I'm no fancy dashboard/UI designer, but I've been working on a quick and dirty app to suit one of my own use cases.
Currently I have an online database where I store all of my "average Joe takes the car around a track without dedicated practice" times, usually on the Nords, sometimes on other tracks. Last night I realised that because I can simply listen for a lap counter change in the game's packets, I can automate almost the entire process. I made a list of all of the cars' makes and names to link to the IDs that the packets display so that I don't have to populate the car fields myself.
Usually I would set a lap and put the details in a form manually to submit to my site, but now with the sim interface, I only have to manually specify the track that I was on - this pic shows the time completed in the game, my program on top of it having submitted the time, and the same time on my webpage:
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