GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Bad weekend at Glen. Starting always from front row, I could manage just 3 wins and some podiums. In many cases it was my fault. I mean, I was able to also mess up when 1st alone with a gap of 6 sec to the 2nd. Didn't have much races without being punted out from some "very polite" drivers anyway. I accept if someone send it, but not from light years behind. At least I now know the track layout and I'll be ready for next time.
@Gurzu well the positive thing is you got some wins and you started first in a few races, which means you're getting much faster in the game. Watkins Glen takes a while to get used to the layout and the annoying sweepers part, but once you study the CE there and learn each section well, then each race there will be a piece of cake.
@Gurzu well the positive thing is you got some wins and you started first in a few races, which means you're getting much faster in the game. Watkins Glen takes a while to get used to the layout and the annoying sweepers part, but once you study the CE there and learn each section well, then each race there will be a piece of cake.
Track wise I'm ok. I like it very much and I think I'm reasonably "fast" on it, especially at the bus stop (I've made several overtakes there without touching my opponents, even from the outside). The problem is always the same; most drivers just punt you out or they use your sides as help to make the corner. I also start to think that there's a certain amount of drivers that hate being "clean overtaken". It seems to me that they see it almost like an offence, so they send you out for no reason but to satisfy their loser's ego. I could enjoy only five races (among 25) where there was really good racing (regardless the final outcome) like passing through the bus stop side by side without touching or any whatsoever stupid move. But unfortunately those races look like outliers to me, the vast majority wasn't pleasant at all.
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Track wise I'm ok. I like it very much and I think I'm reasonably "fast" on it, especially at the bus stop (I've made several overtakeels there without touching my opponents, even from the outside). The problem is always the same; most drivers just punt you out or they use your sides as help to make the corner. I also start to think that there's a certain amount of drivers that hate being "clean overtaken". It seems to me that they see it almost like an offence, so they send you out for no reason but to satisfy their loser's ego. I could enjoy only five races (among 25) where there was really good racing (regardless the final outcome) like passing through the bus stop side by side without touching or any whatsoever stupid move. But unfortunately those races look like outliers to me, the vast majority wasn't pleasant at all.

I completely understand your feeling and despite the fact that I am quite new at these races... I am starting to be tired of them.
When someone is overtaking me because it is faster, I leave space and often I make it very easy for him because it will be more useful for me to follow him to learn how is driving and why he is faster than me.

I never use other cars to help myself for the overtaking.
Normally I use the aerodynamic speed and before the curve I will try if there is enough space.

I understand that I am even too much polite... but for me these type of race that are just virtual (I am not gaining money... it is not my daily job and this will not pay my bills...) should be just a way to compare my skills against the others and try to improve mine.

So if you see that I am faster, why you kick me out of the track?
Just because you are frustrated... not only in your real life...
...this is what I think about these drivers... and with this sadness I leave at the end where often I wait for some excuses that never arrive...
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Race C didn't excite me too much at the start of the week... granted it's a straight 10-lap sprint, but it's been an awfully good place to learn (and dish out) some useful lessons. Watkins Glen is far from my best circuit, but I'm really starting to improve my laps around there. Naturally, the enjoyment comes hand in hand.

I tried kidding myself in the Cayman for a while, before yielding to the OP-ness of the Honda. A man of my ability can rarely afford to deviate from the meta.

I appreciate a race that rewards consistency and restraint above other things, and I've been on both sides of the bus-stop blame game during the week. It's also been a great time to learn to drive with your FOV occupied 75% by another car's behind.
What a fun week at Nurburgring in daily A!

Started the week on a 8:03.0xx and improved that to a 8:01.3xx

Ran a total of 52 races, and raced quite a few GTP members including @Mc_Yavel @Dairyworker @BenRod and @KosmoKazi

All very clean racing, a few mistakes here and there but no deliberate dirtyness.

Final results for the week:

Pole - 13
Victory - 14
2nd - 20
3rd - 11
4th/5th - 4
6th - 9th - 3

CRB - 37

Until next time, green hell. Thanks for the races.


Busy weekend but had a blast around Race A tonight trying to catch @GOTMAXPOWER

Just a little bit shy but chuffed with a 7:56.1xx :banghead: :cheers:

Wonder what track we will get on the 1.9 GTI on race A tomorrow or will it be the BMW…..

I don't know but good luck to you and everyone this week. I guess we won't know what track/car combos there are until 3am(Eastern Standard Time). Can't believe this game is already three years old, March 4th is the three-year mark I believe. What a milestone this has become, so many bright and talented drivers showing off their racing and helping others out. It's all about teamwork.
Back to race B after 3 weeks of Cs. I'll never use the Veyron btw, it's "philosophically" a nonsense car (I rather use the Suzuki f.i.). I may stick with the NSX for this week also, even not "as meta" as others. It's so well balanced that I'm sure it can extract a competitive QT at TM. A Gurzu style livery is in working progress for her as well. Laguna is way too narrow for Gr.3 cars in DR B lobbies, you all know what I mean.
Have a wonderful racing week out there.
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Laguna is way too narrow for Gr.3 cars in DR B lobbies, you all know what I mean.
Have a wonderful racing week out there.
Heart says get on the track and race C, head says avoid the inevitable. I do find it strange when PD seem to often have 2 tracks in one week blatantly suited to certain speeds and car groups but then mix up the Group or PP attached to them to be the wrong way round.
Tried 3 races at Laguna. First race I went with the 458 as it felt OK in the couple of QT laps I did in it. Bad choice 🙈 it was very good on the mediums and I headed in to the pits 7 seconds up on P2. I came out on hards and it was like I was driving on ice !!! Binned it twice in 4 corners and quit 🤣 Switched to the GTR and that was much better but still a handful on the hard compound. Had a win but a very slow race time of 20.44. The last race I was again out in front but P2 in a BRZ started on the hards and he flew after the switch. I decided to let him go and cane home P2 +2 seconds behind. The race time was just 20.25, nearly 20 seconds faster!! It seems that it's going to be an interesting week. I will be sticking with anything AWD that's for sure 🤣 Got my QT down to 1:22.5 but I know it's still early yet. Will have another go in a while. Just be warned about the cold hards 😉😉
Booo PD just patched race A so it won't rain, the one I just did was crazy with half the grid starting on slicks and spinning off 😅

Edit: A photo so you know it did rain and I'm not going mad 😅
View attachment 1433024
Well, that sucks!

To be fair, the Race A crowd isn't a place where I'd expect many players paying much attention to weather radars and/or tyre regulations.

Which reminds me, maybe if dynamic weather were more of a regular thing on Sport Mode, people would get into the habit of ALWAYS checking...
Well, that sucks!

To be fair, the Race A crowd isn't a place where I'd expect many players paying much attention to weather radars and/or tyre regulations.

Which reminds me, maybe if dynamic weather were more of a regular thing on Sport Mode, people would get into the habit of ALWAYS checking...
Last week I've seen several times people pit-stopping at Glen... During weekend. 🤔
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Well another decent days racing I’d say, back to BS and fighting for wins so I’d be happy with that but it’s been a case of what could have been with some mistakes here and there.

Very fast weeks racing and the faster guys were just a little of my and my Porsche’s reach.

I took the time to make some videos now I figured out how to snip the bits of video I wanted to show 😁 (any other tips gratefully received)

If you get the time - have a watch, no wins but fierce racing

Until next week guys

Some great racing on tap there, sir, and a great watch!! You were in some solid lobbies for racing, too. Mine seemed to work out as 1 - 3 folks breaking-away with 2 - 10 secs between them and the next pack. Probably for the better that way, I struggle in large crowds, lol.

As is typically the case, it was around Sunday afternoon when I got comfy with the CoD. Countless races thrown away through that damn thing. Going the opposite direction I've managed to pick-up positions through there...last week I was just lucky to survive. Figured out why I was struggling (too many contrasting colors in small space made eyeballing a turn-in marker tough for me) so will be able to leverage next time.

Looks like it's gonna be a week at Trial Mountain for me...glad I like the place. Seems a popular destination 'round here.😁


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