a bit.
Hi Chris, whilst GT7 is fun and it's fun to race people and compete in a fun way with forum friends and stuff.
It's really important to make sure family and you come first in your life (that's a win worth a thousand in GT).
This is a place to talk and tease each other about a passion/game we all share time doing.
Please my friend never feel guilty for putting life and family first. They should always be your priority. You can always do another race but if your mom needs some assistance with the chores do them. And do them well and without fuss just like she does looking after and raising you.
I was only able to do 15 SSRX races and 24 Deep Forest ones, bringing it a total of 39 races this week.
Its quality not quantity that matters. This week you've done a lot of races, a hell of a lot of races and you're helping the family out and your mom. So again you won this week in my books...I forgot to take the trash out...and boy my wife wasn't happy. Please the people you see and genuinely don't worry about the races or us.
Family first, you first always.
Please try to be patient with me and not be critical and harsh. I try to paly by the rules. I made a comment the other day that the Veyron sucks, and I guess Glen and some others took offense to it. I didn't mean any harm
This is on me Chris and I own it completely, I didn't know you had your mom stuff and nor that you were overcoming huge challenges which is amazing I might add on both fronts.
I apologise because I was overly harsh and under informed when I made my comments.
So once again, while I disagreed my tone and response could have been more inline with the vibe of the forum, fellow racers and how I am in real life vs contextless internet stuff.
People don't understand what I have to go through, I've had a lot of difficult challenges in my life due to my autism and asburgers. During school and daily things around the house, etc. I've finished 950 races and I've only gotten 4 wins. In GT sport I did a total of 951. So, overall ina 26 motnh period, I've finished 1,851 races with a total of 41 wins. That is not a drop in the bucket. I was expecting 100 wins at least, but nope.
Chris my friend, we are racing not catching poke-wins....
Life and racing are a journey we are all on. It's about learning and as you are already doing facing challenges head on and slowly overcoming them.
Please don't measure yourself on wins in a game. Measure yourself on how many new GT friends you have, how much you have improved and most importantly how much you've stepped up to help out your mom.
The game like life is a journey, not a destination. It's an entertainment product that all of us forget sometimes.
We should be using it to unwind have a bit of fun and take the good days and the bad with it.
Look at your stats another way, you keep improving. You aren't going backwards and you are in one of the best forums for advice around.
All while doing the important stuff like helping mom out with stuff.
I cannot believe my DR and SR has not changed that much in a 6-month period. I am absolutely exhausted from the situation with my life and gt7
This is excellent though. It means you are consistent even while spending time away from the game you can come back and pick up right where you left off. I wish I was that consistent.
What you need to do is have a couple of new measures, how much did you help your mom, and when you do a race how many times can you make both arrows go up. You don't need to do lots of races for that you just need to be sensible.
Chris you are doing well with all the challenges at the moment, make sure that GT is not a priority. We are all here to help you but you have to help your mom first and then worry about the game/us 2nd/3rd