GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Two more races at Grand Valley for me tonight. No improvement to my time, but that's fine as I just wantred to get my lines and stuff down.

Race 1 has me in P8 with P7 having an identical time. I've ever seen that before. I go way too deep on the second hairpin on lap 1 and 2 and fall to the back and basically my race was done. I finish P11.

Race 2 has me in P4 this time and the opening lap was some nice clean racing from the top 5. I duck into the pits on the second lap as I was going to lose time if I stayed with the pack. In the final half of the race I have a nice race with the driver behind me for position that eventually becomes for P1. It gets interesting when a few cars come out of the pits and 4 of us all get to turn 1. No problems and we race on. I dip my car over the track limit on lap 8 and fall back to P3. I do it again on the final lap and fall to P5 where I finish.

While my first race was not ideal, the second race made up for it. I'm probably done for the week as I don't want to push my luck with off track penalties runing my time.
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Had two more really good races at GVH this morning in all B/S lobbies. Ditto the other races I’ve done there this week.

Lots of clean driving, no punts, even T1 has been carnage free.

Not sure what’s going on but long let it continue!
Been the same for me, until my DR rose sufficiently to put me in a race with mainly A and A+ drivers - got rammed out twice in that race!

Thankfully the next two races were back with B/S racers.
A: Lake Louise
B: Catalunya no chicane RM 1xfuel 3xtyres

And C is very interesting.

C: Trial Mountain NO BOP and SM tyres....something similar it seems to the Suzuka one several months ago
A: Lake Louise
B: Catalunya no chicane RM 1xfuel 3xtyres

And C is very interesting.

C: Trial Mountain NO BOP and SM tyres....something similar it seems to the Suzuka one several months ago
These are races for GTWS this weekend. Not necessarily going to be the dailies as well.

If they are, I'd wager B and C are swapped.
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Two more GV races on the #1 account last night.

First one started P1 with my 46.2 quali time that I've not been able to touch since I hit it. :lol: P2 was pretty quick; I was able to open a gap at the beginning to ~1.0S but he caught back up for the latter half of the race and was right on my tail. On lap seven going down the front straight he was close, but he decided to pit (might have felt he was stuck behind me). Ok, cool... no more defending and need a good inlap as eight starts. So I pit on lap eight hoping he got caught up in traffic. Come out of the pits and he's now in P3. So I was able to bring home a P1 on race one. Found out per the replay that he got a 3.0S pit lane pen. Yea, that'll do it.


Next race I was in a lobby with Grove Street (@GroveStreetRacing5). I was starting P2 and he was P3. First lap I took a track limits pen and surrendered P2 to Grove on the bridge. I then was overdriving the car trying to keep up to him and P1. A lap or so later I was out of slip and in no-man's land. Not my best effort as my finishing time was three seconds off my previous race. I probably should've quit while I was ahead.


But, I can't complain about a pair of podiums on that account last night. So far this week it's been: P2, P2, P1, P1, & P3. The racing at GV has been amazing. Very respectful driving from all... those around me anyway and good for the DR (*knocks on wood). Still loving this combo!
Two races, two disasters. No thanks.
OK, I admit I'm an addict. I did another race.

This one was fine, but it's mostly because the guys behind me had issues at T1 Lap 1, so there was a big gap behind me and I didn't have any pressure.

Full disclosure: I started P4, and I was almost the jerk on T1. I went inside because P3 was taking the corner too slowly and too wide, and I was afraid the guys behind me would bin me. Fortunately, P3 negotiated the rest of the chicane just fine, and I pulled back in behind him for a comfortable and fun few laps, before I lost a couple of seconds due to me being an idiot.

Of course, I made sure to cut P3 some slack when he messed up a few times, because I didn't want him to think I was a total jerk. Emphasis on the word "total".
Cut a few tenths off my QT @ GV on main acc, hopefully get into 1:47s this weekend. Good clean night of racing at GV. Considering I had crashes from early brakers in 2 races and on my 2nd acct with slower qualy, pretty satisfied with results. My lap times would put me at P2 to P5 without an off track.

Race 1: P14, finish 8th. Tried running the Corvette for fun, it's actually better than expected. But got bumped in T1 of lap 2, spun 180 but gradually closed the 15 sec gap back to the pack. Had zig zagging finish to avoid getting slipstreamed by P9.

Race 2: P11, finish 6th back in the Porsche. On lap 1 had to slam the brakes to avoid traffic in the last chicane before home stretch. Got squirrelly and went into the wall with 3 sec penalty. Had some fast laps to get back in the mix.

Race 3: P11, finish 8th. Very clean race in a loaded lobby with 5 A/S drivers, so pretty happy with result. I can definitely see how challenging yourself helps you get faster.

Perhaps no better pic to symbolize GV than this, so easy to pick up an off track penalty
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I have GOT to get on the track. Life keeps getting in the way...and now I've got Christmas lights to do as well.

First world problems, I know.

I did throw a tune on the Porsche and took a couple tenths off, but still a looooooong way from feeling confident 'round GVH. Could be a good week to learn and forgo the racing. Sounds like the racing has been solid, thoug, so we'll see how bold I feel Sat/Sun morning.🤣

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There is something very very odd with the physics at Monza, I'm just going to do this race and then upload a video.

I was slipstreaming a guy went to pass he moved and we made contact and all of a sudden his car was doing 185mph and I got bumper damage.

It was surreal to see. Will upload the video in 20 mins
That is an increadible QT - did you save the replay? I'm 1.5 seconds behind.
Sadly not as I thought I could get a other 2 tenths so promptly forgot to save it.

What blew my mind is that it's about 420 ish in the world. I'm a newly graduated B to A driver and for various reasons am racing through the day and at night.

As you can imagine the lobbies are all A+, A and the on the cusp b players.

420ish in the world at 11 am on a Friday morning in a European lobby puts me 8th....

2 percent of the top 400 must have been playing then. Its absolutely mental how small the player pool is towards the sharper end especially split by region and skill/safety spread!
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as promised watch a Mazda 3 shoot up to 185 miles and hour all as I was trying to pass 2 miles an hour faster than he was

That's wild! The only time I've seen stuff like this is when there is a network lag and the game is "predicting" where the other car is supposed to be and then it finally get's a new input and accelerates the car "virtually" to get it to where it should be. Usually though, when this happens you see all kinds of glitched movement, not just a sudden surge like this.
Finally did some qualifying for GVH. Got my time down by a second to 1:48.5 which should put me further up the grid than where I’ve been (11th-12th) in B/S lobbies.

Racing there continues to be close and clean! Gonna miss this race.

Last race I did I gained DR, but the driver who finished ahead of me lost it. He’s also a B driver. Is it that he’s a higher B than me so the game calculated that he should have finished further up the grid?
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Sometimes changing it up at GV does wonders. Switched to the tried and true GT-R, experimented with a tune and cut a half second off my QT - Now at 1:47.8 and I havent been able to get a clean lap yet. Think I solved the first turn issue, was braking too early so not getting a good angle and suffering exit speed. Can consistently lap in the low 1:48s now.

Excited for racing tomorrow. Should have a nice top 5 spot on the grid in B/S. Now just need to find time between college football and GT World Finals.

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I had a fantastic race at Grand Valley last night (well until the last lap!)
Started 14th among A's and half a dozen A+'rs. Even though my qualifying time in the McLaren was 1.6 seconds off the first few places, somehow after all the pitstops I end up 4.5 seconds off the lead on the last lap in 7th place! I tried to get a great exit out of the last chicane - and spun there for the first time all week 😭 I ended up 15th and with 3 seconds of penalties while trying to turn the car around :indiff:
I had a fantastic race at Grand Valley last night (well until the last lap!)
Started 14th among A's and half a dozen A+'rs. Even though my qualifying time in the McLaren was 1.6 seconds off the first few places, somehow after all the pitstops I end up 4.5 seconds off the lead on the last lap in 7th place! I tried to get a great exit out of the last chicane - and spun there for the first time all week 😭 I ended up 15th and with 3 seconds of penalties while trying to turn the car around :indiff:
Too bad there isn't a combination thumbs-up and crying face "like" - it's what I'd give you on this. We've all been there, and we all know how much it sucks to do something like that at the end.

Also, isn't it amazing how small the difference is sometimes between taking a corner right, and spinning out? It's an especially small difference when the adrenaline is flowing!
Finally did some qualifying for GVH. Got my time down by a second to 1:48.5 which should put me further up the grid than where I’ve been (11th-12th) in B/S lobbies.

Racing there continues to be close and clean! Gonna miss this race.

Last race I did I gained DR, but the driver who finished ahead of me lost it. He’s also a B driver. Is it that he’s a higher B than me so the game calculated that he should have finished further up the grid?
More or less, yes. Since this question comes up a bit, I saved the below quote from Famine which sums it all up quiet nicely:

"DR is solely determined by your race finishing positions: a straightforward exchange of points between you, the people you beat, and people who beat you, scaled according to the relative difference in points between you."

On a side note, was you in the green Porsche?

Too bad there isn't a combination thumbs-up and crying face "like" - it's what I'd give you on this. We've all been there, and we all know how much it sucks to do something like that at the end.

Also, isn't it amazing how small the difference is sometimes between taking a corner right, and spinning out? It's an especially small difference when the adrenaline is flowing!
Hey, I don't think I added you on my friends list yet. Want to do a lobby one day, when my time is free?
It's been interesting at Monza today...

I improved my time to a 1:56:5 on main account, only to start in P10 and finish the same with just close racing but no overtakes. Gap from P1 down to me was less than 2 seconds, which was new to me to have such a close cluster all race with no incident.

I then hopped into 2nd account and set a 1:57:0 at the time of the next race. Time is at 1:56:7 and I can improve for sure :)

Race 1 - I start in P7, get shunted on T1 Lap 1 (as usual) and finish in P14 lol..

Race 2 - With my improved qualy time, I start in P2 and having stuck to P1 for the first lap, I then out-braked him with a tow heading into T1 Lap 2 and just remained there with a comfy gap and won :)

Race 3 - Now this is where it gets interesting and annoying at the same time... That win put my 2nd account at the very lowest of A-rating in DR, meaning I started in P9 in a lobby full of A+ drivers. I was managing to stay out of trouble with a few feisty drivers right in front of me. Every driver, except one, had an S-rated SR. The other dude had a C-rating (?!) and who do you think I find next to me after I take 2 places (up to P7) out of the chicane at the end of Sector 1? Yep...

I did slightly nudge him, just a gentle tap, since 3 drivers slowed down and tried to make it out of the bend, but nothing serious. I knew he was next to me so I stuck to his left as much as possible, giving as much room as I could so he could continue without hassle. Nope, he swiped into me and sends me onto the gravel. From P7 I lose 8 positions and down to 15th with 3.5 laps remaining.... I was pissed but knew I was faster so with some clean laps and overtakes, managed to finish inside the top 10 and pleased with my recovery, though disappointed with the overall result.

This is the race:



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More or less, yes. Since this question comes up a bit, I saved the below quote from Famine which sums it all up quiet nicely:

"DR is solely determined by your race finishing positions: a straightforward exchange of points between you, the people you beat, and people who beat you, scaled according to the relative difference in points between you."

On a side note, was you in the green Porsche?

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Thanks for the explanation.

Yes, that was me in the green RSR.

Congrats on P1!

I recently got a PS5. Thought with the bigger player base on the new console, I’d be in less mixed lobbies.
Thanks for the explanation.

Yes, that was me in the green RSR.

Congrats on P1!

I recently got a PS5. Thought with the bigger player base on the new console, I’d be in less mixed lobbies.
Really depends on the time of day you're racing. Typically in the evenings, it's much more populated thus there is less of a DR swing.

BTW - I didn't think I was going crazy. Maybe already there? :lol:

Really depends on the time of day you're racing. Typically in the evenings, it's much more populated thus there is less of a DR swing.

BTW - I didn't think I was going crazy. Maybe already there? :lol:

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I thought you were referring to Monza this week!

Hope to see you on track. Though thinking if I do you’ll be way up front!

Ps glad I was racing clean!
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Hey, I don't think I added you on my friends list yet. Want to do a lobby one day, when my time is free?
I don't even know what "doing a lobby" entails - I know that makes me a luddite! Feel free to add me on your friends list - "dagware".